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Template:Translation/zh: Difference between revisions

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<!-- Achievements -->
<!-- Achievements -->
| Arachnophilia = 蛛神眷顾
| Arachnophilia = 蛛神眷顾
| Build a spidertron. = 建造出蜘蛛机甲。
| Build a Build a [[spidertron]]. = 建造出[[spidertron/zh|蜘蛛机甲]]。
| Art of siege = 攻城艺术
| Art of siege = 攻城艺术
| Destroy an enemy structure using artillery. = 使用重炮摧毁敌方建筑。
| Destroy an enemy structure using [[Artillery_(research)|artillery]]. = 使用[[Artillery_(research)/zh|重炮]]摧毁敌方建筑。
| Automate this! = 自动化生产!
| Automate this! = 自动化生产!
| Build an assembling machine. = 建造出组装机。
| Build an [[Assembling_machine_1|assembling machine]]. = 建造出组装机。
| Automated cleanup = 拆迁队长
| Automated cleanup = 拆迁队长
| Deconstruct 100 objects with the [[construction robot]]s. = 使用[[construction robot/zh|建设机器人]]拆除物体数量达100。
| Deconstruct 100 objects with the [[construction robot]]s. = 使用[[construction robot/zh|建设机器人]]拆除物体数量达100。
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| Produce 5k [[processing unit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Processing unit/zh|处理器]]数量达5k。
| Produce 5k [[processing unit]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Processing unit/zh|处理器]]数量达5k。
| Crafting with efficiency = 节能制造
| Crafting with efficiency = 节能制造
| Craft an efficiency module 3. = 制造出节能插件 3。
| Craft an [[efficiency module 3]]. = 制造出[[efficiency module 3/zh|节能插件 3]]。
| Crafting with productivity = 产能制造
| Crafting with productivity = 产能制造
| Craft a productivity module 3. = 制造出产能插件 3。
| Craft a Craft a [[productivity module 3]]. = 制造出[[productivity module 3/zh|产能插件 3]]。
| Crafting with quality = 品质制造
| Crafting with quality = 品质制造
| Craft a quality module 3. = 制作一枚品质插件 3。
| Craft a [[quality module 3]]. = 制作一枚[[quality module 3/zh|品质插件 3]]。
| Crafting with speed = 快速制造
| Crafting with speed = 快速制造
| Craft a speed module 3. = 制造出速度插件 3。
| Craft a Craft a [[speed module 3]]. = 制造出[[speed module 3/zh|速度插件 3]]。
| Delivery service = 送货服务
| Delivery service = 送货服务
| Supply the character with 10k items delivered by [[logistic robot]]s. = 使用[[Logistic robot/zh|物流机器人]]为自己运送物品数量达10k。
| Supply the character with 10k items delivered by [[logistic robot]]s. = 使用[[Logistic robot/zh|物流机器人]]为自己运送物品数量达10k。
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| Finish the game within 40 hours. = 40小时内通关游戏。
| Finish the game within 40 hours. = 40小时内通关游戏。
| Fusion power = 聚变之力
| Fusion power = 聚变之力
| Start producing electric power by fusion powerplant. = 开始用聚变装置发电。
| Start producing electric power by [[fusion reactor|fusion powerplant]] = 开始用[[fusion reactor/zh|聚变装置]]发电。
| Get off my lawn = 滚出我的地盘
| Get off my lawn = 滚出我的地盘
| Disturb a demolisher by building on its territory. = 在撼地虫的领地上建造,惹恼对方。
| Disturb a demolisher by building on its territory. = 在撼地虫的领地上建造,惹恼对方。
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| Survive a hit of 500 [[damage]] or more. = 单次受到至少500点[[Damage/zh|伤害]]并存活下来。
| Survive a hit of 500 [[damage]] or more. = 单次受到至少500点[[Damage/zh|伤害]]并存活下来。
| I am the destroyer of worlds = 我,世界毁灭者
| I am the destroyer of worlds = 我,世界毁灭者
| Use an atomic bomb. = 使用原子弹。
| Use an [[atomic bomb]]. = 使用[[atomic bomb/zh|原子弹]]。
| If it bleeds, we can kill it = 血条一亮,生机渺茫
| If it bleeds, we can kill it = 血条一亮,生机渺茫
| Kill a small demolisher. = 诛杀小型撼地虫。
| Kill a small [[demolisher]]. = 诛杀小型[[demolisher/zh|撼地虫]]。
| Iron throne 1 = 钢铁大亨 1
| Iron throne 1 = 钢铁大亨 1
