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The permissions system provides control over what players are allowed to do while in a specific game. This system is most useful in [[multiplayer]], but may also be used in singleplayer. The permissions GUI can be opened using the /permissions command in the [[console]]. It is important to note that the permissions system is based on input actions, which are what gets sent from clients to the host. This means that some permissions don't prevent you from changing things that are client side, only that changing those things won't be reflected from the server's perspective.
The permissions system provides control over what players are allowed to do while in a specific game. This system is most useful in [[multiplayer]], but may also be used in singleplayer. The permissions GUI can be opened using the /permissions command in the [[console]]. <!-- Bug: It is important to note that the permissions system is based on input actions, which are what gets sent from clients to the host. This means that some permissions don't prevent you from changing things that are client side, only that changing those things won't be reflected from the server's perspective. -->

== Overview ==
== Overview ==
Line 42: Line 42:
| Cancel new blueprint || Exit out of the blueprint editing menu by pressing escape (X button still works).
| Cancel new blueprint || Exit out of the blueprint editing menu by pressing escape (X button still works).
| Cancel research || Cancel ongoing research (Does not correctly show in research gui in singleplayer, research will appear cancelled but resumes as soon as window is closed)
| Cancel research || Cancel ongoing research. <!-- (Does not correctly show in research gui in singleplayer, research will appear cancelled but resumes as soon as window is closed) -->
| Cancel upgrade || Cancel an entity upgrade created with the upgrade planner.
| Cancel upgrade || Cancel an entity upgrade created with the upgrade planner.
Line 52: Line 52:
| Change active item group for filters || ? (supposed to be the different tabs in filter menus)
| Change active item group for filters || ? (supposed to be the different tabs in filter menus)
| Change active quick bar || Change which quick bar row is selected (only affects server)
| Change active quick bar || Change which quick bar row is selected <!-- (only affects server) -->
| Change arithmetic combinator parameters || Make changes to any of the settings of arithmetic combinators.
| Change arithmetic combinator parameters || Make changes to any of the settings of arithmetic combinators.
Line 294: Line 294:
| Set filter || Filter inventory slots to a specific item.
| Set filter || Filter inventory slots to a specific item.
| Set flat controller gui || ? (does not affect changing to/from flat character gui)
| Set flat controller gui || ? <!-- (does not affect changing to/from flat character gui) -->
| Set heat interface mode || Set the mode of a heat interface (editor only item).
| Set heat interface mode || Set the mode of a heat interface (editor only item).

Revision as of 07:59, 30 August 2024

The permissions system provides control over what players are allowed to do while in a specific game. This system is most useful in multiplayer, but may also be used in singleplayer. The permissions GUI can be opened using the /permissions command in the console.


Permission Description
Activate copy Get a copy tool by pressing Ctrl + C or the copy button on the shortcut bar.
Activate cut Get a cut tool by pressing Ctrl + X or the cut button on the shortcut bar.
Activate paste Get a paste tool by pressing Ctrl + V or the paste button on the shortcut bar.
Add permission group Create a new permission group in the permissions settings.
Add train station Add a train station to a train schedule.
Admin action Do anything that requires admin permissions, such as using commands like /ban or opening other players.
Alt reverse select area Right click and hold Shift while using a selection tool.
Alt select area Hold Shift when using a selection tool.
Alt select blueprint entities Select blueprint while holding shift to skip the blueprint edit window.
Alternative copy Copy while holding Shift to open a blueprint edit window.
Begin mining Mine an entity
Begin mining terrain Mine any tile (removing paving)
Build Place an entity.
Build rail Use the rail planner
Build terrain Place any tile.
Cancel craft Cancel items in the handcrafting queue
Cancel deconstruct Cancel deconstruction plans by selecting entities/tiles marked for deconstruction with a deconstruction planner while holding Shift.
Cancel new blueprint Exit out of the blueprint editing menu by pressing escape (X button still works).
