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<!-- Main Page/Latest versions -->
<!-- 主页 Main Page/Latest versions -->
| Latest stable version = 最新稳定版
| Latest stable version = 最新稳定版
| Latest experimental version = 最新开发版
| Latest experimental version = 最新开发版
Line 7: Line 7:
| Planned releases = 计划发布的版本
| Planned releases = 计划发布的版本
| Planned features = 计划增加的功能
| Planned features = 计划增加的功能
| Older news... = 往期内容 ...

<!-- Page title -->
<!-- 页面标题 Page title -->
| Achievements = 成就
| Achievements = 成就
| Alerts = 警报
| Alerts = 警报
| Ammo = 弹药
| Ammo = 弹药
| Ammunition = 弹药
| Application directory = 应用程序目录
| Application directory = 游戏目录
| Armor = 装甲
| Armor modules = 装甲模块
| Armor modules = 装甲模块
| Assembling machine = 组装机
| Asteroids = 星岩
| Balancers = 均衡分配机
| Balancer mechanics = 均分机制
| Balancers = 均分器
| Barrel = 油桶
| Barrel = 油桶
| Basic oil processing = 基础原油分馏
| Belt transport system = 传送带运输系统
| Belt transport system = 传送带运输系统
| Blueprint library = 蓝图库
| Blueprint library = 蓝图库
| Bonuses = 加成
| Bonuses = 加成
| Burner devices = 燃烧设备
| Campaign = 战役
| Campaign = 战役
| Capsules = 胶囊
| Chests = 箱子
| Chunk = 区块
| Chunk = 区块
| Circuit network = 信号网络
| Cluster size = 集束大小
| Cluster size = 集束大小
| Combat = 战斗
| Combat = 战斗
| Combat items = 战斗用物品
| Combat equipment = 战斗装备
| Combat robot capsules = 战斗无人机胶囊
| Command line parameters = 命令行参数
| Combinators = 运算器
| Console = 控制台
| Console = 控制台
| Controls = 游戏控制
| Crafting = 生产制造
| Crafting = 生产制造
| Crafting components = 生产用部件
| Damage = 伤害
| Damage = 伤害
| Debug mode = 调试模式
| Debug mode = 调试模式
Line 43: Line 39:
| Enemies = 敌人
| Enemies = 敌人
| Energy & pipe distribution = 电力及管道输送
| Energy & pipe distribution = 电力及管道输送
| Energy and Work = 功与能
| Energy and work = 能量与做功
| Equipment modules = 可装备模块
| Equipment modules = 可装备模块
| Fluid system = 流体系统
| Fluid system = 流体系统
| Fuel = 燃料
| Fuel = 燃料
| Furnace = 冶炼炉
| Galaxy of Fame = 星空名人堂
| Furnaces = 冶炼炉
| Game-tick = 游戏时间单位
| Game-second = 秒
| Game-day = 天
| Game modes and options = 游戏模式及选项说明
| Game modes and options = 游戏模式及选项说明
| Glossary = 术语表
| Glossary = 术语表
| Heavy oil cracking = 重油裂解
| Heavy oil cracking = 重油裂解
| Inserters = 机械臂
| Inserters = 机械臂
| Intermediate products = 中间产品
| Install guide = 安装指南
| Items = 物品
| Items = 物品
| Keyboard bindings = 键盘快捷键
| Keyboard bindings = 快捷键
| Laser = 激光
| Light oil cracking = 轻油裂解
| Light oil cracking = 轻油裂解
| Log file = 日志文件
| Logistic network = 物流网络
| Logistic network = 物流网络
| Logistic system = 物流系统
| Machinery = 机械
| Machinery = 机械
| Machines = 机器
| Machines = 机器
Line 66: Line 61:
| Map editor = 地图编辑器
| Map editor = 地图编辑器
| Map generator = 地图生成器
| Map generator = 地图生成器
| Materials = 原材料
| Map structure = 地图结构
| Military = 军工学
| Military = 军工学
| Military units and structures = 军事单位和建筑
| Mining = 资源采集
| Mining = 资源采集
| Modding = 模组开发
| Modding = 模组
| Module = 插件
| Module = 插件
| Multiplayer = 多人游戏
| Multiplayer = 多人游戏
| Navigation = 页面导航
| Nintendo Switch version = 任天堂Switch版本
| Oil =
| Nuclear power = 核能
| Oil processing = 原油处理
| Oil processing = 原油处理
| Player = 玩家
| Player = 玩家
Line 80: Line 76:
| Power production = 电力生产
| Power production = 电力生产
| Production = 生产
| Production = 生产
| Production items = 生产用物品
| Production statistics = 生产统计
| Prototype definitions = 原型定义
| Prototype definitions = 原型定义
| Provider chest = 供货箱
| Quality = 品质
| Quickbar = 快捷物品栏
| Quick panel = 快捷面板
| Rail planner = 铁路规划工具
| Rail planner = 铁路规划工具
| Rail signals = 铁路信号灯
| Rail signals = 铁路信号灯
| Railway = 铁路
| Region = 区域
| Region = 区域
| Replay system = 回放系统
| Research = 科技研究
| Research = 科技研究
| Resource extraction = 资源采集
| Resource extraction = 资源采集
| Resources and fluids = 资源与流体
| Resources and fluids = 资源与流体
| Robotic network = 无人机网络
| Rich text = 富文本
| Robots = 机器人
| Roadmap = 开发计划
| Roadmap = 开发计划
| Roadmap/History = 开发计划/更新历史
| Roadmap/History = 开发计划/更新历史
| Robotic network = 无人机网络
| Science pack = 科技包
| Science pack = 科技包
| Science packs = 科技包
| Science packs = 科技包
| Space = 太空
| Shortcut bar = 快捷工具栏
| Splitters = 分流器
| Solar energy = 太阳能
| Spoilage mechanics = 变质机制
| Stack = 物品组
| Stack = 物品组
| Storage = 物品存放
| Storage = 物品存储
| Technologies = 科技树
| Technologies = 科技
| Terrain = 地形
| Tile = 地格
| Tile =
| Time = 时间
| Time = 时间
| Tools = 工具
| Train = 火车
| Transport = 运输
| Railway/Train path finding = 火车寻路机制
| Transport belts = 传送带
| Transport belts/Physics = 传送带物理学
| Transport belts/Physics = 传送带物理性
| Transport network = 传送带运输系统
| Transport network = 传送带运输系统
| Transportation = 交通运输
| Transportation = 交通运输
| Tree = 树木
| Tutorial = 教学
| Turret = 炮塔
| Tutorial = 教程
| Tutorials = 教程
| Tutorials = 教程
| Underground belts = 地下传送带
| Units = 单位
| Units = 单位
| Upcoming features = 未来的功能计划
| Upcoming features = 未来的功能计划
| Vehicle = 载具
| Version history = 更新历史
| Version history = 更新历史
| Wagon = 车厢
| Weapons = 武器
| Weaponry = 武器
| Weaponry = 武器
| World generator = 世界生成器
| World generator = 世界生成器

<!-- Tutorials -->
<!-- 消歧义页面 Page title: Disambiguations -->
| Ammunition = 弹药
| Armor = 装甲
| Artillery = 重炮
| Assembling machine = 组装机
| Burner devices = 燃烧设备
| Capsules = 胶囊
| Chests = 箱子
| Combat robot capsules = 战斗无人机胶囊
| Combinators = 运算器
| Fluids = 流体
| Furnace = 冶炼炉
| Mining drill = 采矿机
| Oil = 油
| Planetary science pack = 星球科技包
| Planets = 星球
| Provider chest = 供货箱
| Reactor = 反应堆
| Robots = 机器人
| Splitters = 分流器
| Transport belts = 传送带
| Turret = 炮塔
| Underground belts = 地下传送带
| Uranium = 铀
| Vehicle = 载具
| Wagon = 车厢
| Weapons = 武器

<!-- 教程 Tutorials -->
| Tutorial:Applied power math = 教程:实用能源数学
| Tutorial:Circuit network cookbook = 教程:信号网络示例大全
| Tutorial:Circuit network cookbook = 教程:信号网络示例大全
| Tutorial:Combinator tutorial = 教程:运算器教程
| Tutorial:Combinator tutorial = 教程:运算器
| Tutorial:Diagnosing performance issues = 教程:优化游戏性能
| Tutorial:Inspecting a live mod = 教程:模组解析实例
| Tutorial:Keyboard shortcuts = 教程:快捷键
| Tutorial:Localisation = 教程:本地化
| Tutorial:Main bus = 教程:资源总线
| Tutorial:Mod changelog format = 教程:模组变更日志
| Tutorial:Modding FAQ = 教程:模组开发问题解答
| Tutorial:Modding tutorial = 教程:模组开发
| Tutorial:Mod structure = 教程:模组结构
| Tutorial:Mod settings = 教程:模组设置
| Tutorial:Modding tutorial/Gangsir = Gangsir的模组开发教程
| Tutorial:Nuclear power = 教程:核能发电
| Tutorial:Producing power from oil = 教程:燃油发电
| Tutorial:Quality upcycling math = 教程:品质升级数学
| Tutorial:Quick start guide = 教程:快速入门指南
| Tutorial:Scrap recycling strategies = 教程:废料回收策略
| Tutorial:Scripting = 教程:脚本
| Tutorial:Script interfaces = 教程:脚本界面
| Tutorial:Solar power math = 教程:太阳能数学
| Tutorial:Train signals = 教程:铁路信号
| Tutorial:Train signals = 教程:铁路信号
| Tutorial:Main bus = 教程:资源总线
| Tutorial:Transport use cases = 教程:运输方式选择

