MediaWiki:Vectordark.css: Difference between revisions
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(fix code block linu number background) |
(fix codemirror dark on dark text) |
Line 1,135: | Line 1,135: | || pre, .mw-content-ltr.content .mw-highlight-lines pre { | pre, .mw-content-ltr.content .mw-highlight-lines pre { | ||
box-shadow: inset 2.75em 0 0 #222; | box-shadow: inset 2.75em 0 0 #222; | ||
} | |||
/* fix codemirror dark on dark text -- ideally the styles would be adjusted for dark mode but this will do for now */ | |||
.CodeMirror-line { | |||
background: #eee !important; | |||
} | } | ||
} | } |
Revision as of 13:14, 8 January 2024
/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Vectordark skin */
@media screen {
/* Override Vector colour scheme to make it dark (compiled from modified LESS code) */
h6 {
color: #ffe6c0
.mw-body h1, .mw-body h2 {
font-family: "Titillium Web", sans-serif;
hr {
color: #222;
background-color: #222
.editOptions {
background-color: #333;
border-color: #4c4c4c
textarea {
background-color: #3e3e3e;
border-color: #4c4c4c;
color: #c1c1c1
#wpBio {
background-color: #4c4c4c !important
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.mw-body a.extiw {
color: #e69100
.toctogglelabel {
color: #e69100
.mw-body a.external:visited,
.mw-body a.extiw:visited {
color: #a87723
#p-personal {
color: #d44
.skin-vector-legacy {
color: #d44
ul {
list-style-image: none
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background-color: #4c4c4c;
border-color: #666
li.gallerybox div.thumb {
background-color: #444;
border-color: #666
.tocnumber {
color: inherit;
code {
border-color: #AAAAAA;
background-color: #2A2A2A;
color: #c1c1c1
table.mw_metadata td,
table.mw_metadata th,
table.wikitable>*>tr>td {
color: #c1c1c1;
background-color: #393939;
border-color: #888
table.mw_metadata th,
table.wikitable>*>tr>th {
background-color: #424242
table.diff {
background-color: #4c4c4c
td .diffchange {
color: #4c4c4c
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td.diff-context {
background-color: inherit;
color: inherit;
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border: 0
} li.gallerybox:hover div.gallerytextwrapper, li.gallerybox div.gallerytextwrapper, div.gallerytextwrapper {
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background-color: #222;
background-image: linear-gradient(#333 20%, #222 100%);
margin-right: 1px
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.vector-menu-tabs a:visited {
color: #d44
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.vector-menu-tabs li.selected {
background-color: #333;
background-image: none !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid #333
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.vector-menu-tabs li.selected a,
.vector-menu-tabs li.selected a:visited,
.vector-menu-tabs li.selected a:visited {
color: #a87723
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.vector-menu-tabs li a {
color: #e69100
.vector-menu-dropdown {
padding-right: 2px
.vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-heading {
color: #e69100
.vector-menu-dropdown li a {
color: #e69100
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.vector-menu-dropdown li.selected a:visited {
color: #a87723;
text-decoration: none
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border-color: #333;
margin-top: 1px;
background-color: #4c4c4c;
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-heading {
background-image: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid #4c4c4c;
color: #c1c1c1;
#mw-navigation div#mw-panel div.portal#p-logo,
#mw-navigation div#mw-panel div.portal#p-navigation {
border-top: none
body {
background-color: #2a2a2a
.mw-body {
border: 1px solid #1f1f1f;
border-right-width: 0;
margin-top: 0;
background-color: #333;
color: #c1c1c1;
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.mw-body .mw-editsection-like {
font-family: sans-serif
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.mw-body #firstHeading {
font-size: 1.8em
.mw-body h3 {
font-size: 1.17em
.mw-body h4,
.mw-body h5,
.mw-body h6 {
font-size: 100%
.mw-body #toc h2,
.mw-body .toc h2 {
font-size: 100%;
font-family: sans-serif
div.emptyPortlet {
display: none
ul {
list-style-type: disc;
.mw-code {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #333 !important;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