Cancel research Cancel ongoing research.
Cancel upgrade Cancel an entity upgrade created with the upgrade planner.
Change active character tab ? (Switching between the crafting and logistics tabs when flat gui is enabled still works as normal)
Change active item group for crafting ? (supposed to be the different recipe tabs in crafting menus)
Change active item group for filters ? (supposed to be the different tabs in filter menus)
Change active quick bar Change which quick bar row is selected
Change arithmetic combinator parameters Make changes to any of the settings of arithmetic combinators.
Change decider combinator parameters Make changes to any of the settings of decider combinators.
Change entity label ?
Change item description ?
Change item label ?
Change multiplayer config Use /config to edit the multiplayer settings.
Change picking state Pick up items from the floor by holding F.
Change programmable speaker alert parameters Change any of the programmable speaker's alert settings.
Change programmable speaker circuit parameters Change the programmable speaker's "signal value is pitch" setting.
Change programmable speaker parameters Change the programmable speaker's "Volume", "Global playback" and "Allow polyphony" settings.
Change riding state Control any vehicle (getting in and out is still possible).
Change shooting state Shoot at anything.
Change train stop station Change the name of a train stop.
Change train wait condition Add or remove wait conditions in a train schedule.
Change train wait condition data Edit the contents of wait conditions in a train schedule.
Clear cursor Clear the cursor by pressing Q.
Connect rolling stock Connect multiple trains together using the "connect rolling stock" keybind.
Copy Copy entities using the copy tool.
Copy entity settings Copy the settings of an entity with Shift + RMB.
Copy opened blueprint Make a copy of an opened blueprint using the "create copy of this" button.
Copy opened item Make a copy of an opened item that is not a blueprint (i.e. planners) using the "create copy of this" button.
Craft Handcraft recipes from your inventory.
Cursor split Pick up half a stack of items from an inventory by right clicking it.
Cursor transfer Pick up a stack of items from an inventory by clicking it.
Custom input Use custom inputs defined by mods.
Cycle blueprint book backwards Cycle through the blueprints in a blueprint book in reverse order with Shift + Scroll.
Cycle blueprint book Cycle through the blueprints in a blueprint book by scrolling.
Deconstruct Mark items for deconstruction using a deconstruction planner.
Delete blueprint library Delete a blueprint that is placed in the player's personal blueprint library. (Taking the blueprint out and then deleting it still works.)
Delete blueprint record Delete a blueprint that is placed in the Game blueprints menu. (Taking the blueprint out and then deleting it still works.)
Delete custom tag Delete a custom tag that has been placed on the map.
Delete permission group Delete a permission group in the permission setting.
Destroy item Ctrl + MMB in the editor to delete an item.
Destroy opened item Destroy a blueprint or planner that is opened using the Destroy button.
Disconnect rolling stock Disconnect wagons using the "disconnect rolling stock" keybind.
Drag train schedule Rearrange stations in a train schedule by dragging them.
Drag train wait condition Rearrange wait conditions in a train schedule by dragging them.
Drop blueprint record Drop a blueprint from your blueprint library onto the ground by pressing Z.
Drop item Drop an item onto the floor by pressing Z.
Edit blueprint tool preview Edit the name, icon or description fields of a blueprint.
Edit custom tag Edit a custom tag that has been placed on the map.
Edit permission group Edit the settings for an existing permission group in the permissions settings.
Export blueprint Export a blueprint to a blueprint string.
Fast entity split Fast transfer half a stack of items to an entity by holding a stack and pressing Ctrl + RMB.
Fast entity transfer Fast transfer a stack of items to an entity by holding a stack and pressing Ctrl + LMB.
Flush opened entity fluid Flush fluids from a specific entity.
Flush opened entity specific fluid Flush fluids from a connected fluid network.
Go to train station Send a train to a specific station in its schedule. (Temporary stops still work)
Grab blueprint record Take blueprints out of the blueprint library. (Copying still works)
Gui checked state changed Toggle check boxes in modded GUIs
Gui click Click elements in modded GUIs.
