Template:Translation/de: Difference between revisions

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M.C.S. (talk | contribs)
Added missing infobox translations
M.C.S. (talk | contribs)
m missed "limited arc" translation
Line 888: Line 888:
| Fuel buffer = Brennstoffspeicher
| Fuel buffer = Brennstoffspeicher
| Pass-through pipe = Durchgangsrohr
| Pass-through pipe = Durchgangsrohr
| Limited 120° arc = Begrenzter 120°-Winkel
| Contact damage = Kontaktschaden
| Contact damage = Kontaktschaden
| Fire on the ground = Feuer am Boden
| Fire on the ground = Feuer am Boden

Revision as of 19:04, 21 May 2020