#siteNotice {
font-size: .8em
.redirectText {
font-size: 140%
.redirectMsg img {
vertical-align: text-bottom
.mw-body-content {
position: relative;
body.vector-animateLayout .mw-body,
body.vector-animateLayout div#footer,
body.vector-animateLayout #left-navigation {
-webkit-transition: margin-left 250ms, padding 250ms;
-moz-transition: margin-left 250ms, padding 250ms;
-o-transition: margin-left 250ms, padding 250ms;
transition: margin-left 250ms, padding 250ms
body.vector-animateLayout #p-logo {
-webkit-transition: left 250ms;
-moz-transition: left 250ms;
-o-transition: left 250ms;
transition: left 250ms
body.vector-animateLayout #mw-panel {
-webkit-transition: padding-right 250ms;
-moz-transition: padding-right 250ms;
-o-transition: padding-right 250ms;
transition: padding-right 250ms
body.vector-animateLayout #p-search {
-webkit-transition: margin-right 250ms;
-moz-transition: margin-right 250ms;
-o-transition: margin-right 250ms;
transition: margin-right 250ms
body.vector-animateLayout #p-personal {
-webkit-transition: right 250ms;
-moz-transition: right 250ms;
-o-transition: right 250ms;
transition: right 250ms
body.vector-animateLayout #mw-head-base {
-webkit-transition: margin-left 250ms;
-moz-transition: margin-left 250ms;
-o-transition: margin-left 250ms;
transition: margin-left 250ms
/* #pt-userpage,
#pt-anonuserpage {
background-image: ; change this for a better image left of the user name
} */
#p-search h3 {
display: none
.vector-search-box-input:focus, .vector-search-box-inner:hover .vector-search-box-input:focus {
border-color: #e69100;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #e69100;
div#simpleSearch #searchInput.placeholder {
color: #999
div#simpleSearch #searchInput:-ms-input-placeholder {
color: #999
div#simpleSearch #searchInput:-moz-placeholder {
color: #999
div#simpleSearch #searchInput::-webkit-search-decoration,
div#simpleSearch #searchInput::-webkit-search-cancel-button,
div#simpleSearch #searchInput::-webkit-search-results-button,
div#simpleSearch #searchInput::-webkit-search-results-decoration {
-webkit-appearance: textfield
div#simpleSearch #mw-searchButton {
z-index: 1
div.vectorTabs h3 {
display: none
div.vectorTabs a,
div.vectorTabs a:visited {
color: #a55858
div.vectorTabs li.selected a,
div.vectorTabs li.selected a:visited {
color: #333;
text-decoration: none
div.vectorTabs li.icon a {
background-position: bottom right;
background-repeat: no-repeat
div.vectorTabs li a {
color: #e69100;
div.vectorTabs li>a {
display: block
body.rtl div.vectorMenu {
direction: rtl
div.vectorMenu h3 span::after {
background-image: url(/skins/Vectordark/images/arrow-down-icon.png?d72f0);
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url(data:image/svg+xml,;
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url(/skins/Vectordark/images/arrow-down-icon.svg?92f5b)!ie;
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url(/skins/Vectordark/images/arrow-down-icon.png?d72f0);
background-position: 120% 50%;
div.vectorMenu.menuForceShow h3 a {
background-position: 100% 100%
div.vectorMenu.menuForceShow {
display: block
div.vectorMenu ul {
list-style-type: none;
list-style-image: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
text-align: left
div.vectorMenu ul,
x:-moz-any-link {
min-width: 5em
div.vectorMenu ul,
x:default {
min-width: 0
div.vectorMenu li.selected a,
div.vectorMenu li.selected a:visited {
color: #333;
text-decoration: none
@-webkit-keyframes rotate {
from {
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
transform: rotate(0deg)
to {
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(360deg);
transform: rotate(360deg)
@-moz-keyframes rotate {
from {
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
transform: rotate(0deg)
to {
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(360deg);
transform: rotate(360deg)
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from {
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
transform: rotate(0deg)
to {
-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(360deg);
transform: rotate(360deg)
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from {
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
transform: rotate(0deg)
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-moz-transform: rotate(360deg);
transform: rotate(360deg)