<!-- Page title: Researches -->
<!-- 信息栏 Infobox -->
| Advanced electronics = 高等电学
| Advanced electronics (research) = 高等电学
| Advanced electronics 2 = 高等电学 2
| Advanced electronics 2 (research) = 高等电学 2
| Automation = 自动化
| Automation (research) = 自动化
| Automation 2 = 自动化 2
| Automation 2 (research) = 自动化 2
| Automation 3 = 自动化 3
| Automation 3 (research) = 自动化 3
| Chemical science pack (research) = 化工科技包
| Defender (research) = 防御无人机
| Destroyer (research) = 进攻无人机
| Distractor (research) = 掩护无人机
| Electric energy accumulators = 电能储存
| Electric energy accumulators (research) = 电能储存
| Accumulators are used to store electric energy. = 蓄电器用于储存电能。
| Electric energy distribution 1 = 电能传输 1
| Electric energy distribution 1 (research) = 电能传输 1
| Electric energy distribution 2 = 电能传输 2
| Electric energy distribution 2 (research) = 电能传输 2
| Fast inserter (research) = 高速机械臂
| Fluid handling = 流体操作
| Fluid handling (research) = 流体操作
| Gate (research) = 闸门
| Gun turret (research) = 机枪炮塔
| Land mines (research) = 地雷
| Laser shooting speed (research) = 激光射速
| Laser turret (research) = 激光炮塔
| Logistic science pack (research) = 物流科技包
| Logistics = 物流学
| Logistics (research) = 物流学
| Logistics 2 = 物流学 2
| Logistics 2 (research) = 物流学 2
| Logistics 3 = 物流学 3
| Logistics 3 (research) = 物流学 3
| Low density structure (research) = 轻质框架
| Military science pack (research) = 军备科技包
| Nuclear power = 核能
| Nuclear power (research) = 核能
| Personal roboport MK2 (research) = 机器人指令模块MK2
| Physical projectile damage (research) = 动能武器伤害
| Power armor MK2 (research) = 能量装甲MK2
| Production science pack (research) = 生产科技包
| Space science pack (research) = 太空科技包
| Steel axe (research) = 钢斧镐
| Stone wall (research) = 石墙
| Tank (research) = 坦克
| Uranium processing (research) = 铀浓缩处理
| Utility science pack (research) = 效能科技包
| Weapon shooting speed (research) = 动能武器射速
<!-- 'Oil processing' is used by page title -->
| Oil processing (research) = 基础原油分馏
<!-- 'Rocket silo' is used by item -->
| Rocket silo (research) = 火箭发射井
| Solar energy = 太阳能
| Solar energy (research) = 太阳能
| Source of free energy, but useless at night. = 零消耗的电力来源,但夜间失效。
<!-- 'Stack inserter' is used by item -->
| Stack inserter (research) = 集装机械臂
<!-- 'Atomic bomb' is used by item -->
| Atomic bomb (research) = 原子弹
| Combat robotics = 战斗无人机
| Combat robotics (research) = 战斗无人机
| Combat robotics 2 = 战斗无人机 2
| Combat robotics 2 (research) = 战斗无人机 2
| Combat robotics 3 = 战斗无人机 3
| Combat robotics 3 (research) = 战斗无人机 3
| Combat robots help to fight the enemy with their guns. They are spawned from the capsules and have a limited lifespan. Some follow the player. = 战斗无人机可从抛出的胶囊中生成,能在战斗中为你提供临时的战斗力。有些战斗无人机能跟着你,还有些只能待在原地。
<!-- 'Flamethrower' is used by item -->
| Flamethrower (research) = 火焰喷射
| Military = 军工学
| Military (research) = 军工学
| Military 2 = 军工学 2
| Military 2 (research) = 军工学 2
| Military 3 = 军工学 3
| Military 3 (research) = 军工学 3
| Military 4 = 军工学 4
| Military 4 (research) = 军工学 4
| Rocketry = 火箭弹
| Rocketry (research) = 火箭弹
<!-- 'explosive' below is used by NavTable -->
| explosive = 爆破版
| Explosive rocketry = 爆破火箭弹
| Explosive rocketry (research) = 爆破火箭弹
| Uranium ammo = 贫铀弹
| Uranium ammo (research) = 贫铀弹
| Artillery shell range = 重炮炮弹射程
| Artillery shell range (research) = 重炮炮弹射程
| Artillery shell shooting speed = 重炮炮弹射速
| Artillery shell shooting speed (research) = 重炮炮弹射速
| Braking force = 制动技术
| Braking force (research) = 制动技术
| Bullet damage = 子弹伤害
| Bullet damage (research) = 子弹伤害
| Bullet shooting speed = 子弹射速
| Bullet shooting speed (research) = 子弹射速
| Cannon shell damage = 制式炮弹伤害
| Cannon shell damage (research) = 制式炮弹伤害
| Cannon shell shooting speed = 制式炮弹射速
| Cannon shell shooting speed (research) = 制式炮弹射速
| Combat robot damage = 战斗无人机伤害
| Combat robot damage (research) = 战斗无人机伤害
| Flamethrower damage = 火焰伤害
| Flamethrower damage (research) = 火焰伤害
| Follower robot count = 无人机跟随数量
| Follower robot count (research) = 无人机跟随数量
| Grenade damage = 手雷伤害
| Grenade damage (research) = 手雷伤害
| Gun turret damage = 机枪炮塔伤害
| Gun turret damage (research) = 机枪炮塔伤害
| Inserter capacity bonus = 机械臂搬运量加成
| Inserter capacity bonus (research) = 机械臂搬运量加成
| Lab research speed = 研究中心研发速度
| Lab research speed (research) = 研究中心研发速度
| Laser turret damage = 激光炮塔伤害
| Laser turret damage (research) = 激光炮塔伤害
| Laser turret shooting speed = 激光炮塔射速
| Laser turret shooting speed (research) = 激光炮塔射速
| Mining productivity = 采矿产能
| Mining productivity (research) = 采矿产能
| Rocket damage = 火箭弹伤害
| Rocket damage (research) = 火箭弹伤害
| Rocket shooting speed = 火箭弹射速
| Rocket shooting speed (research) = 火箭弹射速
| Refined flammables = 精炼燃料制备
| Refined flammables (research) = 精炼燃料制备
| Shotgun shell damage = 霰弹伤害
| Shotgun shell damage (research) = 霰弹伤害
| Shotgun shell shooting speed = 霰弹射速
| Shotgun shell shooting speed (research) = 霰弹射速
| Stronger explosives = 烈性炸药
| Stronger explosives (research) = 烈性炸药
| Worker robot cargo size = 作业机器人货物运量
| Worker robot cargo size (research) = 作业机器人货物运量
| Worker robot speed = 作业机器人移动速度
| Worker robot speed (research) = 作业机器人移动速度
| Character logistic slots = 背包物流系统-供应清单
| Character logistic slots (research) = 背包物流系统-供应清单
| Allows the player to order items from storage and provider chests. These items will be delivered by the logistic robots. = 让玩家可向物流网络请求物品,物流机器人会把物品送至背包。
| Character receives 6 more logistic slots = 玩家可扩展6个栏位
<!-- 'trash' below is used by NavTable -->
| trash = 回收
| Character logistic trash slots = 背包物流系统-回收区
| Character logistic trash slots (research) = 背包物流系统-回收区
<!-- 'auto  trash' below is used by NavTable -->
| auto trash = 回收清单
| Auto character logistic trash slots = 背包物流系统-回收清单
| Auto character logistic trash slots (research) = 背包物流系统-回收清单
| Construction robotics = 建设机器人
| Construction robotics (research) = 建设机器人
| Logistic robotics = 物流机器人
| Logistic robotics (research) = 物流机器人
| Toolbelt = 工具腰带
| Toolbelt (research) = 工具腰带
<!-- 'Heavy armor' is used by item -->
| Heavy armor (research) = 重甲
<!-- 'Modular armor' is used by item -->
| Modular armor (research) = 模块装甲
<!-- 'Power armor' is used by item -->
| Power armor (research) = 能量装甲
| Power armor 2 = 能量装甲 2
| Power armor 2 (research) = 能量装甲 2
| Gates = 闸门
| Gates (research) = 闸门
| Landmines = 地雷
| Landmines (research) = 地雷
| Stone walls = 石墙
| Stone walls (research) = 石墙
<!-- 'Gun turrets' below is used by NavTable -->
| Gun turrets = 机枪炮塔
| Turrets = 机枪炮塔
| Turrets (research) = 机枪炮塔
| Laser turrets = 激光炮塔
| Laser turrets (research) = 激光炮塔
| Artillery = 重型火炮
| Artillery (research) = 重型火炮
| Advanced material processing = 高等冶炼技术
| Advanced material processing (research) = 高等冶炼技术
| Advanced material processing 2 = 高等冶炼技术 2
| Advanced material processing 2 (research) = 高等冶炼技术 2
| Advanced oil processing = 高等原油分馏
| Advanced oil processing (research) = 高等原油分馏
<!-- 'Battery' is used by item -->
| Battery (research) = 电池
| Circuit network = 信号网络
| Circuit network (research) = 信号网络
<!-- 'Cliff explosives' is used by item -->
| Cliff explosives (research) = 悬崖炸药
| Coal liquefaction = 煤炭液化
| Coal liquefaction (research) = 煤炭液化
<!-- 'Concrete' is used by item -->
| Concrete (research) = 混凝土
| Electronics = 基础电学
| Electronics (research) = 基础电学
| Engine = 内燃机
| Engine (research) = 内燃机
| Electric engine = 电动机
| Electric engine (research) = 电动机
<!-- 'Explosives' is used by item -->
| Explosives (research) = 爆破学
| Flammables = 燃烧技术
| Flammables (research) = 燃烧技术
| Flight = 悬空技术
| Flight (research) = 悬空技术
<!-- 'Kovarex enrichment process' is used by item -->
| Kovarex enrichment process (research) = 铀增殖处理
<!-- 'Landfill' is used by item -->
| Landfill (research) = 填海料
| Laser = 激光
| Laser (research) = 激光
| Logistic system = 物流系统
| Logistic system (research) = 物流系统
<!-- 'Nuclear fuel reprocessing' is used by item -->
| Nuclear fuel reprocessing (research) = 乏燃料后处理
| Optics = 基础光学
| Optics (research) = 基础光学
| Plastics = 塑料
| Plastics (research) = 塑料
| Robotics = 机器人技术
| Robotics (research) = 机器人技术
| Steel processing = 炼钢技术
| Steel processing (research) = 炼钢技术
| Sulfur processing = 硫磺
| Sulfur processing (research) = 硫磺
| Automated rail transportation = 铁路自动运输系统
| Automated rail transportation (research) = 铁路自动运输系统
| Automobilism = 汽车
| Automobilism (research) = 汽车
<!-- 'Fluid wagon' is used by item -->
| Fluid wagon (research) = 液罐车厢
| Rail signals = 铁路信号
| Rail signals (research) = 铁路信号
| Railway = 铁路
| Railway (research) = 铁路
| Tanks = 坦克
| Tanks (research) = 坦克
| Battery equipment = 电池组模块
| Battery equipment (research) = 电池组模块
| Personal battery (research) = 电池组模块
| Battery MK2 equipment = 电池组模块MK2
| Battery MK2 equipment (research) = 电池组模块MK2
| Personal battery MK2 (research) = 电池组模块MK2
<!-- 'Discharge defense' is used by item -->
| Discharge defense (research) = 放电防御模块
| Energy shield equipment = 能量盾模块
| Energy shield equipment (research) = 能量盾模块
| Energy shield MK2 equipment = 能量盾模块MK2
| Energy shield MK2 equipment (research) = 能量盾模块MK2
| Exoskeleton equipment = 外骨骼模块
| Exoskeleton equipment (research) = 外骨骼模块
| Nightvision equipment = 夜视模块
| Nightvision equipment (research) = 夜视模块
<!-- 'Personal laser defense' is used by item -->
| Personal laser defense (research) = 激光防御模块
<!-- 'Personal roboport' is used by item -->
| Personal roboport (research) = 机器人指令模块
| Personal roboport 2 = 机器人指令模块 2
| Personal roboport 2 (research) = 机器人指令模块 2
<!-- 'Portable fusion reactor' is used by item -->
| Portable fusion reactor (research) = 聚变堆模块
<!-- 'Portable solar panel' is used by item -->
| Portable solar panel (research) = 太阳能模块
| Modules = 插件
| Modules (research) = 插件
| Effect transmission = 插件效果分享
| Effect transmission (research) = 插件效果分享
<!-- 'Efficiency module' is used by item -->
| Efficiency module (research) = 节能插件
<!-- 'Efficiency module 2' is used by item -->
| Efficiency module 2 (research) = 节能插件 2
<!-- 'Efficiency module 3' is used by item -->
| Efficiency module 3 (research) = 节能插件 3
<!-- 'Productivity module' is used by item -->
| Productivity module (research) = 产能插件
<!-- 'Productivity module 2' is used by item -->
| Productivity module 2 (research) = 产能插件 2
<!-- 'Productivity module 3' is used by item -->
| Productivity module 3 (research) = 产能插件 3
<!-- 'Speed module' is used by item -->
| Speed module (research) = 速度插件
<!-- 'Speed module 2' is used by item -->
| Speed module 2 (research) = 速度插件 2
<!-- 'Speed module 3' is used by item -->
| Speed module 3 (research) = 速度插件 3
<!-- Research -->
| Spidertron (research) = 蜘蛛机甲(科技)
| Energy weapons damage (research) = 能量武器伤害(科技)
| Rocket fuel (research) = 火箭燃料(科技)
| Rocket control unit (research) = 火箭控制器(科技)
| Lubricant (research) = 润滑油(科技)
| Belt immunity equipment (research) = 锚定装置(科技)
<!-- Infobox -->
| Accepted equipment = 可装备的模块
| Accepted equipment = 可装备的模块
| Acid = 酸性伤害
| Acid = 酸蚀伤害
| acid = 酸蚀伤害
| Allows = 解锁研究项目
| Allows = 解锁研究项目
| and = 和
| Area of effect size = 效果范围
| Area of effect size = 效果范围
| auto trash = 回收清单
| Automatic = 自动
| Automatic = 自动
| average = 平均
| Belt speed = 运载速度
| Belt speed = 运载速度
| Boosting technologies = 加成科技
| Boosting technologies = 加成科技
| Calculations per 60 UPS = 每60 UPS计算次数
| burner = 燃烧
| Crafted only on = 制造地
| Capsule = 胶囊
| Construction area = 建设区域
| Construction area = 建设区域
| Consumed by = 可由以下配方消耗
| Consumed by = 可由以下配方消耗
| Cost = 花费
| Cost = 花费
| Craft = 制造
| Crafted only on = 仅制造于
| Crafting speed = 制造速度
| Crafting speed = 制造速度
<!-- 'Damage' is used by page title -->
| Damage bonus = 伤害加成
| Damage bonus = 伤害加成
| Dimensions = 占地面积
| Dimensions = 占地面积
| Drain = 能量流失
| Drain = 待机能耗
| Durability = 耐久度
| Durability = 耐久度
| Edit = 编辑
| Edit = 编辑
| Effects = 成果
| Effects = 成果
| Efficiency = 效率
| Efficiency = 效率
| Energy capacity = 可容纳能量
| electric = 电能
| Energy capacity = 蓄电量
| Energy consumption = 能量消耗
| Energy consumption = 能量消耗
| Energy per hitpoint = 每点防护耗能
| Epic = 史诗级
| Equipment grid size = 装备插槽尺寸
| Expected resources = 可获取资源
| Expensive mode = 困难难度
| Expensive mode = 困难难度
| Explosion = 爆炸伤害
| Explosion = 爆炸伤害
| explosion = 爆炸伤害
| explosive = 爆破版
| Fire = 火焰伤害
| Fire = 火焰伤害
| fire = 火焰伤害
| Fluid consumption = 流体消耗
| Fluid consumption = 流体消耗
| Fluid storage volume = 储液量
| Fluid storage volume = 储液量
| Fuel Only = 仅限燃料
| Fuel Only = 仅限燃料
| Fuel value = 燃料热值
| Fuel value = 燃料热值
| Grid size = 模块栏位大小
| full daylight = 阳光充足
| Game-day = 日
| Game-second = 秒
| Game-tick = 刻
| GJ = 吉焦耳
| Grid size = 模块插槽尺寸
| GW = 吉瓦
| Health = 生命值
| Health = 生命值
| Impact = 撞击伤害
| Impact = 撞击伤害
| impact = 撞击伤害
| Internal buffer recharge rate = 内部电容充电速率
| Internal buffer recharge rate = 内部电容充电速率
| Internal name = 内部名称
| Internal name = 内部名称
| Inventory size bonus = 物品栏大小加成
| Inventory size bonus = 物品栏大小加成
| Items/s = 个/秒
| Items/s = 个/秒
| Maximum temperature = 最高温度
| KJ = 千焦耳
| Minimum = 最小
| Movement bonus = 移动速度加成
| MJ = 兆焦耳
| MW = 兆瓦
| kW = 千瓦
| kW = 千瓦
| KW = 千瓦
| KW = 千瓦
| laser = 激光伤害
| Legendary = 传说级
| liquid heat = 液态热能
| Magazine size = 容弹量
| Magazine size = 容弹量
| Manual = 手动
| Manual = 手动
| Map color = 在地图上显示的颜色
| Map color = 地图标识颜色
| Map icon = 地图图标
| Maximum = 最大
| Maximum recharge speed = 最大充电功率
| Maximum temperature = 最高温度
| melee = 近战
| Mine = 开采
| Minimum = 最小
| Mining area = 开采范围
| Mining area = 开采范围
| Mining hardness = 开采难度
| Mining hardness = 开采难度
Line 479: Line 249:
| Mining speed = 开采速度
| Mining speed = 开采速度
| Mining time = 开采工时
| Mining time = 开采工时
| minutes = 分钟
| MJ = 兆焦耳
| Module slots = 插件槽数
| Module slots = 插件槽数
| Movement bonus = 移动速度加成
| MW = 兆瓦
| None required = 无
| None required = 无
| Normal = 基础级
| Normal mode & expensive mode = 普通难度及困难难度
| Normal mode = 普通难度
| Normal mode = 普通难度
| Normal mode & expensive mode = 普通难度及困难难度
| per day = 每日
| Physical = 物理伤害
| Physical = 物理伤害
| physical = 物理伤害
| Piercing Power = 穿透伤害
| Placed in = 可以使用于
| Placed in = 可以使用于
| Poison = 毒素伤害
| poison = 毒素伤害
| Power input = 电力需求
| Power input = 电力需求
| Power output = 电力输出
| Power output = 电力输出
Line 491: Line 271:
| Productivity = 产能
| Productivity = 产能
| Prototype type = 原型类型
| Prototype type = 原型类型
| Pumping speed = 泵浦速率
| Pumping speed = 抽取速率
| Radar coverage distance = 雷达覆盖距离
| Range = 射程
| Range = 射程
| Rare = 稀有级
| Recipe = 生产配方
| Recipe = 生产配方
| Recycling results = 回收产物
| Required technologies = 前置科技
| Required technologies = 前置科技
| Researched by = 研究方式
| Resistances = 抗性
| Resistances = 抗性
| Robot recharge rate = 机器人充电速率
| Robot recharge rate = 机器人充电速率
| Rocket capacity = 火箭载荷
| Rocket capacity = 火箭容量
| Rotation speed = 旋转速度
| Rotation speed = 旋转速度
| Stack size = 每组数量
| Science capacity = 科技容量
| seconds = 秒
| Shield hitpoints = 护盾防护值
| Shooting speed = 射速
| Shooting speed = 射速
| slots = 个插槽
| Speed = 生产速度
| Speed = 生产速度
| Storage size = 容器大小
| Spoil result = 变质产物
| Spoil time = 保质期
| Stack size = 堆叠数量
| stack = 组
| stacks = 组
| Storage size = 容量
| Supply area = 物流区域
| Supply area = 物流区域
| Tank cannon = 坦克炮
| Tank cannon = 坦克炮
| tile = 格
| tiles = 格
| Total raw = 原料总计
| Transmission = 能耗
| Transmission = 能耗
| Vehicle machine gun = 车载机枪
| trash = 回收
| Vehicle flamethrower = 车载喷火器
| Uncommon = 精良级
| Total raw = 原料总计
| Used as ammunition by = 可作为以下武器的弹药
| Used as fuel by = 可作为以下设备的燃料
| Used as fuel by = 可作为以下设备的燃料
| Valid fuel = 可使用以下燃料
| Valid fuel = 可使用以下燃料
| Vehicle acceleration = 载具加速
| Vehicle acceleration = 载具加速
| Vehicle flamethrower = 车载喷火器
| Vehicle machine gun = 车载机枪
| Vehicle top speed = 载具极速
| Vehicle top speed = 载具极速
| W = 瓦
| W = 瓦
Line 518: Line 315:
| Wire reach = 接线半径
| Wire reach = 接线半径