Gui confirmed Press E to confirm modded GUIs.
Gui elem changed Change a button's selected element in modded GUIs.
Gui hover Hover over elements in modded GUIs.
Gui leave Stop hovering over elements in modded GUIs.
Gui location changed Drag modded GUIs around the screen.
Gui selected tab changed Select tabs of tabbed panes in modded GUIs.
Gui selection state changed Change dropdowns or list boxes in modded GUIs.
Gui switch state changed Toggle switches in modded GUIs.
Gui text changed Edit textboxes or textfields in modded GUIs.
Gui value changed Change sliders in modded GUIs.
Import blueprint ? (May only work in multiplayer?)
Import blueprint string Import blueprints using the import blueprint string menu.
Import blueprints filtered ? (multiplayer importing blueprints by getting them from the library as client?)
Import permissions string Import a permissions string in the permissions settings.
Inventory split Quick transfer half of all items or all items of a specific kind to another inventory with Ctrl + RMB
Inventory transfer Quick transfer all items or all items of a specific kind from one inventory to another with Ctrl + LMB
Launch rocket Launch a rocket from the rocket silo
Lua shortcut Use a modded shortcut from the bottom right buttons.
Map editor action Use any of the features of the map editor (opening it is still possible).
Market offer Interact with the market entity.
Mod settings changed Change any mod settings.
Open achievements gui Open the Achievements menu.
Open blueprint library gui Open the blueprint library.
Open blueprint record Open the blueprint edit menu for any blueprint in the blueprint library.
Open bonus gui Open the bonuses menu.
Open character gui Open the character inventory/crafting menu
Open current vehicle gui Open the gui of the currently driven vehicle with the button at the bottom-left of the screen.
Open equipment Open the menus of individual personal equipment items. (No openable equipment exists in vanilla)
Open gui Open any entity menus.
Open item Open the editing menus of blueprints and planners.
Open logistic gui Open the logistic networks menu.
Open mod item ?
Open parent of opened item Directly open the parent inventory of items such as blueprint books.
Open production gui Open the production statistics menu.
Open technology gui Open the tech tree menu.
Open tips and tricks gui Open the tips and tricks menu.
Open train gui Open the trains overview menu.
Paste entity settings Paste the settings of an entity with Shift + LMB.
Place equipment Place personal equipment into equipment grids.
Quick bar pick slot Select items placed on the quick bar.
Quick bar set selected page Change the selected quick bar page.
Quick bar set slot Reassign a quick bar slot to hold a new item. (Assigning items to empty slots is still possible)
Reassign blueprint Select new contents for a blueprint.
Remove cables Remove cables from power boles using Shift + LMB.
Remove train station Remove stations from train schedules.
Reset assembling machine Remove the recipe from an assembling machine.
Reset item Reset items such as spidertron remotes.
Reverse select area Right click while using a selection tool.
Rotate entity Rotate already placed entities.
Select area Left click while using a selection tool.
Select blueprint entities Select entities to include in a blueprint.
Select entity slot Set entity filters in deconstruction planners.
Select item ? (something to do with spidertrons)
Select mapper slot Set upgrade filters in upgrade planners.
Select next valid gun Switch between weapons by pressing Tab.
Select tile slot Set tile filters in deconstruction planners.
Send spidertron Use the remote control to send a spidertron somewhere.
Set auto launch rocket Set a rocket silo to automatically launch rockets.
Set autosort inventory Change the "always keep the player's main inventory sorted" setting. (Setting will still change, but the change has no effect.)
Set behaviour mode Change the "read hand mode" or "read content mode" on inserters and belts.
Set car weapons control Change who has control of the weapons in a car when there are multiple people on board.
Set circuit condition Change the enabled condition settings on any circuit connected entities.
Set circuit mode of operation Change the mode of operation settings on any circuit controlled entities.