#mw-navigation h2 {
position: absolute;
top: -9999px
#mw-page-base {
height: 5em;
background-position: bottom left;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-color: #2a2a2a;
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #333 50%, #2a2a2a 100%);
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(50%, #333), color-stop(100%, #2a2a2a));
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #333 50%, #2a2a2a 100%);
background-image: linear-gradient(#333 50%, #2a2a2a 100%);
background-color: #333
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a {
color: #e69100
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a:visited {
color: #a87723
div#mw-panel div.portal.first {
background-image: none;
margin-top: 0
div#mw-panel div.portal.first h3 {
display: none
div#mw-panel div.portal.first div.body {
margin-left: .5em
div#mw-panel div.portal .body {
background-image: none;
div#footer ul li {
color: #595959;
div#footer #footer-info li {
line-height: 1.4em
.mw-body .external {
background-position: center right;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-right: 13px;
/* For the ContentCell Template */
.factorio-contentcell {
background: #242324;
border: none;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px 2px #141314,-1px -1px 2px 1px #2a292a,2px 2px 3px 0px #656565;
border-radius: 0px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
.factorio-contentcell .titlebar {
background: inherit;
color: #ffe6c0;
font-size: 150%;
font-family: "Titillium Web",sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
/* Languages container on the main page */
.languages-container {
background: #333;
.languages-container p {
margin: 0 !important;
/* Search Widget on the top of the page */
.suggestions {
color: #c1c1c1;
.suggestions, .suggestions, .suggestions {
color: #d7d7d7;
.suggestions-results {
background-color: #4c4c4c;
.suggestions-result {
color: #c1c1c1;
.suggestions-special {
background-color: #4c4c4c;
color: #c1c1c1;
.suggestions-result-current {
background-color: #595959;
color: #d7d7d7;
.suggestions-result-current .special-label, .suggestions-result-current .special-query {
color: #d7d7d7;
.suggestions-special .special-query {
color: #c1c1c1;
div#simpleSearch #searchInput {
color: #c1c1c1;
background-color: #333;
/* Search page */
#mw-searchoptions {
background-color: #4c4c4c;
border-color: #c0c0c0;
.mw-search-profile-tabs {
background: #595959 !important;
.search-types .current a {
color: #c1c1c1 !important;
.oo-ui-textInputWidget input,
.oo-ui-textInputWidget textarea {
background-color: #333 !important;
color: #c1c1c1 !important;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 0.1em #C0C0C0 !important
.oo-ui-widget.oo-ui-widget-enabled input:focus {
border-color: #72777d;
.oo-ui-menuSelectWidget {
background-color: #333;
border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px;
box-shadow: 0 0.15em 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
.oo-ui-menuOptionWidget.oo-ui-optionWidget-highlighted {
background-color: #4c4c4c;
.oo-ui-menuOptionWidget.oo-ui-optionWidget-selected {
background-color: #4c4c4c;
.oo-ui-menuOptionWidget.oo-ui-optionWidget > .oo-ui-labelElement-label {
color: #e69100;
.oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-flaggedElement-primary.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive>.oo-ui-buttonElement-button, .oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button {
.oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-flaggedElement-primary.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover, .oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover {
border-color:#e69100 ;
/* Move page */
.oo-ui-dropdownWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled .oo-ui-dropdownWidget-handle {
color: #c1c1c1;
background-color: #333;
border-color: #72777d;
.oo-ui-dropdownWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-dropdownWidget-open .oo-ui-dropdownWidget-handle {
background-color: #333;
.oo-ui-dropdownWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled .oo-ui-dropdownWidget-handle:hover {
background-color: #333;
border-color: #9aa0a7
.oo-ui-dropdownWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled .oo-ui-dropdownWidget-handle:focus {
border-color: #e69100 !important;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #e69100 !important;