<!-- Infobox: Category -->
<!-- 信息栏附注 Infobox: Misc -->
| Intermediate product = 中间产物
| Allows the player to order items from storage and provider chests. These items will be delivered by the logistic robots. = 让玩家可向物流网络请求物品,物流机器人会把物品送至背包。
| Accumulators are used to store electric energy. = 蓄电器用于储存电能。
| Can be mined. = 可以开采。
| Can be mined for a wide variety of resources. = 可开采以获取多种资源。
| Calculations per 60 UPS = 每60 UPS计算次数
| Combat robots help to fight the enemy with their guns. They are spawned from the capsules and have a limited lifespan. Some follow the player. = 战斗无人机可从抛出的胶囊中生成,能在战斗中为你提供临时的战斗力。有些战斗无人机能跟着你,还有些只能待在原地。
| Create space platform. = 构建一座太空平台。
| Destroys cliffs. = 用于摧毁悬崖。
| Repair packs heal building damage for 200 health. = 修理包可为建筑恢复200生命值。
| Source of free energy, but useless at night. = 零消耗的电力来源,但夜间失效。
| Used by Lab for research. = 供研究中心使用。
<!-- 导航栏分类 Infobox: Category -->
| Agriculture = 农业
| Base game = 基础游戏
| Combat items = 战斗用物品
| Crafting components = 生产用部件
| Environment = 环境
| Environmental protection = 环境防护
| Furnaces = 冶炼炉
| Generic = 通用
| Intermediate product = 中间产品
| Intermediate products = 中间产品
| Item = 物品
| Item = 物品
| Liquid = 流体
| Liquid = 流体
| Locations = 地点
| Logic = 逻辑
| Logic = 逻辑
| Logistics = 物流
| Machine = 机器
| Machine = 机器
| Materials = 原材料
| Modules = 插件
| Navigation = 页面导航
| Planetside buildings = 星际建筑
| Process = 处理过程
| Process = 处理过程
| Production items = 生产用物品
| Resources = 资源
| Rocket cargo = 火箭载荷
| Technology = 科技
| Technology = 科技
| Terrain = 地形
| Transport = 运输
| Turrets = 炮塔
| Tool = 工具
| Tool = 工具
| Base game = 基础游戏
| Tools = 工具
| Space = 太空
| Space Age mod = 太空时代
| Space Age mod = 太空时代

<!-- Infobox: Misc -->
<!-- 物流物品 Item: Logistics -->
| average = 平均
| Active provider chest = 主动供货箱(紫箱)
| burner = 燃烧
| Arithmetic combinator = 算术运算器
| electric = 电能
| Artificial jellynut soil = 果冻果人造土
| full daylight = 阳光充足
| Artificial yumako soil = 玉玛果人造土
| liquid heat = 液态热能
| Artillery wagon = 重炮车厢
| melee = 近战
| Big electric pole = 远程输电塔
| slots = 个插槽
| Buffer chest = 主动存货箱(绿箱)
| tiles =
| Bulk inserter = 集装机械臂
| Map icon = 地图图标
| Burner inserter = 热能机械臂
| Equipment grid size = 装备插槽尺寸
| Car = 汽车
| Cargo wagon = 货运车厢
<!-- Item: Logistics -->
| Cliff explosives = 悬崖炸药
| Wooden chest = 木箱
| Concrete = 标准混凝土
| Iron chest = 铁箱
| Constant combinator = 常量运算器
| Steel chest = 钢箱
| Construction robot = 建设机器人
| Storage tank = 储液罐
| Curved rail = 曲线铁轨
| Transport belt = 基础传送带
| Decider combinator = 判断运算器
| Fast transport belt = 高速传送带
| Display panel = 显示器
| Express splitter = 极速分流器
| Express transport belt = 极速传送带
| Express transport belt = 极速传送带
| Turbo transport belt = 超速传送带
| Underground belt = 基础地下传送带
| Fast underground belt = 高速地下传送带
| Express underground belt = 极速地下传送带
| Express underground belt = 极速地下传送带
| Turbo underground belt = 超速地下传送带
| Fast inserter = 高速机械臂
| Splitter = 基础分流器
| Fast splitter = 高速分流器
| Fast splitter = 高速分流器
| Express splitter = 极速分流器
| Fast transport belt = 高速传送带
| Turbo splitter = 超速分流器
| Fast underground belt = 高速地下传送带
| Burner inserter = 热能机械臂
| Filter inserter = 筛选机械臂
| Fluid wagon = 液罐车厢
| Foundation = 工程基座
| Green wire = 绿线缆
| Hazard concrete = 标准混凝土 (标识)
| Ice platform = 浮冰平台
| Inserter = 电力机械臂
| Inserter = 电力机械臂
| Iron chest = 铁箱
| Lamp = 照明灯
| Landfill = 填埋材料
| Locomotive = 内燃机车
| Logistic robot = 物流机器人
| Long-handed inserter = 加长机械臂
| Long-handed inserter = 加长机械臂
| Fast inserter = 高速机械臂
| Bulk inserter = 集装机械臂
| Stack inserter = 堆叠机械臂
| Small electric pole = 小型电线杆
| Medium electric pole = 中型电线杆
| Medium electric pole = 中型电线杆
| Big electric pole = 远程输电塔
| Overgrowth jellynut soil =果冻果沃土
| Substation = 广域配电站
| Overgrowth soil = 沃土
| Overgrowth yumako soil = 玉玛果沃土
| Passive provider chest = 被动供货箱(红箱)
| Pipe = 管道
| Pipe = 管道
| Pipe to ground = 地下管道
| Pipe to ground = 地下管道
| Power switch = 电闸
| Programmable speaker = 程控扬声器
| Pump = 管道泵
| Pump = 管道泵
| Rail = 铁轨
| Rail = 铁轨
| Rail chain signal = 联锁铁路信号
| Rail ramp = 铁路斜坡
| Rail ramp = 铁路斜坡
| Rail signal = 常规铁路信号
| Rail support = 铁路支架
| Rail support = 铁路支架
| Train stop = 车站
| Red wire = 红线缆
| Rail signal = 常规铁路信号
| Refined concrete = 钢筋混凝土
| Rail chain signal = 联锁铁路信号
| Refined hazard concrete = 钢筋混凝土 (标识)
| Locomotive = 内燃机车
| Cargo wagon = 货运车厢
| Fluid wagon = 液罐车厢
| Artillery wagon = 重炮车厢
| Car = 汽车
| Tank = 坦克
| Spidertron = 蜘蛛机甲
| Spidertron remote = 蜘蛛机甲遥控器
| Logistic robot = 物流机器人
| Construction robot = 建设机器人
| Active provider chest = 主动供货箱(紫箱)
| Passive provider chest = 被动供货箱(红箱)
| Storage chest = 被动存货箱(黄箱)
| Buffer chest = 主动存货箱(绿箱)
| Requester chest = 优先集货箱(蓝箱)
| Requester chest = 优先集货箱(蓝箱)
| Roboport = 机器人指令平台
| Roboport = 机器人指令平台
| Lamp = 照明灯
| Red wire = 红线缆
| Green wire = 绿线缆
| Arithmetic combinator = 算术运算器
| Decider combinator = 判断运算器
| Selector combinator = 选择运算器
| Selector combinator = 选择运算器
| Constant combinator = 常量运算器
| Small electric pole = 小型电线杆
| Power switch = 电闸
| Smart chest = 智能箱
| Programmable speaker = 程控扬声器
| Smart inserter = 智能机械臂
| Display panel = 显示器
| Spidertron = 蜘蛛机甲
| Spidertron remote = 蜘蛛机甲遥控器
| Splitter = 基础分流器
| Stack filter inserter = 集装筛选机械臂
| Stack inserter = 堆叠机械臂
| Steel chest = 钢箱
| Stone brick = 石砖
| Stone brick = 石砖
| Concrete = 标准混凝土
| Storage chest = 被动存货箱(黄箱)
| Hazard concrete = 标准混凝土 (标识)
| Storage tank = 储液罐
| Refined concrete = 钢筋混凝土
| Substation = 广域配电站
| Refined hazard concrete = 钢筋混凝土 (标识)
| Tank = 坦克
| Landfill = 填埋材料
| Train stop = 车站
| Artificial yumako soil = 玉玛果人造土
| Transport belt = 基础传送带
| Overgrowth yumako soil = 玉玛果沃土
| Turbo splitter = 超速分流器
| Artificial jellynut soil = 果冻果人造土
| Turbo transport belt = 超速传送带
| Overgrowth jellynut soil =果冻果沃土
| Turbo underground belt = 超速地下传送带
| Ice platform = 浮冰平台
| Underground belt = 基础地下传送带
| Foundation = 工程基座
| Wooden chest = 木箱
| Cliff = 悬崖
| Cliff explosives = 悬崖炸药
| Destroys cliffs. = 用于摧毁悬崖