Set controller logistic trash filter item Change the maximum count for a personal logistic request.
Set deconstruction item trees and rocks only Change the deconstruction planner's "trees/rocks only" checkbox.
Set entity color Change the color of any entity that supports this.
Set entity energy property Change the settings on an electric energy interface (editor only item).
Set entity logistic trash filter item Change the maximum count for an entity's logistic request.
Set filter Filter inventory slots to a specific item.
Set flat controller gui ?
Set heat interface mode Set the mode of a heat interface (editor only item).
Set heat interface temperature Set the temperature on a heat interface (editor only item).
Set infinity container filter item Change the filters on infinity chests (editor only item)
Set infinity container remove unfiltered items Change the remove unfiltered items setting on infinity chests (editor only item).
Set infinity pipe filter Set the fluid type on an infinity pipe (editor only item).
Set inserter max stack size Change the stack size limit on inserters.
Set inventory bar Set the inventory limit in chests or other inventories.
Set linked container link ID Change which network linked chests are connected to (editor only item).
Set logistic filter item Change any personal logistics request filters.
Set logistic filter signal Change output signals on constant combinators.
Set player color Change the color of the player's character.
Set recipe notifications Change whether new recipes are marked as new in the crafting menu.
Set request from buffers Change the "request from buffer chests" setting on requester chests.
Set research finished stops game Set whether the technology tree opens automatically after finishing a research.
Set signal ? (not setting signals in circuit connected entities)
Set splitter priority Change the priority settings on splitters.
Set train stopped Toggle trains between manual and automatic modes.
Set trains limit Change the train limit setting on train stops.
Set vehicle automatic targeting parameters Change the automatic targeting settings on autonomous vehicles such as the spidertron.
Setup assembling machine Set the recipe on assembling machines that do not have a recipe set.
Setup blueprint Create a blueprint from the blueprint edit menu.
Setup single blueprint record ?
Smart pipette Smart pipette functions such as selecting a miner when using the pipette on ore.
Spawn item ? (something to do with modded shortcuts that spawn items?)
Stack split Transfer half a stack of items to another inventory with Shift + RMB.
Stack transfer Transfer a stack of items to another inventory with Shift + LMB.
Start repair Repair entities using a repair pack.
Start research Start new research in the tech tree menu.
Start walking Walk around.
Stop building by moving ?
Switch connect to logistic network Connect or disconnect machines from the logistic network.
Switch constant combinator state Toggle constant combinators on or off.
Switch inserter filter mode state Switch between blacklist and whitelist on filter inserters.
Switch power switch state Toggle power switches on or off.
Switch to rename stop gui Open the rename train stop menu by clicking the pencil icon next to the stop name.
Take equipment Remove equipment from an equipment grid.
Toggle deconstruction item entity filter mode Toggle the "entities only" switch on deconstruction planners.
Toggle deconstruction item tile filter mode Toggle the "tiles only" switch on deconstruction planners.
Toggle driving Enter or exit vehicles.
Toggle enable vehicle logistic requests Toggle logistic requests of vehicles on or off.
Toggle entity logistic requests Toggle personal logistics and auto-trash on or off for entities.
Toggle equipment movement bonus Toggle exoskeletons on or off.
Toggle map editor Open or close the map editor.
Toggle personal logistic requests. Toggle personal logistic requests on or off.
Toggle personal roboport Toggle personal roboports on or off.
Toggle show entity info Toggle "alt mode".
Translate string ? (possibly something to do with the API translating for mods)
Undo Undo the previous action with Ctrl + Z.
Upgrade Apply an upgrade using the upgrade planner.
Upgrade opened blueprint by item Apply a pre-existing upgrade planner to an open blueprint.
Upgrade opened blueprint by record Apply a default upgrade planner to an open blueprint.
Use artillery remote Use the artillery remote to target artillery.
Use item Use consumable items such as capsules.
Wire dragging Manually place circuit network wires.
Write to console Allow use of chat/console.

See also