Template:Infobox/doc: Difference between revisions

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TheWombatGuru (talk | contribs)
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TheWombatGuru (talk | contribs)
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Line 60: Line 60:
| storage-size || The storage size of the entity.
| storage-size || The storage size of the entity.
| calculations-per-second || Calculations the machine can do per 60 UPS.
| lifespan || The lifespan of a deployed capsule in seconds.
| health || The health points of the entity.
| health || The health points of the entity.

Revision as of 14:11, 6 September 2016

This template is designed to be used to describe an item or machine, using a box of info.


To use, create a sub-page of the page you are trying to add an infobox to, called .../infobox. Then, on the page, add the line {{:Page_name/infobox}}. This will "copy" the infobox you create on .../infobox to the page itself. Of course, replace Page_name with the name of the page.

As for the infobox on .../infobox, start with the line: {{Infobox. Then, on the next few lines, start with the pipe character, |, then place a parameter, and set it equal to the value you wish it to be. Then, end the parameter lines with two curly-brackets. "}}".

Additionally, the infobox will automatically translate. Just "copy" the infobox (the same way, from .../infobox) to the page, as done for the English page. If you need further help, contact a wiki admin or look at existing examples, on actual pages.

Recipe syntax

The "recipe" parameter should be used as follows:

|recipe = wood, 4 = wooden chest, 1


item1, quantity = outputitem, quantity.

Separate multiple items with +.


A list of valid parameters is provided below. Since this infobox is general purpose, not all must be used, however some are required. Required parameters are shown in red. Please be as descriptive as possible when making infoboxes.

Tip: This is a large table. After expanding, use CTRL + F in most browsers to search through this table easily.

Available Parameters

Parameter Value
category The category the object fits into. Machinery, Tools, Combat, etc.
name The name of the object, default is the page name.
category-name The name of the category to be shown to users. Visual only.
icon Specify the icon of the object, give the name of the file without the extension.
extra1 Add an extra row above all others, for misc purpose.
extra2 Add an extra row below all others, for misc purpose.
recipe The recipe of the object. See recipe syntax above for more info.
total-raw The raw recipe of the object. See recipe syntax above.
added-in The version the object was added into the game.
walking-speed The walking speed of the entity.
storage-size The storage size of the entity.
calculations-per-second Calculations the machine can do per 60 UPS.
lifespan The lifespan of a deployed capsule in seconds.
health The health points of the entity.
restores The amount of health the item restores.
resistance The elemental/physical resistances of the object. Resistances should be shown as such: point_resistance/10% Fire
inventory-size-bonus The inventory size bonus provided by the item.
grid-size The size of the grid for armor modules.
stack-size How many of the object fit into a stack.
range The range of the weapon.
shooting-speed The shooting speed of the weapon.
damage The damage dealt by the object.
damage-bonus The damage bonus provided by the technology or weapon.
cluster-size The size of the cluster.
area-of-affect-size The size of the area of effect.
durability The durability of the object.
ammunition What type of ammo the weapon consumes.
magazine-size The number of bullets contained in the magazine.
efficiency The efficiency.
dimensions The size of the entity.
energy The energy consumption of the entity.
drain The passive electricity drain of the entity.
transmission The transmission of energy of the entity.
robot-recharge-rate The rate at which the object recharges robots.
internal-buffer-recharge-rate The rate at which the object fills it's internal buffer.
robot-limit Limit of robots that can fit inside the entity.
repair-speed The repair speed of the object.
charging-stations The number of charging stations on the entity.
movement-bonus General movement speed bonus.
maximum-recharge-speed The max recharge speed of the entity.
energy-capacity How much electricity the object can hold.
power-input How much electricity the object can intake.
power-output Same as above, but for output.
shield The amount of shielding the object has.
energy-per-unit Energy provided per unit.
crafting-speed The crafting speed of the entity.
mining-hardness The mining hardness of the entity.
mining-time The time it takes to mine the object.
mining-power The mining power of the object.
mining-speed The mining speed of the object.
mining-area The mining area of the entity.
fuel-value The amount of energy can be obtained by using this as fuel
supply-area The area the entity can supply.
wire-reach The number of tiles the wires can reach.
construction-area The size of the construction area provided by the entity.
pollution The pollution generated by the object.
modules Number of module slots.
allows What other technologies the tech allows.
effects Items unlocked by researching this technology.
required-technologies Technologies required to access the tech or object.
boosting-technologies What technologies boost the object.
producers What entities produce the object.
producers What entities process the object.
consumers What entities consume the object.
used-as-fuel-by What entities this item can be used in as fuel.
cost The cost to research the technology.
cost-multiplier How many times the cost must be paid to research the tech fully.