<!-- Item: Production -->
<!-- 生产物品 Item: Production -->
| Iron axe = 铁斧镐
| Accumulator = 蓄电器
| Steel axe = 钢斧镐
| Agricultural tower = 农业塔
| Repair pack = 修理包
| Assembling machine 1 = 组装机1型
| Repair packs heal building damage for 200 health. = 修理包可为建筑恢复200生命值。
| Assembling machine 2 = 组装机2型
| Assembling machine 3 = 组装机3型
| Beacon = 插件效果分享塔
| Big mining drill = 大型采矿机
| Biochamber = 生物室
| Biolab = 生物研究中心
| Blueprint = 蓝图(建设规划)
| Blueprint = 蓝图(建设规划)
| Deconstruction planner = 红图(拆除规划)
| Upgrade planner = 绿图(升级规划)
| Blueprint book = 蓝图簿
| Blueprint book = 蓝图簿
| Boiler = 锅炉
| Boiler = 锅炉
| Steam engine = 蒸汽机
| Solar panel = 太阳能板
| Accumulator = 蓄电器
| Nuclear reactor = 核反应堆
| Heat pipe = 热管
| Heat exchanger = 换热器
| Steam turbine = 汽轮机
| Fusion reactor = 聚变反应堆
| Fusion generator = 聚变发电机
| Burner mining drill = 热能采矿机
| Burner mining drill = 热能采矿机
| Electric mining drill = 电力采矿机
| Big mining drill = 大型采矿机
| Offshore pump = 抽取机
| Pumpjack = 抽油机
| Stone furnace = 石炉
| Steel furnace = 钢炉
| Electric furnace = 电炉
| Foundry = 铸造厂
| Recycler = 回收机
| Agricultural tower = 农业塔
| Biochamber = 生物室
| Captive biter spawner = 虫巢孵化器
| Captive biter spawner = 虫巢孵化器
| Assembling machine 1 = 组装机1型
| Centrifuge = 离心机
| Assembling machine 2 = 组装机2型
| Assembling machine 3 = 组装机3型
| Oil refinery = 炼油厂
| Chemical plant = 化工厂
| Chemical plant = 化工厂
| Centrifuge = 离心机
| Electromagnetic plant = 电磁工厂
| Cryogenic plant = 低温工厂
| Cryogenic plant = 低温工厂
| Lab = 研究中心
| Deconstruction planner = 红图(拆除规划)
| Biolab = 生物研究中心
| Lightning rod = 避雷针
| Lightning collector = 闪电捕捉器
| Heating tower = 供热塔
| Beacon = 插件效果分享塔
| Speed module = 速度插件
| Speed module 2 = 速度插件 2
| Speed module 3 = 速度插件 3
| Efficiency module = 节能插件
| Efficiency module = 节能插件
| Efficiency module 2 = 节能插件 2
| Efficiency module 2 = 节能插件 2
| Efficiency module 3 = 节能插件 3
| Efficiency module 3 = 节能插件 3
| Electric furnace = 电炉
| Electric mining drill = 电力采矿机
| Electromagnetic plant = 电磁工厂
| Foundry = 铸造厂
| Fusion generator = 聚变发电机
| Fusion reactor = 聚变反应堆
| Ghost = 虚影
| Heat exchanger = 换热器
| Heat pipe = 热管
| Heating tower = 供热塔
| Iron axe = 铁斧镐
| Lab = 研究中心
| Lightning collector = 闪电捕捉器
| Lightning rod = 避雷针
| Nuclear reactor = 核反应堆
| Offshore pump = 抽取泵
| Oil refinery = 炼油厂
| Productivity module = 产能插件
| Productivity module = 产能插件
| Productivity module 2 = 产能插件 2
| Productivity module 2 = 产能插件 2
| Productivity module 3 = 产能插件 3
| Productivity module 3 = 产能插件 3
| Pumpjack = 抽油机
| Quality module = 品质插件
| Quality module = 品质插件
| Quality module 2 = 品质插件 2
| Quality module 2 = 品质插件 2
| Quality module 3 = 品质插件 3
| Quality module 3 = 品质插件 3
| Recycler = 回收机
| Repair pack = 修理包
| Solar panel = 太阳能板
| Speed module = 速度插件
| Speed module 2 = 速度插件 2
| Speed module 3 = 速度插件 3
| Steam engine = 蒸汽机
| Steam turbine = 汽轮机
| Steel axe = 钢斧镐
| Steel furnace = 钢炉
| Stone furnace = 石炉
| Upgrade planner = 绿图(升级规划)

<!-- Item: Intermediate products -->
<!-- 中间产品 Item: Intermediate products -->
| Water =
| Advanced circuit = 集成电路
| Steam = 蒸汽
| Agricultural science pack = 农业科技包(草瓶)
| Crude oil = 原油
| Alien artifact = 虫巢核心
| Heavy oil = 重油
| Alien science pack = 异星科技包
| Light oil = 轻油
| Ammonia =
| Lubricant = 润滑油
| Petroleum gas = 石油气
| Sulfuric acid = 硫酸
| Thruster fuel = 推进器燃料
| Thruster oxidizer = 推进器氧化剂
| Lava = 岩浆
| Molten iron = 熔融铁
| Molten copper = 熔融铜
| Holmium solution = 钬溶液
| Electrolyte = 电解液
| Ammoniacal solution = 氨溶液
| Ammoniacal solution = 氨溶液
| Ammonia =
| Automation science pack = 机自科技包(红瓶)
| Fluorine =
| Battery = 电池
| Fluoroketone (hot) = 氟酮(热)
| Bioflux = 生物结晶
| Fluoroketone (cold) = 氟酮(冷)
| Biter egg = 异虫卵
| Lithium brine = 锂盐水
| Calcite = 方解石
| Plasma = 等离子体
| Carbon =
| Raw wood = 木材
| Carbon fiber = 碳纤维
| Chemical science pack = 化工科技包(蓝瓶)
| Coal = 煤矿
| Coal = 煤矿
| Stone = 石矿
| Copper bacteria = 铜细菌
| Iron ore = 铁矿
| Copper cable= 铜缆
| Copper ore = 铜矿
| Copper ore = 铜矿
| Uranium ore = 铀矿
| Raw fish = 鲜鱼
| Ice = 冰
| Wood = 木板
| Iron plate = 铁板
| Copper plate = 铜板
| Copper plate = 铜板
| Steel plate = 钢材
| Crude oil = 原油
| Solid fuel = 固体燃料
| Plastic bar = 塑料
| Sulfur = 硫磺
| Battery = 电池
| Explosives = 炸药
| Carbon = 碳
| Coal synthesis = 煤合成
| Water barrel = 水桶
| Crude oil barrel = 原油桶
| Crude oil barrel = 原油桶
| Petroleum gas barrel = 石油气桶
| Cryogenic science pack = 低温科技包(靛瓶)
| Light oil barrel = 轻油桶
| Depleted uranium fuel cell = 贫铀燃料棒
| Heavy oil barrel = 重油桶
| Electric engine = 电动机
| Lubricant barrel = 润滑油桶
| Electric engine unit = 电动机
| Sulfuric acid barrel = 硫酸桶
| Electrolyte = 电解液
| Fluoroketone (hot) barrel = 氟酮(热)桶
| Electromagnetic science pack = 电磁科技包(粉瓶)
| Fluoroketone (cold) barrel = 氟酮(冷)桶
| Electronic circuit = 电路板
| Iron gear wheel= 铁齿轮
| Iron stick = 铁棒
| Copper cable= 铜缆
| Empty barrel = 空桶
| Empty barrel = 空桶
| Electronic circuit = 电路板
| Empty crude oil barrel = 倾倒原油桶
| Advanced circuit = 集成电路
| Empty heavy oil barrel = 倾倒重油桶
| Processing unit = 处理器
| Empty light oil barrel = 倾倒轻油桶
| Empty lubricant barrel = 倾倒润滑油桶
| Empty petroleum gas barrel = 倾倒石油气桶
| Empty sulfuric acid barrel = 倾倒硫酸桶
| Empty water barrel = 倾倒水桶
| Engine = 内燃机
| Engine unit = 内燃机
| Engine unit = 内燃机
| Electric engine unit = 电动机
| Explosives = 炸药
| Fill crude oil barrel = 灌装原油桶
| Fill heavy oil barrel = 灌装重油桶
| Fill light oil barrel = 灌装轻油桶
| Fill lubricant barrel = 灌装润滑油桶
| Fill petroleum gas barrel = 灌装石油气桶
| Fill sulfuric acid barrel = 灌装硫酸桶
| Fill water barrel = 灌装水桶
| Fluorine = 氟
| Fluoroketone (cold) = 氟酮(冷)
| Fluoroketone (cold) barrel = 氟酮(冷)桶
| Fluoroketone (hot) = 氟酮(热)
| Fluoroketone (hot) barrel = 氟酮(热)桶
| Flying robot frame = 机器人构架
| Flying robot frame = 机器人构架
| Low density structure = 轻质框架
| Fusion power cell = 聚变燃料棒
| Rocket fuel = 火箭燃料
| Heavy oil = 重油
| Rocket part = 火箭组件
| Heavy oil barrel = 重油桶
| Uranium-235 = 铀-235
| Uranium-238 = 铀-238
| Uranium fuel cell = 铀燃料棒
| Depleted uranium fuel cell = 贫铀燃料棒
| Nuclear fuel = 核能燃料
| Uranium processing = 铀浓缩处理
| Nuclear fuel reprocessing = 乏燃料后处理
| Kovarex enrichment process = 铀增殖处理
| Calcite = 方解石
| Tungsten ore = 钨矿
| Tungsten carbide = 碳化钨
| Tungsten plate = 钨板
| Scrap = 废料
| Holmium ore = 钬矿
| Holmium ore = 钬矿
| Holmium plate = 钬板
| Holmium plate = 钬板
| Superconductor = 超导体
| Holmium solution = 钬溶液
| Supercapacitor = 超级电容器
| Ice =
| Yumako seed = 玉玛果种子
| Jellynut seed = 果冻果种子
| Tree seed = 树种子
| Yumako = 玉玛果
| Jellynut = 果冻果
| Iron bacteria = 铁细菌
| Iron bacteria = 铁细菌
| Copper bacteria = 铜细菌
| Iron gear wheel= 铁齿轮
| Spoilage = 变质物
| Iron ore = 铁矿
| Nutrients = 营养物
| Iron plate = 铁板
| Bioflux = 生物结晶
| Iron stick = 铁棒
| Yumako mash = 玉玛果泥
| Jelly = 果冻
| Jelly = 果冻
| Carbon fiber = 碳纤维
| Jellynut = 果冻果
| Biter egg = 异虫卵
| Jellynut seed = 果冻果种子
| Pentapod egg = 五足虫卵
| Lava = 岩浆
| Light oil = 轻油
| Light oil barrel = 轻油桶
| Lithium = 锂
| Lithium = 锂
| Lithium brine = 锂盐水
| Lithium plate = 锂板
| Lithium plate = 锂板
| Logistic science pack = 物流科技包(绿瓶)
| Low density structure = 轻质框架
| Lubricant = 润滑油
| Lubricant barrel = 润滑油桶
| Metallurgic science pack = 冶金科技包(橙瓶)
| Military science pack = 军备科技包(灰瓶)
| Molten copper = 熔融铜
| Molten iron = 熔融铁
| Nuclear fuel = 核能燃料
| Nutrients = 营养物
| Pentapod egg = 五足虫卵
| Petroleum gas = 石油气
| Petroleum gas barrel = 石油气桶
| Plasma = 等离子体
| Plastic bar = 塑料
| Processing unit = 处理器
| Production science pack = 生产科技包(紫瓶)
| Promethium science pack = 钷素科技包(黑瓶)
| Quantum processor = 量子处理器
| Quantum processor = 量子处理器
| Fusion power cell = 聚变燃料棒
| Raw fish = 鲜鱼
| Raw wood = 原木
| Empty crude oil barrel = 倾倒原油桶
| Fill crude oil barrel = 灌装原油桶
| Empty heavy oil barrel = 倾倒重油桶
| Fill heavy oil barrel = 灌装重油桶
| Empty light oil barrel = 倾倒轻油桶
| Fill light oil barrel = 灌装轻油桶
| Lubricant barrel = 润滑油桶
| Empty lubricant barrel = 倾倒润滑油桶
| Fill lubricant barrel = 灌装润滑油桶
| Empty petroleum gas barrel = 倾倒石油气桶
| Fill petroleum gas barrel = 灌装石油气桶
| Empty sulfuric acid barrel = 倾倒硫酸桶
| Fill sulfuric acid barrel = 灌装硫酸桶
| Empty water barrel = 倾倒水桶
| Fill water barrel = 灌装水桶
| Rocket control unit = 火箭控制器
| Rocket control unit = 火箭控制器
| Rocket fuel = 火箭燃料
| Rocket part = 火箭组件
| Scrap = 废料
| Solid fuel = 固体燃料
| Space science pack = 太空科技包(白瓶)
| Spoilage = 变质物
| Steam = 蒸汽
| Steel plate = 钢材
| Stone = 石矿
| Sulfur = 硫磺
| Sulfuric acid = 硫酸
| Sulfuric acid barrel = 硫酸桶
| Supercapacitor = 超级电容器
| Superconductor = 超导体
| Thruster fuel = 推进器燃料
| Thruster oxidizer = 推进器氧化剂
| Tree seed = 树种子
| Tungsten carbide = 碳化钨
| Tungsten ore = 钨矿
| Tungsten plate = 钨板
| Uranium fuel cell = 铀燃料棒
| Uranium ore = 铀矿
| Uranium-235 = 铀-235
| Uranium-238 = 铀-238
| Used up uranium fuel cell = 乏燃料棒
| Used up uranium fuel cell = 乏燃料棒
| Used by Lab for research. = 供研究中心使用。
| Automation science pack = 机自科技包(红瓶)
| Logistic science pack = 物流科技包(绿瓶)
| Military science pack = 军备科技包(灰瓶)
| Chemical science pack = 化工科技包(蓝瓶)
| Production science pack = 生产科技包(紫瓶)
| Utility science pack = 效能科技包(黄瓶)
| Utility science pack = 效能科技包(黄瓶)
| Space science pack = 太空科技包(白瓶)
| Water =
| Metallurgic science pack = 冶金科技包(橙瓶)
| Water barrel = 水桶
| Electromagnetic science pack = 电磁科技包(粉瓶)
| Wood = 木材
| Agricultural science pack = 农业科技包(草瓶)
| Wood (archived) = 木板
| Cryogenic science pack = 低温科技包(靛瓶)
| Yumako = 玉玛果
| Promethium science pack = 钷素科技包(黑瓶)
| Yumako mash = 玉玛果泥
| Yumako seed = 玉玛果种子