.oo-ui-textInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled input:focus, .oo-ui-textInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled textarea:focus {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #e69100 !important;
border-color: #e69100 !important;
.oo-ui-textInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled input, .oo-ui-textInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled textarea {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 0.1em #333;
.oo-ui-textInputWidget input, .oo-ui-textInputWidget textarea {
border-color: #72777d;
.oo-ui-textInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled input:hover, .oo-ui-textInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled textarea:hover {
border-color: #9aa0a7
/* --- Navbox --- */
.navbox {
padding-bottom: 5px
.navbox th {
background: #1c1c1c;
border-radius: 2px 2px 0px 0px
.navbox .navbox-header {
background: #2a2a2a !important;
color: #c1c1c1 !important
.navbox .list-data {
background: #3a3939 !important;
border-radius: 0px 2px 2px 0px
.navbox .group-data {
background: #4c4c4c !important;
border-radius: 2px 0px 0px 2px;
font-weight: bold
.navbox p {
margin: 0 !important;
.navbox-inner {
background: #a87723;
border: 2px solid #e69100;
border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px
/* Boilerplate */
.boilerplate {
background-color: #1c1c1c !important
/* --- Infobox --- */
.infobox {
margin-bottom: 5px;
border-radius: 0;
background: #242324;
border-color: #141414 #3E3E3E #3E3E3E #141414;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 3px;
.infobox .infobox-header {
border-radius: 0;
border-width: 2px;
border-color: #141414 #3E3E3E #3E3E3E #141414;
border-style: solid;
.infobox .infobox-image {
border-width: 2px;
border-color: #141414 #3E3E3E #3E3E3E #141414;
border-style: solid;
.infobox p {
margin: 0;
.infobox table {
padding: 0;
.infobox .infobox-header-text {
font-family: "Titillium Web", sans-serif;
.infobox .combat {
background: #611616;
color: #c1c1c1;
.infobox .intermediates {
background: #54543f;
color: #c1c1c1;
.infobox .production {
background: #588435;
color: #2a2a2a;
.infobox .logistics {
background: #5a0c41;
color: #c1c1c1;
.infobox .technology {
background: #004d00;
color: #c1c1c1;
.infobox .default-infobox {
background: #126682;
color: #c1c1c1;
.infobox .tabber .tabbernav {
border-bottom: none;
padding-bottom: 3px;
/* the borders of the infobox rows */
.infobox tr.border-top td {
border-top: 2px solid #141414;
padding: 0px 4px 1px 4px;
.infobox tr td[colspan] {
border-bottom: none;
.infobox tr td, .infobox tr td.infobox-vrow-value, .infobox tr td.infobox-extra {
border-bottom: 2px solid #3e3e3e;
.infobox div.infobox-header tr td{
border-bottom: none;
/* Disambiguation Template */
.factoriodisambig {
background: #333 !important;
.factoriodisambig i {
color: #c1c1c1 !important;
/* factorio cleanup box */
.factoriocleanup {
background: #1c1c1c !important;
/* Delete Box */
.factoriodelete {
background: #1c1c1c !important
/* doc template */
.factorio-doc {
background-color: #1c1c1c;
/* Game Image */
#license {
background: #1c1c1c !important;
/* Template:Key */
.keyboard-key {
background-color: #1c1c1c !important;
/* Template Merge */
.factoriomerge {
background-color: #1c1c1c !important;
/* Template Move */
#move {
background-color: #1c1c1c !important;
/* Template Shortcut */
.shortcutbox {
background-color: #1c1c1c !important;
/* Spoilers */
.spoiler-container .button {
background: #3a3939 !important;
/* Preview Note */
.previewnote {
color: #db1f1f;
/* DataTable Fix */
.mw-datatable th {
background-color: #4c4c4c !important;
.mw-datatable td {
background-color: #3a3939 !important;
.mw-datatable tr:hover td {
background-color: #4c4c4c !important;
/* File List (Special:ListFiles) */
.oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-disabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button {
background-color: #8a794c;
color: #2a2a2a;
border-color: #8a794c;
.oo-ui-buttonGroupWidget .oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-disabled + .oo-ui-widget-disabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button {
border-left-color: transparent;
.oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover {
color: #e69100;
text-decoration: underline;
.oo-ui-icon-previous, .mw-ui-icon-previous::before {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/prev.svg);
