User:Tertius3: Difference between revisions

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Tertius3 (talk | contribs)
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Tertius3 (talk | contribs)
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Hi, I'm Tertius3, and my main interest here is getting all articles translated to German (a goal I probably reached, at least till v1.2 is released) and keeping German articles in sync with their English counterparts.
Hi, I'm Tertius3, and my main interest here is getting all articles translated to German and keeping German articles in sync with their English counterparts.

My other interest is the circuit network and its guides, but I didn't find the energy yet to propose some kind of a more didactic approach of explaining how all the entities work with circuits.
My other interest is the circuit network and its guides, but I didn't find the energy yet to propose some kind of a more didactic approach of explaining how all the entities work with circuits.
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Translation quirks in this wiki:
Translation quirks in this wiki:
* translation is case sensitive. <nowiki>{{TransLink|circuit network}}</nowiki> → {{TransLink|circuit network}} doesn't work but <nowiki>{{TransLink|Circuit network}}</nowiki> → {{TransLink|Circuit network}} (in /de german subpages) will work
* translation is case sensitive. <nowiki>{{L|circuit network}}</nowiki> → {{L|circuit network}} doesn't work but <nowiki>{{L|Circuit network}}</nowiki> → {{L|Circuit network}} (in /de german subpages) will work

'''Ingame Terminology of not obvious translations I try to use in a unified way:'''
'''Ingame Terminology of not obvious translations I try to use in a unified way:'''
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* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\core\locale\de\core.cfg"
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\core\locale\de\core.cfg"
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\base\locale\de\base.cfg"
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\base\locale\de\base.cfg"
* "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\<space age specific directories\locale\de\*.cfg"

Latest revision as of 14:48, 28 January 2025

Hi, I'm Tertius3, and my main interest here is getting all articles translated to German and keeping German articles in sync with their English counterparts.

My other interest is the circuit network and its guides, but I didn't find the energy yet to propose some kind of a more didactic approach of explaining how all the entities work with circuits.


German Template:Template:Translation/de
All Templates: Special:AllPages/Template:
All German Navigation footers: Factorio:Navigation/de

Translation quirks in this wiki:

  • translation is case sensitive. {{L|circuit network}} → circuit network doesn't work but {{L|Circuit network}} → Circuit network (in /de german subpages) will work

Ingame Terminology of not obvious translations I try to use in a unified way:

englisch deutsch Hinweis
entity Objekt nicht: Entität
fuel Brennstoff nicht: Kraftstoff oder Treibstoff
item Gegenstand nicht: Objekt oder Item
slot Platz aber manchmal ingame auch "Slot"
stack Stapel
circuit network Schaltungsnetz nicht: Schaltnetz oder Schaltnetzwerk
logistic network Logistiknetz nicht: Logistisches Netz oder Logistiknetzwerk
electric network Stromnetz
electric system Stromnetz
power Strom
electricity Strom
power production Stromerzeugung / Stromproduktion Der Prozess ist "Stromerzeugung"; aber wenn es um den erzeugten Strom geht, "Stromproduktion"
power usage Stromverbrauch
copper cable Kupferkabel
red wire Rotes Signalkabel nicht: Draht
green wire Grünes Signalkabel
crafting Herstellung nicht: Handwerk
recipe Bauplan nicht: Rezept
deadlock Blockade
blueprint Blaupause
belt Fließband nicht: Band
(belt) lane Seite nicht: Bahn
splitter Teilerfließband nicht: Teiler
inserter Greifarm
mining Bergbau nicht: Erzförderung
(mining) patch Ressourcenfeld
mining drill Erzförderer
mining area Abbaugebiet
mining speed Abbautempo nicht: Abbaugeschwindigkeit
(any crafting) speed (Herstell/Abbau)tempo nicht: (Herstellungs/Abbau-)geschwindigkeit
(any movement) speed (Bewegungs)geschwindigkeit nicht: (Bewegungs-)tempo
construction robot Bauroboter nicht: Konstruktionsroboter
logistic robot Logistikroboter
bot/bots Roboter nicht: Bot/Bots. "Bots" wird im deutschen nie verwendet
(railway-)wagon (Eisenbahn-)waggon nicht: Wagen. Mehrzahl: Waggons
biter Beißer
spitter Speier
spawner Nest
behemoth Riesig(er)
spawn position Spawn-Position ingame tatsächlich "Spawn-Position"
...may refer to: ...kann sich beziehen auf: nicht: bezieht sich auf
petroleum gas Flüssiggas nicht: Petroleum
solar panel Solarpanel nicht: Sonnenzelle oder Solar panel oder Solarzelle

If in doubt, look up the game localization files:

  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\core\locale\de\core.cfg"
  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\base\locale\de\base.cfg"
  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\data\<space age specific directories\locale\de\*.cfg"