<!-- Item: Space -->
<!-- 太空物品 Item: Space -->
| Rocket silo = 火箭发射井
| Asteroid collector = 星岩抓取臂
| Carbonic asteroid chunk = 碳质星块
| Cargo bay = 货舱
| Cargo landing pad = 物流接驳站
| Cargo landing pad = 物流接驳站
| Space platform foundation = 太空平台基座
| Cargo pod = 着陆货舱
| Cargo bay = 货舱
| Asteroid collector = 星岩抓取臂
| Crusher = 破碎机
| Crusher = 破碎机
| Thruster = 推进器
| Space platform hub = 太空平台枢纽
| Space platform starter pack =太空平台启动包
| Metallic asteroid chunk = 金属星块
| Metallic asteroid chunk = 金属星块
| Carbonic asteroid chunk = 碳质星块
| Oxide asteroid chunk = 氧化星块
| Oxide asteroid chunk = 氧化星块
| Promethium asteroid chunk = 钷素星块
| Promethium asteroid chunk = 钷素星块
| Rocket silo = 火箭发射井
| Satellite = 卫星
| Satellite = 卫星
| Space platform = 太空平台
| Space platform foundation = 太空平台基座
| Space platform hub = 太空平台枢纽
| Space platform starter pack =太空平台启动包
| Thruster = 推进器

<!-- Item: Combat -->
<!-- 战斗用物品 Item: Combat -->
| Pistol = 手枪
| Submachine gun = 冲锋枪
| Shotgun = 霰弹枪
| Combat shotgun = 冲锋霰弹枪
| Rocket launcher = 火箭筒
| Flamethrower = 火焰喷射器
| Land mine = 地雷
| Firearm magazine = 标准弹匣
| Piercing rounds magazine = 穿甲弹匣
| Uranium rounds magazine = 贫铀弹匣
| Shotgun shells = 标准霰弹
| Piercing shotgun shells = 穿甲霰弹
| Cannon shell = 标准炮弹
| Explosive cannon shell = 爆破炮弹
| Uranium cannon shell = 贫铀炮弹
| Explosive uranium cannon shell = 爆破贫铀炮弹
| Artillery shell = 重炮炮弹
| Artillery shell = 重炮炮弹
| Rocket = 标准火箭弹
| Artillery targeting remote = 重炮袭击瞄准器
| Explosive rocket = 爆破火箭弹
| Artillery turret = 重炮炮塔
| Atomic bomb = 原子火箭弹
| Atomic bomb = 原子火箭弹
| Flamethrower ammo = 油料储罐
| Battery equipment = 电池组模块
| Grenade = 标准手雷
| Battery MK2 equipment = 电池组模块MK2
| Belt immunity equipment = 锚定模块
| Cannon shell = 标准炮弹
| Capture bot rocket = 捕获者火箭弹
| Cluster grenade = 集束手雷
| Cluster grenade = 集束手雷
| Poison capsule = 剧毒胶囊
| Combat shotgun = 冲锋霰弹枪
| Slowdown capsule = 减速胶囊
| Defender = 防御无人机
| Defender capsule = 防御无人机胶囊
| Defender capsule = 防御无人机胶囊
| Distractor capsule = 掩护无人机胶囊
| Destroyer = 进攻无人机
| Destroyer capsule = 进攻无人机胶囊
| Destroyer capsule = 进攻无人机胶囊
| Discharge defense = 放电防御模块
| Discharge defense remote = 放电防御瞄准器
| Discharge defense remote = 放电防御瞄准器
| Artillery targeting remote = 重炮袭击瞄准器
| Distractor = 掩护无人机
| Distractor capsule = 掩护无人机胶囊
| Energy shield = 能量盾模块
| Energy shield MK2 = 能量盾模块MK2
| Exoskeleton = 外骨骼模块
| Explosive cannon shell = 爆破炮弹
| Explosive rocket = 爆破火箭弹
| Explosive uranium cannon shell = 爆破贫铀炮弹
| Firearm magazine = 标准弹匣
| Flamethrower = 火焰喷射器
| Flamethrower ammo = 油料储罐
| Flamethrower turret = 火焰炮塔
| Gate = 闸门
| Grenade = 标准手雷
| Gun turret = 机枪炮塔
| Heavy armor = 重型护甲
| Land mine = 地雷
| Laser turret = 激光炮塔
| Light armor = 轻型护甲
| Light armor = 轻型护甲
| Heavy armor = 重型护甲
| Mech armor = 机械装甲
| Modular armor = 模块装甲
| Modular armor = 模块装甲
| Power armor = 能量装甲
| Nightvision = 夜视模块
| Power armor MK2 = 能量装甲MK2
| Nightvision equipment = 夜视模块
| Portable solar panel = 太阳能模块
| Portable fusion reactor = 聚变堆模块
| Energy shield = 能量盾模块
| Energy shield MK2 = 能量盾模块MK2
| Personal battery = 电池组模块
| Personal battery = 电池组模块
| Personal battery MK2 = 电池组模块MK2
| Personal battery MK2 = 电池组模块MK2
| Belt immunity equipment = 锚定模块
| Personal battery MK3 = 电池组模块 MK3
| Personal laser defense = 激光防御模块
| Personal laser defense = 激光防御模块
| Discharge defense = 放电防御模块
| Exoskeleton = 外骨骼模块
| Personal roboport = 机器人指令模块
| Personal roboport = 机器人指令模块
| Personal roboport MK2 = 机器人指令模块MK2
| Personal roboport MK2 = 机器人指令模块MK2
| Nightvision = 夜视模块
| Piercing rounds magazine = 穿甲弹匣
| Piercing shotgun shells = 穿甲霰弹
| Pistol = 手枪
| Poison capsule = 剧毒胶囊
| Portable fission reactor =裂变反应堆模块
| Portable fusion reactor = 聚变反应堆模块
| Portable solar panel = 太阳能模块
| Power armor = 能量装甲
| Power armor MK2 = 能量装甲MK2
| Radar = 雷达
| Railgun = 磁轨炮
| Railgun ammo = 磁轨炮弹
| Railgun turret = 磁轨炮塔
| Rocket = 标准火箭弹
| Rocket defense = 导弹防御系统
| Rocket launcher = 火箭筒
| Rocket turret = 火箭炮塔
| Shotgun = 霰弹枪
| Shotgun shells = 标准霰弹
| Slowdown capsule = 减速胶囊
| Submachine gun = 冲锋枪
| Tesla ammo = 特斯拉枪弹
| Tesla gun = 特斯拉枪
| Tesla turret = 特斯拉炮塔
| Toolbelt = 工具腰带
| Toolbelt equipment = 工具腰带模块
| Uranium ammo = 贫铀弹
| Uranium cannon shell = 贫铀炮弹
| Uranium rounds magazine = 贫铀弹匣
| Wall = 石墙
| Wall = 石墙
| Gate = 闸门
| Gun turret = 机枪炮塔
| Laser turret = 激光炮塔
| Flamethrower turret = 火焰炮塔
| Artillery turret = 重炮炮塔
| Radar = 雷达

<!-- 环境物品 Item: Environment -->
| Ashland tree = 灰烬木
| Biters = 异虫
| Boompuff = 高爆泡泡
| Cliff = 悬崖
| Cuttlepop = 长须孢菌
| Demolisher = 撼地虫
| Fulgoran lightning attractor = 雷神引雷器
| Fulgoran ruin = 雷神废墟
| Fulgoran vault ruin = 雷神地宫废墟
| Fulgorite = 雷击石
| Funneltrunk = 漏斗茎蕈
| Hairy clubnub = 毛根木菌
| Jellystem = 果冻茎株
| Lickmaw = 粘魂精
| Lithium ice formation = 锂冰岩
| Oil ocean = 油海
| Pentapods = 五足虫
| Rock = 岩石
| Slipstack = 黏叠珊瑚
| Stingfrond = 钩叶棘藓
| Stromatolite = 叠层石
| Sunnycomb = 阳绵壳衣
| Teflilly = 赤冠铁葵
| Tree = 树木
| Water cane = 水竹
| Yumako tree = 玉玛果树
<!-- 编辑器物品 Item: Editor -->
| Infinity chest = 永续箱
| Infinity pipe = 永续管
| Electric energy interface = 电力接口
| Lane splitter = 单带分流器
| Loader = 装卸机
| Linked chest = 关联箱
| Heat interface = 热力接口
| Burner generator = 热能发电机
| Linked belt = 关联带

<!-- Space Locations -->
<!-- 生产配方 Recipes -->
| Acid neutralisation = 酸中和
| Advanced carbonic asteroid crushing = 高级碳质星岩粉碎
| Advanced metallic asteroid crushing = 高级金属星岩粉碎
| Advanced oil processing = 高等原油处理
| Advanced oxide asteroid crushing = 高级氧化星岩粉碎
| Advanced thruster fuel = 高级推进器燃料
| Advanced thruster oxidizer = 高级推进器氧化剂
| Ammonia rocket fuel = 氨制火箭燃料
| Ammoniacal solution separation = 氨溶液分离
| Basic oil processing = 基础原油处理
| Biolubricant = 生物润滑油
| Bioplastic = 生物塑料
| Biosulfur = 生物硫磺
| Burnt spoilage = 燃烧变质物
| Carbonic asteroid crushing = 碳质星岩粉碎
| Carbonic asteroid reprocessing = 碳质星岩再处理
| Casting copper = 浇铸铜
| Casting copper cable = 浇铸铜线
| Casting iron = 浇铸铁
| Casting iron gear wheel = 浇铸铁齿轮
| Casting iron stick = 浇铸铁棒
| Casting low density structure = 浇铸轻质框架
| Casting pipe = 浇铸管道
| Casting pipe to ground = 浇铸地下管道
| Casting steel = 浇铸钢
| Coal liquefaction = 煤炭液化
| Coal synthesis = 煤合成
| Concrete from molten iron = 熔融铁制混凝土
| Cooling hot fluoroketone = 热氟酮冷却
| Copper bacteria cultivation = 铜细菌培养
| Empty crude oil barrel = 倒出原油
| Fish breeding = 养鱼
| Fluoroketone = 氟酮
| Heavy oil cracking to light oil = 重油裂解
| Ice melting = 融冰
| Iron bacteria cultivation = 铁细菌培养
| Jellynut processing = 果冻果加工
| Kovarex enrichment process = 铀增殖处理
| Light oil cracking to petroleum gas = 轻油裂解
| Metallic asteroid crushing = 金属星岩粉碎
| Metallic asteroid reprocessing = 金属星岩再处理
| Molten copper from lava = 岩浆制熔融铜
| Molten iron from lava = 岩浆制熔融铁
| Nuclear fuel reprocessing = 乏燃料后处理
| Nutrients from bioflux = 生物结晶制营养素
| Nutrients from biter egg = 异虫卵制营养素
| Nutrients from fish = 鲜鱼制营养素
| Nutrients from spoilage = 变质物制营养素
| Nutrients from yumako mash = 玉玛果泥制营养素
| Oxide asteroid crushing = 氧化星岩粉碎
| Oxide asteroid reprocessing = 氧化星岩再处理
| Rocket fuel from jelly = 果冻制火箭燃料
| Scrap recycling = 废料回收
| Simple coal liquefaction = 简易煤炭液化
| Solid fuel from ammonia = 氨制固体燃料
| Solid fuel from heavy oil = 重油制固体燃料
| Solid fuel from light oil = 轻油制固体燃料
| Solid fuel from petroleum gas = 石油气制固体燃料
| Steam condensation = 蒸汽冷凝
| Uranium processing = 铀浓缩处理
| Wood processing = 木材加工
| Yumako processing = 玉玛果加工
<!-- 太空地点 Space Locations -->
| Aquilo = 玄冥星
| Aquilo = 玄冥星
| Fulgora = 雷神星
| Fulgora = 雷神星
| Gleba = 句芒星
| Gleba = 句芒星
| Nauvis = 新地星
| Nauvis = 新地星
| Shattered Planet = 破碎星球
| Shattered planet = 破碎星球
| Solar System Edge = 星系边缘
| Solar system edge = 星系边缘
| Vulcanus = 祝融星
| Vulcanus = 祝融星