| Produce 20k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Iron plate/zh|铁板]]数量达20k。
| Produce 20k [[iron plate]]s per hour. = 每小时生产[[Iron plate/zh|铁板]]数量达20k。
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| Trigger an [[enemies|alien]] attack by [[pollution]]. = [[Pollution/zh|污染]]引来了[[Enemies/zh|虫子]]袭击。
| Trigger an [[enemies|alien]] attack by [[pollution]]. = [[Pollution/zh|污染]]引来了[[Enemies/zh|虫子]]袭击。
| Keeping your hands clean = 手不沾血
| Keeping your hands clean = 手不沾血
| Destroy your first enemy structure using artillery. = 使用重炮摧毁第一个敌方建筑。
| Destroy your first enemy structure using [[Artillery_(research)|artillery]]. = 使用[[Artillery_(research)/zh|重炮]]摧毁第一个敌方建筑。
| Lazy bastard = 甩手掌柜
| Lazy bastard = 甩手掌柜
| Launch a rocket to space while manually crafting no more than 111 items. = 向太空发射火箭,手动制作物品数量不超过111。
| Launch a rocket to space while manually crafting no more than 111 items. = 向太空发射火箭,手动制作物品数量不超过111。
| Logistic network embargo = 查封物流网络
| Logistic network embargo = 查封物流网络
| Finish research with [[space science pack]] for the base game or any [[planetary science pack]] for [[Space Age]]{{SA}} without building any [[active provider chest|active provider]], [[buffer chest|buffer]], or [[requester chest]]s. = 在基础游戏中,使用太空科技包完成研究;在《太空时代》游戏中,使用任何星球科技包完成研究。同时,不铺设主动供货箱(紫箱)、主动存货箱(绿箱)和优先集货箱(蓝箱)。
| Finish research with [[space science pack]] for the base game or any [[planetary science pack]] for [[Space Age]]{{SA}} without building any [[active provider chest|active provider]], [[buffer chest|buffer]], or [[requester chest]]s. = 在基础游戏中,使用[[space science pack/zh|太空科技包]]完成研究;在[[Space Age/zh|太空时代]]{{SA}}游戏中,使用任何[[planetary science pack/zh|星球科技包]]完成研究。同时,不铺设[[active provider chest/zh|主动供货箱(紫箱)]]、[[buffer chest/zh|主动存货箱(绿箱)]]和[[requester chest/zh|优先集货箱(蓝箱)]]。
| Look at my shiny rare armor = 瞅瞅我这身闪亮的稀有装备!
| Look at my shiny rare armor = 瞅瞅我这身闪亮的稀有装备!
| Equip rare or better quality of power armor MK2 or mech armor. = 装备品质至少为稀有的动力装甲 MK2 或机械装甲。
| Equip rare or better quality of power armor MK2 or mech armor. = 装备品质至少为稀有的动力装甲 MK2 或机械装甲。
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| Launch a rocket to space within 15 hours. = 在15小时内向太空发射火箭。
| Launch a rocket to space within 15 hours. = 在15小时内向太空发射火箭。
| Nuclear power = 裂变之力
| Nuclear power = 裂变之力
| Start producing electric power by nuclear powerplant. = 开始用核电站发电。
| Start producing electric power by [[nuclear reactor|nuclear powerplant]]. = 开始用核电站发电。
| Pest control = 害虫防治
| Pest control = 害虫防治
| Destroy a biter spawner. = 摧毁一个虫巢。
| Destroy a biter spawner. = 摧毁一个虫巢。
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| Launch a rocket to space without building any [[laser turret]]s. = 在不建造任何[[Laser turret/zh|激光炮塔]]的情况下,将火箭发射到太空。
| Launch a rocket to space without building any [[laser turret]]s. = 在不建造任何[[Laser turret/zh|激光炮塔]]的情况下,将火箭发射到太空。
| Reach for the stars = 伸手摘星
| Reach for the stars = 伸手摘星
| Create a space platform. = 创建太空平台。
| Create a Create a [[space platform]]. = 创建[[space platform/zh|太空平台]]。
| Research with agriculture = 农业研究  
| Research with agriculture = 农业研究  
| Research a technology using agricultural science packs. = 使用农业科技包(草瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[agricultural science pack]]s. = 使用[[agricultural science pack/zh|农业科技包(草瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with automation = 机自研究
| Research with automation = 机自研究
