
Crafting time
When hovering over an item recipe, you may see a clock symbol and a number. This is the amount of time needed to craft the item in game seconds. Assembling machines have a multiplier that determines their crafting speed. Modules may also affect crafting time, either speeding it up or slowing it down for some other benefit.
Game time
Time in Factorio may also refer to:
- game time: measured in Game-ticks or Game-seconds. This is very important.
- game speed factor: the factor that is used to multiply real time to achieve game time.
Real time and game time is normally equal, so the factor is normally 1. It can be changed using the console and setting the variable game.speed.
Game time may also be slowed if the game processing cannot keep up (e.g. 100% of CPU resources are being used). If the game cannot keep up with real time, then the game time automatically decreases to the needed amount, resulting in stuttering gameplay.