<!-- Template:Space Age -->
<!-- 机械类科技 Research: Machine -->
| expansion exclusive feature. = 专属扩展功能
| Advanced circuit (research) = 科技:集成电路
| Advanced electronics (research) = 科技:高等电学
| Advanced electronics 2 (research) = 科技:高等电学 2
| Automation (research) = 科技:自动化
| Automation 2 (research) = 科技:自动化 2
| Automation 3 (research) = 科技:自动化 3
| Big mining drill (research) = 科技:大型采矿机
| Biochamber (research) = 科技:生物室
| Biolab (research) = 科技:生物研究中心
| Bulk inserter (research) = 科技:集装机械臂
| Captive biter spawner (research) = 科技:虫巢孵化器
| Cryogenic plant (research) = 科技:低温工厂
| Electric energy accumulators (research) = 科技:电能储存
| Electric energy distribution 1 (research) = 科技:电能分配 1
| Electric energy distribution 2 (research) = 科技:电能分配 2
| Electric mining drill (research) = 科技:电力采矿机
| Electromagnetic plant (research) = 科技:电磁工厂
| Fast inserter (research) = 科技:高速机械臂
| Fluid handling (research) = 科技:流体处理
| Foundry (research) = 科技:铸造厂
| Fusion reactor (research) = 科技:聚变反应堆
| Heating tower (research) = 科技:供热塔
| Lightning collector (research) = 科技:闪电捕捉器
| Logistic system (research) = 科技:物流系统
| Logistics (research) = 科技:物流学
| Logistics 2 (research) = 科技:物流学 2
| Logistics 3 (research) = 科技:物流学 3
| Nuclear power (research) = 科技:核能
| Oil processing (research) = 科技:基础原油处理
| Rocket silo (research) = 科技:火箭发射井
| Solar energy (research) = 科技:太阳能
| Stack inserter (research) = 科技:堆叠机械臂
| Turbo transport belt (research) = 科技:超速传送带
<!-- 军工类科技 Research: Weaponry/Defense -->
| Alien technology (research) = 科技:异星科技
| Armor crafting (research) = 科技:护甲制造
| Artillery (research) = 科技:重炮
| Atomic bomb (research) = 科技:原子弹
| Cluster grenade (research) = 科技:集束手雷
| Combat robotics (research) = 科技:战斗无人机
| Combat robotics 2 (research) = 科技:战斗无人机 2
| Combat robotics 3 (research) = 科技:战斗无人机 3
| Defender (research) = 科技:防御无人机
| Destroyer (research) = 科技:进攻无人机
| Distractor (research) = 科技:掩护无人机
| Explosive rocketry (research) = 科技:爆破火箭弹
| Flamethrower (research) = 科技:火焰喷射器
| Gate (research) = 科技:闸门
| Gun turret (research) = 科技:机枪炮塔
| Heavy armor (research) = 科技:重型装甲
| Land mines (research) = 科技:地雷
| Laser turret (research) = 科技:激光炮塔
| Mech armor (research) = 科技:机械装甲
| Military (research) = 科技:军工学
| Military 2 (research) = 科技:军工学 2
| Military 3 (research) = 科技:军工学 3
| Military 4 (research) = 科技:军工学 4
| Modular armor (research) = 科技:模块装甲
| Power armor (research) = 科技:能量装甲
| Power armor MK2 (research) = 科技:能量装甲 MK2
| Railgun (research) = 科技:磁轨炮
| Rocket defense (research) = 科技:导弹防御系统
| Rocket turret (research) = 科技:火箭炮塔
| Rocketry (research) = 科技:火箭弹
| Stone wall (research) = 科技:石墙
| Tesla weapons (research) = 科技:特斯拉武器
| Uranium ammo (research) = 科技:贫铀弹
<!-- 加成类科技 Research: Bonus -->
| Artillery shell damage (research) = 科技:重炮炮弹伤害
| Artillery shell range (research) = 科技:重炮炮弹射程
| Artillery shell shooting speed (research) = 科技:重炮炮弹射速
| Asteroid productivity (research) = 科技:星岩增产计划
| Braking force (research) = 科技:制动技术
| Bullet damage (research) = 科技:子弹伤害
| Bullet shooting speed (research) = 科技:子弹射速
| Cannon shell damage (research) = 科技:制式炮弹伤害
| Cannon shell shooting speed (research) = 科技:制式炮弹射速
| Combat robot damage (research) = 科技:战斗无人机伤害
| Electric weapons damage (research) = 科技:电力武器伤害
| Energy weapons damage (research) = 科技:能量武器伤害
| Epic quality (research) = 科技:史诗品质
| Flamethrower damage (research) = 科技:火焰伤害
| Follower robot count (research) = 科技:无人机跟随数量
| Grenade damage (research) = 科技:手雷伤害
| Gun turret damage (research) = 科技:机枪炮塔伤害
| Inserter capacity bonus (research) = 科技:机械臂运力加成
| Lab research speed (research) = 科技:科技研究速度
| Laser shooting speed (research) = 科技:激光射速
| Laser turret damage (research) = 科技:激光炮塔伤害
| Laser weapons damage (research) = 科技:激光武器伤害
| Legendary quality (research) = 科技:传说品质
| Low density structure productivity (research) = 科技:轻质框架增产计划
| Mining productivity (research) = 科技:采矿产能
| Physical projectile damage (research) = 科技:动能武器伤害
| Plastic bar productivity (research) = 科技:塑料增产计划
| Processing unit productivity (research) = 科技:处理器增产计划
| Railgun damage (research) = 科技:磁轨炮伤害
| Railgun shooting speed (research) = 科技:磁轨炮射速
| Refined flammables (research) = 科技:精炼燃料制备
| Research productivity (research) = 科技:科研增产计划
| Rocket damage (research) = 科技:火箭弹伤害
| Rocket fuel productivity (research) = 科技:火箭燃料增产计划
| Rocket part productivity (research) = 科技:火箭组件增产计划
| Rocket shooting speed (research) = 科技:火箭弹射速
| Scrap recycling productivity (research) = 科技:废料回收产能
| Shotgun shell damage (research) = 科技:霰弹伤害
| Shotgun shell shooting speed (research) = 科技:霰弹射速
| Steel plate productivity (research) = 科技:钢材增产计划
| Stronger explosives (research) = 科技:烈性炸药
| Transport belt capacity (research) = 科技:传送带容量
| Weapon shooting speed (research) = 科技:动能武器射速
| Worker robot cargo size (research) = 科技:作业机器人货物运量
| Worker robot speed (research) = 科技:作业机器人速度
<!-- 玩家强化类科技 Research: Player augmentation -->
| Automated construction (research) = 科技:自动建设
| Construction robotics (research) = 科技:建设机器人
| Flight (research) = 科技:悬空技术
| Health (research) = 科技:永生计划
| Logistic robotics (research) = 科技:物流机器人
| Steel axe (research) = 科技:钢斧镐
| Toolbelt (research) = 科技:工具腰带
| Toolbelt equipment (research) = 科技:工具腰带模块
<!-- 制造类科技 Research: Crafting -->
| Advanced asteroid processing (research) = 科技:高级星岩处理
| Advanced chemistry (research) = 科技:高等化学
| Advanced combinators (research) = 科技:高级运算器
| Advanced material processing (research) = 科技:高等冶炼技术
| Advanced material processing 2 (research) = 科技:高等冶炼技术 2
| Advanced oil processing (research) = 科技:高等原油处理
| Agricultural science pack (research) = 科技:农业科技包
| Agriculture (research) = 科技:农业
| Artificial soil (research) = 科技:人造土
| Asteroid reprocessing (research) = 科技:星岩再处理
| Automation science pack (research) = 科技:机自科技包
| Bacteria cultivation (research) = 科技:细菌培养
| Battery (research) = 科技:电池
| Bioflux (research) = 科技:生物结晶
| Bioflux processing (research) = 科技:生物结晶加工
| Biter egg handling (research) = 科技:虫卵处理
| Calcite processing (research) = 科技:方解石加工
| Captivity (research) = 科技:圈养
| Carbon fiber (research) = 科技:碳纤维
| Chemical science pack (research) = 科技:化工科技包
| Chemistry (research) = 科技:基础化学
| Circuit network (research) = 科技:信号网络
| Cliff explosives (research) = 科技:悬崖炸药
| Coal liquefaction (research) = 科技:煤炭液化
| Concrete (research) = 科技:标准混凝土
| Cryogenic science pack (research) = 科技:低温科技包
| Electric engine (research) = 科技:电动机
| Electromagnetic science pack (research) = 科技:电磁科技包
| Electronics (research) = 科技:基础电学
| Engine (research) = 科技:内燃机
| Explosives (research) = 科技:炸药
| Fish breeding (research) = 科技:养鱼
| Flammables (research) = 科技:燃料制备
| Foundation (research) = 科技:工程基座
| Holmium processing (research) = 科技:钬处理
| Iron working (research) = 科技:炼铁工艺
| Jellynut (research) = 科技:果冻果
| Kovarex enrichment process (research) = 科技:铀增殖处理
| Lamp (research) = 科技:照明灯
| Landfill (research) = 科技:填埋材料
| Laser (research) = 科技:激光
| Lithium processing (research) = 科技:锂加工
| Logistic science pack (research) = 科技:物流科技包
| Low density structure (research) = 科技:轻质框架
| Lubricant (research) = 科技:润滑油
| Metallurgic science pack (research) = 科技:冶金科技包
| Military science pack (research) = 科技:军备科技包
| Nuclear fuel reprocessing (research) = 科技:乏燃料后处理
| Oil gathering (research) = 科技:原油采集
| Optics (research) = 科技:基础光学
| Overgrowth soil (research) = 科技:沃土
| Plastics (research) = 科技:塑料
| Processing unit (research) = 科技:处理器
| Production science pack (research) = 科技:生产科技包
| Promethium science pack (research) = 科技:钷素科技包
| Quantum processor (research) = 科技:量子处理器
| Radar (research) = 科技:雷达
| Recycling (research) = 科技:回收
| Repair pack (research) = 科技:修理包
| Robotics (research) = 科技:机器人技术
| Rocket control unit (research) = 科技:火箭控制器
| Rocket fuel (research) = 科技:火箭燃料
| Space science pack (research) = 科技:太空科技包
| Steam power (research) = 科技:蒸汽动力
| Steel processing (research) = 科技:炼钢技术
| Sulfur processing (research) = 科技:硫磺处理
| Tungsten carbide (research) = 科技:碳化钨
| Tungsten steel (research) = 科技:钨钢
| Uranium mining (research) = 科技:铀矿开采
| Uranium processing (research) = 科技:铀矿处理
| Utility science pack (research) = 科技:效能科技包
| Yumako (research) = 科技:玉玛果
<!-- 交通类科技 Research: Transportation -->
| Automated rail transportation (research) = 科技:自动化铁路交通
| Automobilism (research) = 科技:汽车
| Elevated rail (research) = 科技:高架铁路
| Fluid wagon (research) = 科技:液罐车厢
| Rail signals (research) = 科技:铁路信号
| Rail support foundations (research) = 科技:铁路支架基座
| Railway (research) = 科技:铁路
| Spidertron (research) = 科技:蜘蛛机甲
| Tank (research) = 科技:坦克

<!-- Template:About/Space age -->
<!-- 模块类科技 Research: Equipment modules -->
| Auto character logistic trash slots (research) = 科技:背包物流系统-回收清单
| Belt immunity equipment (research) = 科技:锚定模块
| Character logistic slots (research) = 科技:背包物流系统-供应清单
| Character logistic trash slots (research) = 科技:背包物流系统-回收区
| Discharge defense (research) = 科技:放电防御模块
| Energy shield equipment (research) = 科技:能量盾模块
| Energy shield MK2 equipment (research) = 科技:能量盾模块 MK2
| Exoskeleton equipment (research) = 科技:外骨骼模块
| Nightvision equipment (research) = 科技:夜视模块
| Personal battery (research) = 科技:电池组模块
| Personal battery MK2 (research) = 科技:电池组模块 MK2
| Personal battery MK3 (research) = 科技:电池组模块 MK3
| Personal laser defense (research) = 科技:激光防御模块
| Personal roboport (research) = 科技:机器人指令模块
| Personal roboport MK2 (research) = 科技:机器人指令模块 MK2
| Portable fission reactor (research) = 科技:裂变反应堆模块
| Portable fusion reactor (research) = 科技:聚变反应堆模块
| Portable solar panel (research) = 科技:太阳能模块
<!-- 插件类科技 Research: Modules -->
| Effect transmission (research) = 科技:插件效果分享
| Efficiency module (research) = 科技:节能插件
| Efficiency module 2 (research) = 科技:节能插件 2
| Efficiency module 3 (research) = 科技:节能插件 3
| Modules (research) = 科技:插件
| Productivity module (research) = 科技:产能插件
| Productivity module 2 (research) = 科技:产能插件 2
| Productivity module 3 (research) = 科技:产能插件 3
| Quality module (research) = 科技:品质插件
| Quality module 2 (research) = 科技:品质插件 2
| Quality module 3 (research) = 科技:品质插件 3
| Speed module (research) = 科技:速度插件
| Speed module 2 (research) = 科技:速度插件 2
| Speed module 3 (research) = 科技:速度插件 3
<!-- 太空科技 Research: Space -->
| Planet discovery Aquilo (research) = 发现星球:玄冥星
| Planet discovery Fulgora (research) = 发现星球:雷神星
| Planet discovery Gleba (research) = 发现星球:句芒星
| Planet discovery Vulcanus (research) = 发现星球:祝融星
| Space platform (research) = 科技:太空平台
| Space platform thruster (research) = 科技:太空平台推进器
<!-- 太空时代 Template:About/Space age -->
| [[Space Age]] expansion exclusive feature. = [[Space Age/zh|太空时代]]专属扩展功能
| Space Age = 太空时代
| Space Age = 太空时代