| Research a technology using automation science packs. = 使用机自科技包(红瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[automation science pack]]s. = 使用[[automation science pack/zh|机自科技包(红瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with chemicals = 化工研究
| Research with chemicals = 化工研究
| Research a technology using chemical science packs. = 使用化工科技包(蓝瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[chemical science pack]]s. = 使用[[chemical science pack/zh|化工科技包(蓝瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with cryogenics = 低温研究
| Research with cryogenics = 低温研究
| Research a technology using cryogenic science packs. = 使用低温科技包(靛瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[chemical science pack]]s. = 使用[[chemical science pack/zh|低温科技包(靛瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with electromagnetics = 电磁研究
| Research with electromagnetics = 电磁研究
| Research a technology using electromagnetic science packs. = 使用电磁科技包(粉瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[electromagnetic science pack]]s. = 使用[[electromagnetic science pack/zh|电磁科技包(粉瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with logistics = 物流研究
| Research with logistics = 物流研究
| Research a technology using logistic science packs. = 使用物流科技包(绿瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[logistic science pack]]s. = 使用[[logistic science pack/zh|物流科技包(绿瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with metallurgics = 冶金研究
| Research with metallurgics = 冶金研究
| Research a technology using metallurgic science packs. = 使用冶金科技包(橙瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[metallurgic science pack]]s. = 使用[[metallurgic science pack/zh|冶金科技包(橙瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with military = 军备研究
| Research with military = 军备研究
| Research a technology using military science packs. = 使用军备科技包(灰瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[military science pack]]s. = 使用[[military science pack/zh|军备科技包(灰瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with production = 生产研究
| Research with production = 生产研究
| Research a technology using production science packs. = 使用生产科技包(紫瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[production science pack]]s. = 使用[[production science pack/zh|生产科技包(紫瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with promethium = 钷素研究
| Research with promethium = 钷素研究
| Research a technology using promethium science packs. = 使用钷素科技包(黑瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[promethium science pack]]s. = 使用[[promethium science pack/zh|钷素科技包(黑瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with space = 太空研究
| Research with space = 太空研究
| Research a technology using space science packs. = 使用太空科技包(白瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[space science pack]]s. = 使用[[space science pack/zh|太空科技包(白瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Research with utility = 效能研究
| Research with utility = 效能研究
| Research a technology using utility science packs. = 使用效能科技包(黄瓶)研究一项科技。
| Research a technology using [[utility science pack]]s. = 使用[[utility science pack/zh|效能科技包(黄瓶)]]研究一项科技。
| Run Forrest, run = 阿甘快跑
| Run Forrest, run = 阿甘快跑
| Destroy 100 [[tree]]s by impact. = 撞倒[[Tree/zh|树木]]数量达100。
| Destroy 100 [[tree]]s by impact. = 撞倒[[Tree/zh|树木]]数量达100。
| Rush to space = 冲向太空
| Rush to space = 冲向太空
| Research a technology using another planet's science pack before unlocking production or utility science packs. = 在解锁[[production science packs/zh|生产科技包(紫瓶)]]或[[utility science packs/zh|效能科技包(黄瓶)]]之前,使用其他星球的科技包研究一项技术。
