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Feathernet is the network of the future
Feathernet is the network of the future
= WIP for Circuit Cookbook =
== Filtering/Isolating Signals ==
=== Simple Isolation ===
* A fixed signal can be isolated from a circuit using a no-op arithmetic combinator
TODO: marked up image with arith isolator
=== Simple Isolation ===
* A fixed signal can be removed from a circuit using a no-op EACH arithmetic combinator, combined with the inverse of the signal(s) to be removed
TODO: marked up image with arith filter removing signal
=== Circuit Controlled Filtering ===
* A more advanced filter can be constructed allowing one circuit to select which signals pass through from another.
* This is achieved by splitting the Data circuit into three groups: positive, negative, and "flag-value".
* For positive and negative groups, the high bit of the value is flipped for all signals present in the Control circuit, causing their sign to change, which allows them through the next filter, where they're flipped back.
* For values with only the high bit set, this would result in them becoming 0 and being lost, so they're filtered separately.
TODO: marked up image & blueprint of
== Timers/Counters ==
=== Resetable Timer/Counter ===
* A Memory cell connected to a pulse source will count those pulses, until it is reset. Connected to a continuous signal, like a constant combinator, this becomes a timer.
TODO: Image of counter, timer configurations - counting belt, timing
=== One-Shot trigger ===
* A Resettable Timer/Counter can be used to trigger a sequence of events, or to delay a signal some amount of time.
* This is done by setting Decider Combinators to output when the timer is equal to various desired values
TODO: image(gif?) of timer triggering various lamps

Latest revision as of 16:42, 16 June 2018

Feathernet is the network of the future

WIP for Circuit Cookbook

Filtering/Isolating Signals

Simple Isolation

  • A fixed signal can be isolated from a circuit using a no-op arithmetic combinator

TODO: marked up image with arith isolator

Simple Isolation

  • A fixed signal can be removed from a circuit using a no-op EACH arithmetic combinator, combined with the inverse of the signal(s) to be removed

TODO: marked up image with arith filter removing signal

Circuit Controlled Filtering

  • A more advanced filter can be constructed allowing one circuit to select which signals pass through from another.
  • This is achieved by splitting the Data circuit into three groups: positive, negative, and "flag-value".
  • For positive and negative groups, the high bit of the value is flipped for all signals present in the Control circuit, causing their sign to change, which allows them through the next filter, where they're flipped back.
  • For values with only the high bit set, this would result in them becoming 0 and being lost, so they're filtered separately.

TODO: marked up image & blueprint of


Resetable Timer/Counter

  • A Memory cell connected to a pulse source will count those pulses, until it is reset. Connected to a continuous signal, like a constant combinator, this becomes a timer.

TODO: Image of counter, timer configurations - counting belt, timing

One-Shot trigger

  • A Resettable Timer/Counter can be used to trigger a sequence of events, or to delay a signal some amount of time.
  • This is done by setting Decider Combinators to output when the timer is equal to various desired values

TODO: image(gif?) of timer triggering various lamps