<!-- Achievements -->
<!-- 成就 Achievements -->
| Arachnophilia = 蛛神眷顾
| Arachnophilia = 蛛神眷顾
| Build a spidertron. = 建造出蜘蛛机甲。
| Build a [[spidertron]]. = 建造出[[spidertron/zh|蜘蛛机甲]]。
| Art of siege = 攻城艺术
| Art of siege = 攻城艺术
| Destroy an enemy structure using artillery. = 使用重炮摧毁敌方建筑。
| Destroy an enemy structure using [[artillery]]. = 使用[[artillery/zh|重炮]]摧毁敌方建筑。
| Automate this! = 自动化生产!
| Automate this! = 自动化生产!
| Build an assembling machine. = 建造出组装机。
| Build an [[Assembling_machine_1|assembling machine]]. = 建造出组装机。
| Automated cleanup = 拆迁队长
| Automated cleanup = 拆迁队长
| Deconstruct 100 objects with the [[construction robot]]s. = 使用建设机器人拆除物体数量达100。
| Deconstruct 100 objects with the [[construction robot]]s. = 使用[[construction robot/zh|建设机器人]]拆除物体数量达100。
| Automated construction = 自动建设
| Automated construction = 自动建设
| Construct 100 machines using [[construction robot|robots]]. = 使用建设机器人铺设机器数量达100。
| Construct 100 machines using [[construction robot|robots]]. = 使用[[construction robot/zh|建设机器人]]铺设机器数量达100。
| Circuit veteran 1 = 电路老手 1
| Circuit veteran 1 = 电路老手 1
| Produce 1.0k [[advanced circuit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Advanced circuit/zh|集成电路]]数量达1.0k。
| Produce 1.0k [[advanced circuit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Advanced circuit/zh|集成电路]]数量达1.0k。
Line 924: Line 1,125:
| Produce 5k [[processing unit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Processing unit/zh|处理器]]数量达5k。
| Produce 5k [[processing unit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Processing unit/zh|处理器]]数量达5k。
| Crafting with efficiency = 节能制造
| Crafting with efficiency = 节能制造
| Craft an efficiency module 3. = 制造出节能插件 3。
| Craft an [[efficiency module 3]]. = 制造出[[efficiency module 3/zh|节能插件 3]]。
| Crafting with productivity = 产能制造
| Crafting with productivity = 产能制造
| Craft a productivity module 3. = 制造出产能插件 3。
| Craft a [[productivity module 3]]. = 制造出[[productivity module 3/zh|产能插件 3]]。
| Crafting with quality = 品质制造
| Crafting with quality = 品质制造
| Craft a quality module 3. = 制作一枚品质插件 3。
| Craft a [[quality module 3]]. = 制作一枚[[quality module 3/zh|品质插件 3]]。
| Crafting with speed = 快速制造
| Crafting with speed = 快速制造
| Craft a speed module 3. = 制造出速度插件 3。
| Craft a [[speed module 3]]. = 制造出[[speed module 3/zh|速度插件 3]]。
| Delivery service = 送货服务
| Delivery service = 送货服务
| Supply the character with 10k items delivered by [[logistic robot]]s. = 使用[[Logistic robot/zh|物流机器人]]为自己运送物品数量达10k。
| Supply the character with 10k items delivered by [[logistic robot]]s. = 使用[[Logistic robot/zh|物流机器人]]为自己运送物品数量达10k。
Line 938: Line 1,139:
| Finish the game within 40 hours. = 40小时内通关游戏。
| Finish the game within 40 hours. = 40小时内通关游戏。
| Fusion power = 聚变之力
| Fusion power = 聚变之力
| Start producing electric power by fusion powerplant. = 开始用聚变装置发电。
| Start producing electric power by [[fusion reactor|fusion powerplant]]. = 开始用[[fusion reactor/zh|聚变装置]]发电。
| Get off my lawn = 滚出我的地盘
| Get off my lawn = 滚出我的地盘
| Disturb a demolisher by building on its territory. = 在撼地虫的领地上建造,惹恼对方。
| Disturb a [[demolisher]] by building on its territory. = 在[[Demolisher/zh|撼地虫]]的领地上建造,惹恼对方。
| Getting on track = 步入正轨
| Getting on track = 步入正轨
| Build a [[locomotive]]. = 建造出[[Locomotive/zh|内燃机车]]。
| Build a [[locomotive]]. = 建造出[[Locomotive/zh|内燃机车]]。
Line 946: Line 1,147:
| Build a [[locomotive]] within the first 90 minutes of the game. = 在游戏90分钟内建造出[[Locomotive/zh|内燃机车]]。
| Build a [[locomotive]] within the first 90 minutes of the game. = 在游戏90分钟内建造出[[Locomotive/zh|内燃机车]]。
| Going to shattered planet 1 = 前往破碎星球 1
| Going to shattered planet 1 = 前往破碎星球 1
| Travel 10 000 km towards the shattered planet. = 抵近破碎星球,航行 10 000 km。
| Travel 10 000 km towards the [[shattered planet]]. = 抵近[[Shattered planet/zh|破碎星球]],航行 10 000 km。
| Going to shattered planet 2 = 前往破碎星球 2
| Going to shattered planet 2 = 前往破碎星球 2
| Travel 30 000 km towards the shattered planet. = 抵近破碎星球,航行 30 000 km。
| Travel 30 000 km towards the [[shattered planet]]. = 抵近[[Shattered planet/zh|破碎星球]],航行 30 000 km。
| Going to shattered planet 3 = 前往破碎星球 3
| Going to shattered planet 3 = 前往破碎星球 3
| Travel 60 000 km towards the shattered planet. = 抵近破碎星球,航行 60 000 km。
| Travel 60 000 km towards the [[shattered planet]]. = 抵近[[Shattered planet/zh|破碎星球]],航行 60 000 km。
| Golem = 金钟罩铁布衫
| Golem = 金钟罩铁布衫
| Survive a hit of 500 [[damage]] or more. = 单次受到至少500点[[Damage/zh|伤害]]并存活下来。
| Survive a hit of 500 [[damage]] or more. = 单次受到至少500点[[Damage/zh|伤害]]并存活下来。
| I am the destroyer of worlds = 我,世界毁灭者
| I am the destroyer of worlds = 我,世界毁灭者
| Use an atomic bomb. = 使用原子弹。
| Use an [[atomic bomb]]. = 使用[[atomic bomb/zh|原子弹]]。
| If it bleeds, we can kill it = 血条一亮,生机渺茫
| If it bleeds, we can kill it = 血条一亮,生机渺茫
| Kill a small demolisher. = 诛杀小型撼地虫。
| Kill a small [[demolisher]]. = 诛杀小型[[demolisher/zh|撼地虫]]。
| Iron throne 1 = 钢铁大亨 1
| Iron throne 1 = 钢铁大亨 1
| Produce 20k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Iron plate/zh|铁板]]数量达20k。
| Produce 20k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Iron plate/zh|铁板]]数量达20k。
Line 964: Line 1,165:
| Produce 400k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Iron plate/zh|铁板]]数量达400k。
| Produce 400k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Iron plate/zh|铁板]]数量达400k。
| It stinks and they do like it = 好臭!好爱哦!
| It stinks and they do like it = 好臭!好爱哦!
| Attract a group of [[pentapod]]s using spores. = 利用孢子吸引来一群五足虫。
| Attract a group of [[pentapods]] using spores. = 利用孢子吸引来一群[[Pentapods/zh|五足虫]]。
| It stinks and they don't like it = 好臭!好讨厌!
| It stinks and they don't like it = 好臭!好讨厌!
| Trigger an [[enemies|alien]] attack by [[pollution]]. = [[Pollution/zh|污染]]引来了[[Enemies/zh|虫子]]袭击。
| Trigger an [[enemies|alien]] attack by [[pollution]]. = [[Pollution/zh|污染]]引来了[[Enemies/zh|虫群]]袭击。
| Keeping your hands clean = 手不沾血
| Keeping your hands clean = 手不沾血
| Destroy your first enemy structure using artillery. = 使用重炮摧毁第一个敌方建筑。
| Destroy your first enemy structure using [[artillery]]. = 使用[[artillery/zh|重炮]]摧毁第一个敌方建筑。
| Lazy bastard = 甩手掌柜
| Lazy bastard = 甩手掌柜
| Launch a rocket to space while manually crafting no more than 111 items. = 向太空发射火箭,手动制作物品数量不超过111。
| Launch a rocket to space while manually crafting no more than 111 items. = 向太空发射火箭,手动制作物品数量不超过111。
| Logistic network embargo = 查封物流网络
| Logistic network embargo = 查封物流网络
| Finish research with [[space science pack]] for the base game or any [[planetary science pack]] for [[Space Age]]{{SA}} without building any [[active provider chest|active provider]], [[buffer chest|buffer]], or [[requester chest]]s. = 在基础游戏中,使用太空科技包完成研究;在《太空时代》游戏中,使用任何星球科技包完成研究。同时,不铺设主动供货箱(紫箱)、主动存货箱(绿箱)和优先集货箱(蓝箱)。
| Finish research with [[space science pack]] for the base game or any [[planetary science pack]] for [[Space Age]]{{SA}} without building any [[active provider chest|active provider]], [[buffer chest|buffer]], or [[requester chest]]s. = 在基础游戏中,使用[[space science pack/zh|太空科技包]]完成研究;在[[Space Age/zh|太空时代]]{{SA}}游戏中,使用任何[[planetary science pack/zh|星球科技包]]完成研究。同时,不铺设[[active provider chest/zh|主动供货箱(紫箱)]]、[[buffer chest/zh|主动存货箱(绿箱)]]和[[requester chest/zh|优先集货箱(蓝箱)]]。
| Look at my shiny rare armor = 瞅瞅我这身闪亮的稀有装备!
| Look at my shiny rare armor = 瞅瞅我这身闪亮的稀有装备!
| Equip rare or better quality of power armor MK2 or mech armor. = 装备品质至少为稀有的动力装甲 MK2 或机械装甲。
| Equip rare or better quality of [[power armor MK2]] or [[mech armor]]. = 装备品质至少为稀有的[[power armor MK2/zh|动力装甲 MK2]]或[[mech armor/zh|机械装甲]]。
| Make it better = 机会馈赠
| Make it better = 机会馈赠
| Insert a quality module into a module slot. = 安装品质插件,接受随机礼赞。
| Insert a quality module into a module slot. = 安装品质插件,接受随机礼赞。
Line 988: Line 1,189:
| Have 100 [[Combat robot capsules|combat robots]] or more following you. = 让至少100个战斗无人机跟着你。
| Have 100 [[Combat robot capsules|combat robots]] or more following you. = 让至少100个战斗无人机跟着你。
| My modules are legendary = 我的插件是传说
| My modules are legendary = 我的插件是传说
| Craft a legendary quality module 3. = 制作一枚传说品质插件 3。
| Craft a legendary [[quality module 3]]. = 制作一枚[[quality module 3/zh|传说级品质插件 3]]。
| No room for more = 机甲无双
| No room for more = 机甲无双
| Fill every tile of legendary mech armor with legendary equipment. = 用传说装备填满传说机械装甲的所有空间。
| Fill every tile of legendary [[mech armor]] with legendary equipment. = 用传说级模块填满传说级[[mech armor/zh|机械装甲]]的所有空间。
| No time for chitchat = 无暇闲谈
| No time for chitchat = 无暇闲谈
| Launch a rocket to space within 15 hours. = 在15小时内向太空发射火箭。
| Launch a rocket to space within 15 hours. = 在15小时内向太空发射火箭。
| Nuclear power = 裂变之力
| Nuclear power = 裂变之力
| Start producing electric power by nuclear powerplant. = 开始用核电站发电。
| Start producing electric power by [[nuclear reactor|nuclear powerplant]]. = 开始用核电站发电。
| Pest control = 害虫防治
| Pest control = 害虫防治
| Destroy a biter spawner. = 摧毁一个虫巢。
| Destroy a biter [[Enemies#Nests|spawner]]. = 摧毁一个[[Enemies/zh#虫巢|虫巢]]。
| Pyromaniac = 放火烧山,牢底坐穿!
| Pyromaniac = 放火烧山,牢底坐穿!
| Destroy 10k [[tree]]s with fire. = 烧毁[[Tree/zh|树木]]数量达10k。
| Destroy 10k [[tree]]s with fire. = 烧毁[[Tree/zh|树木]]数量达10k。
Line 1,002: Line 1,203:
| Launch a rocket to space without building any [[laser turret]]s. = 在不建造任何[[Laser turret/zh|激光炮塔]]的情况下,将火箭发射到太空。
| Launch a rocket to space without building any [[laser turret]]s. = 在不建造任何[[Laser turret/zh|激光炮塔]]的情况下,将火箭发射到太空。
| Reach for the stars = 伸手摘星
| Reach for the stars = 伸手摘星
| Create a space platform. = 创建太空平台。
| Create a [[space platform]]. = 创建[[space platform/zh|太空平台]]。
| Research with agriculture = 农业研究  
| Research with agriculture = 农业研究  
| Research a technology using agricultural science packs. = 使用农业科技包(草瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[agricultural science pack]]s. = 使用[[agricultural science pack/zh|农业科技包(草瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with automation = 机自研究
| Research with automation = 机自研究
| Research a technology using automation science packs. = 使用机自科技包(红瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[automation science pack]]s. = 使用[[automation science pack/zh|机自科技包(红瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with chemicals = 化工研究
| Research with chemicals = 化工研究
| Research a technology using chemical science packs. = 使用化工科技包(蓝瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[chemical science pack]]s. = 使用[[chemical science pack/zh|化工科技包(蓝瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with cryogenics = 低温研究
| Research with cryogenics = 低温研究
| Research a technology using cryogenic science packs. = 使用低温科技包(靛瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[cryogenic science pack]]s. = 使用[[cryogenic science pack/zh|低温科技包(靛瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with electromagnetics = 电磁研究
| Research with electromagnetics = 电磁研究
| Research a technology using electromagnetic science packs. = 使用电磁科技包(粉瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[electromagnetic science pack]]s. = 使用[[electromagnetic science pack/zh|电磁科技包(粉瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with logistics = 物流研究
| Research with logistics = 物流研究
| Research a technology using logistic science packs. = 使用物流科技包(绿瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[logistic science pack]]s. = 使用[[logistic science pack/zh|物流科技包(绿瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with metallurgics = 冶金研究
| Research with metallurgics = 冶金研究
| Research a technology using metallurgic science packs. = 使用冶金科技包(橙瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[metallurgic science pack]]s. = 使用[[metallurgic science pack/zh|冶金科技包(橙瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with military = 军备研究
| Research with military = 军备研究
| Research a technology using military science packs. = 使用军备科技包(灰瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[military science pack]]s. = 使用[[military science pack/zh|军备科技包(灰瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with production = 生产研究
| Research with production = 生产研究
| Research a technology using production science packs. = 使用生产科技包(紫瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[production science pack]]s. = 使用[[production science pack/zh|生产科技包(紫瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with promethium = 钷素研究
| Research with promethium = 钷素研究
| Research a technology using promethium science packs. = 使用钷素科技包(黑瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[promethium science pack]]s. = 使用[[promethium science pack/zh|钷素科技包(黑瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with space = 太空研究
| Research with space = 太空研究
| Research a technology using space science packs. = 使用太空科技包(白瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[space science pack]]s. = 使用[[space science pack/zh|太空科技包(白瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with utility = 效能研究
| Research with utility = 效能研究
| Research a technology using utility science packs. = 使用效能科技包(黄瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[utility science pack]]s. = 使用[[utility science pack/zh|效能科技包(黄瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Run Forrest, run = 阿甘快跑
| Run Forrest, run = 阿甘快跑
| Destroy 100 [[tree]]s by impact. = 撞倒[[Tree/zh|树木]]数量达100。
| Destroy 100 [[tree]]s by impact. = 撞倒[[Tree/zh|树木]]数量达100。
| Rush to space = 冲向太空
| Rush to space = 冲向太空
| Research a technology using another planet's science pack before unlocking production or utility science packs. = 在解锁生产科技包(紫瓶)或效能科技包(黄瓶)之前,使用其他星球的科技包研究一项技术。
| Research a technology using another [[Planetary science pack|planet's science pack]] before unlocking [[production science pack (research)|production]] or [[utility science pack (research)|utility science packs]]. = 在解锁[[production science pack/zh|生产科技包(紫瓶)]]或[[utility science pack/zh|效能科技包(黄瓶)]]之前,使用其他星球的[[Planetary science pack/zh|科技包]]研究一项技术。
| Second star to the right and straight on till morning. = 右边第二颗星,一直飞到天明。
| Second star to the right and straight on till morning = 右边第二颗星,一直飞到天明。
| Finish the game. = 通关游戏。
| Finish the game. = 通关游戏。
| Size doesn't matter = 巨虫撼地,轻取易得
| Size doesn't matter = 巨虫撼地,轻取易得
| Kill a big demolisher. = 诛杀大型撼地虫。
| Kill a big [[demolisher]]. = 诛杀大型[[demolisher/zh|撼地虫]]。
| Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast = 出门一趟,等我回来!
| Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast = 出门一趟,等我回来!
| Launch a rocket to space. = 向太空发射火箭。
| Launch a rocket to space. = 向太空发射火箭。
Line 1,040: Line 1,241:
| {{spoiler|button-text=Spoiler! Click to view.|message=Send a [[raw fish]] into space via [[rocket silo|rocket]].}} = {{spoiler|button-text=剧透警告!点击查看|message=使用[[Rocket silo/zh|火箭]]发射一条[[Raw fish/zh|鲜鱼]]上太空。}}
| {{spoiler|button-text=Spoiler! Click to view.|message=Send a [[raw fish]] into space via [[rocket silo|rocket]].}} = {{spoiler|button-text=剧透警告!点击查看|message=使用[[Rocket silo/zh|火箭]]发射一条[[Raw fish/zh|鲜鱼]]上太空。}}
| Solar power = 日耀之力
| Solar power = 日耀之力
| Start producing electric power by solar panels. = 开始用太阳能板发电。
| Start producing electric power by [[solar panel]]s. = 开始用太阳能板发电。
| Solaris = 逐日者
| Solaris = 逐日者
| Produce more than 10 GJ per hour using only [[solar panel]]s. = 仅使用[[Solar panel/zh|太阳能板]]发电,每小时发电量达一百亿焦耳(10GJ)。
| Produce more than 10 GJ per hour using only [[solar panel]]s. = 仅使用[[Solar panel/zh|太阳能板]]发电,每小时发电量达一百亿焦耳(10GJ)。
Line 1,046: Line 1,247:
| Launch a rocket to space without building any [[solar panel]]s. = 在不建造任何[[Solar panel/zh|太阳能板]]的情况下,将火箭发射到太空。
| Launch a rocket to space without building any [[solar panel]]s. = 在不建造任何[[Solar panel/zh|太阳能板]]的情况下,将火箭发射到太空。
| Steam power = 蒸汽之力
| Steam power = 蒸汽之力
| Start producing electric power by steam engine. = 开始用蒸汽机发电。
| Start producing electric power by [[steam engine]]. = 开始用蒸汽机发电。
| Steamrolled = 摧枯拉朽
| Steamrolled = 摧枯拉朽
| Destroy 10 [[Enemies#Nests|spawners]] by impact. = 撞毁虫巢数量达10。
| Destroy 10 [[Enemies#Nests|spawners]] by impact. = 撞毁虫巢数量达10。
Line 1,052: Line 1,253:
| Research all [[technologies]]. = 研究所有[[Technologies/zh|科技]]。
| Research all [[technologies]]. = 研究所有[[Technologies/zh|科技]]。
| Terraformer = 愚公炸山
| Terraformer = 愚公炸山
| Destroy a cliff. = 摧毁一座悬崖。
| Destroy a [[cliff]]. = 摧毁一座[[cliff/zh|悬崖]]。
| There is no spoon = 拒绝加班
| There is no spoon = 拒绝加班
| Launch a rocket to space within 8 hours. = 在8小时内向太空发射火箭。
| Launch a rocket to space within 8 hours. = 在8小时内向太空发射火箭。
Line 1,060: Line 1,261:
| Have a [[train]] plan a path 1,000 tiles or longer. = 规划一条[[Railway/zh|列车]]线路长度达1,000格。
| Have a [[train]] plan a path 1,000 tiles or longer. = 规划一条[[Railway/zh|列车]]线路长度达1,000格。
| Visit Aquilo = 探访玄冥星
| Visit Aquilo = 探访玄冥星
| Travel to planet Aquilo. = 前往玄冥星(Aquilo)。
| Travel to planet [[Aquilo]]. = 前往[[Aquilo/zh|玄冥星(Aquilo)]]。
| Visit Fulgora = 探访雷神星
| Visit Fulgora = 探访雷神星
| Travel to planet Fulgora. = 前往雷神星(Fulgora)。
| Travel to planet [[Fulgora]]. = 前往[[Fulgora/zh|雷神星(Fulgora)]]。
| Visit Gleba = 探访句芒星
| Visit Gleba = 探访句芒星
| Travel to planet Gleba. = 前往句芒星(Gleba)。
| Travel to planet [[Gleba]]. = 前往[[Gleba/zh|句芒星(Gleba)]]。
| Visit Vulcanus = 探访祝融星
| Visit Vulcanus = 探访祝融星
| Travel to planet Vulcanus. = 前往祝融星(Vulcanus)。
| Travel to planet [[Vulcanus]]. = 前往[[Vulcanus/zh|祝融星(Vulcanus)]]。
| Watch your step = 迷之归西
| Watch your step = 迷之归西
| Get killed by a moving [[locomotive]]. = 被行驶中的[[Locomotive/zh|机车]]撞死。
| Get killed by a moving [[locomotive]]. = 被行驶中的[[Locomotive/zh|机车]]撞死。
| We need bigger guns = 火力不足,难以制服
| We need bigger guns = 火力不足,难以制服
| Kill a medium demolisher. = 诛杀中型撼地虫。
| Kill a medium [[demolisher]]. = 诛杀中型[[demolisher/zh|撼地虫]]。
| Work around the clock = 日夜兼程
| Work around the clock = 日夜兼程
| Finish the game within 100 hours. = 100小时内通关游戏。
| Finish the game within 100 hours. = 100小时内通关游戏。
| You are doing it right = 你上道了
| You are doing it right = 你上道了
| Construct more machines using [[construction robot|robots]] than manually. = 机器人铺设的机器数量比手动放置更多。
| Construct more machines using [[construction robot|robots]] than manually. = [[construction robot/zh|机器人]]铺设的机器数量比手动放置更多。
| You've got a package = 你有一个快递
| You've got a package = 你有一个快递
| Supply the character by [[logistic robot]]. = 使用[[Logistic robot/zh|物流机器人]]为自己运送物品。
| Supply the character by [[logistic robot]]. = 使用[[Logistic robot/zh|物流机器人]]为自己运送物品。

