Template:Translation/es: Difference between revisions

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| Gun turret = Torreta
| Gun turret = Torreta
| Defense = Defensa
| Defense = Defensa
| Wooden chest = Cofre de madera
| Iron chest = Cofre de hierro
| Steel chest = Cofre de acero
| Storage tank = Tanque de almacenaje
| Belt transport system = Sistema de cintas transportadoras
| Transport belt = Cinta transportadora
| Fast transport belt = Cinta transportadora rápida
| Express transport belt = Cinta transportadora exprés
| Underground belt = Cinta transportadora subterránea
| Fast underground belt = Cinta transportadora subterránea rápida
| Express underground belt = Cinta transportadora subterránea muy rápida
| Splitter = Divisor
| Fast splitter = Divisor rápido
| Express splitter = Divisor muy rápido
| Inserters = Insertadores
| Burner inserter = Insertador a vapor
| Inserter = Insertador
| Long handed inserter = Insertador con brazo extendible
| Fast inserter = Insertador rápido
| Filter inserter = Insertador con filtro
| Stack inserter = Insertador de stacks
| Stack filter inserter = Insertador de stacks con filtro
| Logistics = Logística
| Energy & pipe distribution = Distribución de fluídos y energía
| Small electric pole = Poste eléctrico pequeño
| Medium electric pole = Poste eléctrico mediano
| Big electric pole = Poste eléctrico grande
| Substation = Subestación eléctrica
| Pipe = Tubería
| Pipe to ground = Tubería subterránea
| Pump = Motobomba
| Transport = Transporte
| Rail = Raíl recto
| Train stop = Parada de tren
| Rail signal = Semáforo ferroviario
| Rail chain signal = Semáforo ferroviario de cadena
| Locomotive = Locomotora
| Cargo wagon = Vagón de carga
| Fluid Wagon = Vagón de fluídos
| Artillery wagon = Vagón de artillería
| Car = Auto
| Tank = Tanque
| Logistic network = Red logística
| Logistic robot = Robot logístico
| Construction robot = Robot de construcción
| Active provider chest = Cofre proveedor activo
| Passive provider chest = Cofre proveedor pasivo
| Storage chest = Cofre de almacenamiento logístico
| Requester chest = Cofre solicitador logístico
| Roboport = Robopuerto

| #default = {{{1}}}
| #default = {{{1}}}

Revision as of 22:02, 22 December 2017