.oo-ui-image-progressive.oo-ui-icon-previous, .mw-ui-icon-previous-progressive::before {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/active-prev.svg);
.oo-ui-icon-first, .mw-ui-icon-first::before {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/first.svg);
.oo-ui-image-progressive.oo-ui-icon-first, .mw-ui-icon-first-progressive::before {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/active-first.svg);
.oo-ui-icon-next, .mw-ui-icon-next::before {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/next.svg);
.oo-ui-image-progressive.oo-ui-icon-next , .mw-ui-icon-next -progressive::before {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/active-next.svg);
.oo-ui-icon-last, .mw-ui-icon-last::before {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/last.svg);
.oo-ui-image-progressive.oo-ui-icon-last, .mw-ui-icon-last-progressive::before {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/active-last.svg);
/* up small */
.mw-datatable-is-ascending a {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/s-up.svg);
/* down small */
.mw-datatable-is-descending a {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/s-down.svg);
/* Tabber Navigation */
ul.tabbernav li a {
background: #333333;
border-color: #3E3E3E #141414 #141414 #3E3E3E;
border-width: 2px;
ul.tabbernav li a:link {
color: #e69100;
ul.tabbernav li.tabberactive a {
background-color: #242324;
border-width: 2px;
border-color: #141414 #3E3E3E #242324 #141414;
border-style: solid;
ul.tabbernav li a:hover {
color:#e69100 !important;
background:#5c5c5c !important;
border-color: #3E3E3E #141414 #141414 #3E3E3E;
ul.tabbernav li.tabberactive a:hover {
border-color: #141414 #3E3E3E #242324 #141414;
border-bottom: 2px solid #242324 !important
ul.tabbernav li a:visited {
color: #a87723;
/* table of content colors that arent TOCs eg collapsible on balancer page, deletion warning */
.toccolours, .mw-warning {
border-color: #666;
background-color: #444;
/* Watch/unwatch icon */
.vector-menu-tabs #ca-unwatch.icon .loading::before, .vector-menu-tabs #ca-watch.icon .loading::before {
outline: none;
background-position: 50% 60%;
-webkit-transform-origin: 50% 57%;
transform-origin: 50% 57%
.vector-menu-tabs #ca-watch.icon a::before {
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),
.vector-menu-tabs #ca-watch.icon a:hover::before, .vector-menu-tabs #ca-watch.icon a:focus::before {
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),
.vector-menu-tabs #ca-unwatch.icon a::before {
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),
.vector-menu-tabs #ca-unwatch.icon a:hover::before, .vector-menu-tabs #ca-unwatch.icon a:focus::before {
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),
/* Recent changes byte colors */
.mw-plusminus-pos {
color: #0c870c
.mw-plusminus-neg {
color: #db1f1f
/* Selector lists */
select {
color: #c1c1c1;
background-color: #4c4c4c
/* Confirm account extension */
.mw-confirmaccount-type-0 {
background-color: #333
.mw-confirmaccount-body-0 {
background-color: #333
.mw-confirmaccount-bar {
background-color: #2A2A2A;
border-width: 2px
/* Special:Preferences */
.client-js #preferences {
border: 1px solid #4c4c4c;
background-color: #2a2a2a;
.client-js #preferences fieldset {
border-top-color: #4c4c4c
.client-js #preferences legend {
color: inherit
.client-js #preftoc {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/preferences/break.png)
.client-js #preftoc li {
background-image: url(/resources/dark/preferences/break.png)
.client-js #preftoc a, .client-js #preftoc a:active {
color: #e69100;
.client-js #preftoc li.selected a {
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #333 20%, #2a2a2a 100%);
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optgroup {
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/* Fancy Template:Icon */
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/* Prototype table of contents */
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/* Recent changes top box js version */
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/* Not sure if this ever shows up */
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/* fix codemirror dark on dark text -- ideally the styles would be adjusted for dark mode but this will do for now */
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