| Research a technology using another planet's science pack before unlocking production or utility science packs. = 在解锁[[production science packs/zh|生产科技包(紫瓶)]]或[[utility science packs/zh|效能科技包(黄瓶)]]之前,使用其他星球的科技包研究一项技术。
| Second star to the right and straight on till morning. = 右边第二颗星,一直飞到天明。
| second-star-to-the-right-and-straight-on-till-morning = 右边第二颗星,一直飞到天明。
| Finish the game. = 通关游戏。
| Finish the game. = 通关游戏。
| Size doesn't matter = 巨虫撼地,轻取易得
| Size doesn't matter = 巨虫撼地,轻取易得
Line 1,040: Line 1,040:
| {{spoiler|button-text=Spoiler! Click to view.|message=Send a [[raw fish]] into space via [[rocket silo|rocket]].}} = {{spoiler|button-text=剧透警告!点击查看|message=使用[[Rocket silo/zh|火箭]]发射一条[[Raw fish/zh|鲜鱼]]上太空。}}
| {{spoiler|button-text=Spoiler! Click to view.|message=Send a [[raw fish]] into space via [[rocket silo|rocket]].}} = {{spoiler|button-text=剧透警告!点击查看|message=使用[[Rocket silo/zh|火箭]]发射一条[[Raw fish/zh|鲜鱼]]上太空。}}
| Solar power = 日耀之力
| Solar power = 日耀之力
| Start producing electric power by solar panels. = 开始用太阳能板发电。
| Start producing electric power by [[solar panel]]s. = 开始用太阳能板发电。
| Solaris = 逐日者
| Solaris = 逐日者
| Produce more than 10 GJ per hour using only [[solar panel]]s. = 仅使用[[Solar panel/zh|太阳能板]]发电,每小时发电量达一百亿焦耳(10GJ)。
| Produce more than 10 GJ per hour using only [[solar panel]]s. = 仅使用[[Solar panel/zh|太阳能板]]发电,每小时发电量达一百亿焦耳(10GJ)。
Line 1,046: Line 1,046:
| Launch a rocket to space without building any [[solar panel]]s. = 在不建造任何[[Solar panel/zh|太阳能板]]的情况下,将火箭发射到太空。
| Launch a rocket to space without building any [[solar panel]]s. = 在不建造任何[[Solar panel/zh|太阳能板]]的情况下,将火箭发射到太空。
| Steam power = 蒸汽之力
| Steam power = 蒸汽之力
| Start producing electric power by steam engine. = 开始用蒸汽机发电。
| Start producing electric power by [[steam engine]]. = 开始用蒸汽机发电。
| Steamrolled = 摧枯拉朽
| Steamrolled = 摧枯拉朽
| Destroy 10 [[Enemies#Nests|spawners]] by impact. = 撞毁虫巢数量达10。
| Destroy 10 [[Enemies#Nests|spawners]] by impact. = 撞毁虫巢数量达10。
Line 1,052: Line 1,052:
| Research all [[technologies]]. = 研究所有[[Technologies/zh|科技]]。
| Research all [[technologies]]. = 研究所有[[Technologies/zh|科技]]。
| Terraformer = 愚公炸山
| Terraformer = 愚公炸山
| Destroy a cliff. = 摧毁一座悬崖。
| Destroy a [[cliff]]. = 摧毁一座[[cliff/zh|悬崖]]。
| There is no spoon = 拒绝加班
| There is no spoon = 拒绝加班
| Launch a rocket to space within 8 hours. = 在8小时内向太空发射火箭。
| Launch a rocket to space within 8 hours. = 在8小时内向太空发射火箭。
Line 1,060: Line 1,060:
| Have a [[train]] plan a path 1,000 tiles or longer. = 规划一条[[Railway/zh|列车]]线路长度达1,000格。
| Have a [[train]] plan a path 1,000 tiles or longer. = 规划一条[[Railway/zh|列车]]线路长度达1,000格。
| Visit Aquilo = 探访玄冥星
| Visit Aquilo = 探访玄冥星
| Travel to planet Aquilo. = 前往玄冥星(Aquilo)。
| Travel to planet [[Aquilo]]. = 前往[[Aquilo/zh|玄冥星(Aquilo)]]。
| Visit Fulgora = 探访雷神星
| Visit Fulgora = 探访雷神星
| Travel to planet Fulgora. = 前往雷神星(Fulgora)。
| Travel to planet [[Fulgora]]. = 前往[[Fulgora/zh|雷神星(Fulgora)]]。
| Visit Gleba = 探访句芒星
| Visit Gleba = 探访句芒星
| Travel to planet Gleba. = 前往句芒星(Gleba)。
| Travel to planet [[Gleba]]. = 前往[[Gleba/zh|句芒星(Gleba)]]。
| Visit Vulcanus = 探访祝融星
| Visit Vulcanus = 探访祝融星
| Travel to planet Vulcanus. = 前往祝融星(Vulcanus)。
| Travel to planet [[Vulcanus]]. = 前往[[Vulcanus/zh|祝融星(Vulcanus)]]。
| Watch your step = 迷之归西
| Watch your step = 迷之归西
| Get killed by a moving [[locomotive]]. = 被行驶中的[[Locomotive/zh|机车]]撞死。
| Get killed by a moving [[locomotive]]. = 被行驶中的[[Locomotive/zh|机车]]撞死。

Revision as of 04:32, 10 November 2024