<!-- 场景模式 Scenarios -->
| Scenario = 游戏场景
| Scenario system = 场景系统
| Transport belt madness = 纠结的传送带
| Tight spot = 挖币工厂
| Wave defense = 异星格勒保卫战
| Supply challenge = 物资供应挑战
| PvP = 玩家对抗模式
| Team production = 团队生产擂台赛
| Sandbox = 沙盒模式
| Rocket rush = 进击的火箭

<!-- 快捷键 Keybinding -->
<!-- Keybinding -->
| Right mouse button = 鼠标右键
| Right mouse button = 鼠标右键
| Left mouse button = 鼠标左键
| Left mouse button = 鼠标左键
Line 1,092: Line 1,303:
| GRAVE = 波浪键
| GRAVE = 波浪键

<!-- Misc -->
<!-- 杂项 Misc -->
| Copy blueprint string = 复制蓝图代码
| Copy blueprint string = 复制蓝图代码
| For = 对于
| For = 对于
Line 1,101: Line 1,312:
| see = 请参见
| see = 请参见
| This article is about = 本页面是关于
| This article is about = 本页面是关于
| This article is a = 这篇文章是一篇
| stub = 小作品
| , and not comprehensive = ,可能还不够完善
| You can help this wiki by = 您可以增加内容使其更加完善:
| expanding it = 编辑
| has been <u>archived</u> = 已被归档
| The information on this page pertains to a previous version of the game.<br>It may be incorrect, or concern a removed/changed feature. = 此页面上的信息与游戏的先前版本相关。<br>这些信息现在可能错误,或包含已移除/更改的功能。

| #default = {{{1}}}
| #default = {{{1}}}
{{C|Localisation templates|lang=none}}

Latest revision as of 09:31, 9 March 2025


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(English below)

模板 Translation/zh 包含本地化模板使用的简体中文翻译词条,您可以将其视为某种"字典"文档。


  • 自动翻译带有/zh后缀的页面的标题;
  • 物品信息栏中内容的翻译;
  • 页面链接、标签和导航栏中内容的翻译。


The Translation/zh template contains the list of the translation in Simplified Chinese used by the localization templates.

These translations are used:

  • To translate the titles of the pages in Simplified Chinese */zh
  • To translate the labels in the Infoboxes
  • To translate the labels and links in the navigation bars.
To facilitate the maintenance of this template, when adding new translation entries, please categorize them accordingly and arrange the entries in alphabetical order based on their English terms.
List of all templates