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| {{Languages}}__NOTOC__
| | <div class="stub"><p>'''The prototype docs have moved to a new website with an improved format.''' This documentation page can now be found here: [https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/auxiliary/prototype-tree.html https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/auxiliary/prototype-tree.html]. |
| == Warning ==
| | |
| This is work in progress of description of the prototype specification possibilities. The list is currently updated to version 0.16, however the individual pages are not guaranteed to be up to date.
| | </p><p>This wiki page is no longer updated and '''will be removed at some point in the future''', so please update your browser bookmarks or other links that sent you here. If you'd like to contribute to the new docs, you can leave your feedback [https://forums.factorio.com/viewforum.php?f=233 on the forums].</p></div> |
| == Basics ==
| |
| * Prototype objects are specified in lua script called data.lua in the root of every mod (base game works as mod as well)
| |
| * Individual objects are usually sorted into different groups in the prototypes folder.
| |
| == Prototypes ==
| |
| * [[Prototype/Font]] '''font'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/GuiStyle]] '''gui-style'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/MapGenPresets]] '''map-gen-presets'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/MapSettings]] '''map-settings'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/Tutorial]] '''tutorial'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/UtilityConstants]] '''utility-constants'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/UtilitySounds]] '''utility-sounds'''
| |
| * [[Prototype/UtilitySprites]] '''utility-sprites'''
| |
| * [[Prototype]] <abstract>
| |
| <div class="factorio-list"> | |
| :* [[Prototype/Achievement]] '''achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/BuildEntityAchievement]] '''build-entity-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/CombatRobotCountAchievement]] '''combat-robot-count'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ConstructWithRobotsAchievement]] '''construct-with-robots-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/DeconstructWithRobotsAchievement]] '''deconstruct-with-robots-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/DeliverByRobotsAchievement]] '''deliver-by-robots-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/DontBuildEntityAchievement]] '''dont-build-entity-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/DontCraftManuallyAchievement]] '''dont-craft-manually-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/DontUseEntityInEnergyProductionAchievement]] '''dont-use-entity-in-energy-production-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/FinishTheGameAchievement]] '''finish-the-game-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/GroupAttackAchievement]] '''group-attack-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/KillAchievement]] '''kill-achievement '''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/PlayerDamagedAchievement]] '''player-damaged-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ProduceAchievement]] '''produce-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ProducePerHourAchievement]] '''produce-per-hour-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ResearchAchievement]] '''research-achievement'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/TrainPathAchievement]] '''train-path-achievement'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/AmbientSound]] '''ambient-sound'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/AmmoCategory]] '''ammo-category'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/AutoplaceControl]] '''autoplace-control'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/CustomInput]] '''custom-input'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/DamageType]] '''damage-type'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/Entity]] <abstract>
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Arrow]] '''arrow'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ArtilleryProjectile]] '''artillery-projectile''' | |
| :** [[Prototype/Beam]] '''beam''' | |
| :** [[Prototype/CharacterCorpse]] '''character-corpse'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Cliff]] '''cliff'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Corpse]] '''corpse'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/RailRemnants]] '''rail-remnants'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/DeconstructibleTileProxy]] '''deconstructible-tile-proxy''' | |
| :** [[Prototype/EntityGhost]] '''entity-ghost'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/EntityWithHealth]] <abstract>
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Accumulator]] '''accumulator'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/ArtilleryTurret]] '''artillery-turret'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Beacon]] '''beacon'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Boiler]] '''boiler'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Character]] '''player'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Combinator]] <abstract>
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/ArithmeticCombinator]] '''arithmetic-combinator'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/DeciderCombinator]] '''decider-combinator'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/ConstantCombinator]] '''constant-combinator'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Container]] '''container'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/LogisticContainer]] '''logistic-container'''
| |
| :***** [[Prototype/InfinityContainer]] '''infinity-container'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/CraftingMachine]] <abstract>
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/AssemblingMachine]] '''assembling-machine'''
| |
| :***** [[Prototype/RocketSilo]] '''rocket-silo'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/Furnace]] '''furnace'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/ElectricEnergyInterface]] '''electric-energy-interface'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/ElectricPole]] '''electric-pole'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/EnemySpawner]] '''unit-spawner'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Fish]] '''fish'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/FlyingRobot]] <abstract>
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/CombatRobot]] '''combat-robot'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/RobotWithLogisticInterface]] <abstract>
| |
| :***** [[Prototype/ConstructionRobot]] '''construction-robot'''
| |
| :***** [[Prototype/LogisticRobot]] '''logistic-robot'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Gate]] '''gate'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Generator]] '''generator'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/HeatPipe]] '''heat-pipe'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Inserter]] '''inserter'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Lab]] '''lab'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Lamp]] '''lamp'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/LandMine]] '''land-mine'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Market]] '''market'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/MiningDrill]] '''mining-drill'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/OffshorePump]] '''offshore-pump'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Pipe]] '''pipe'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/PipeToGround]] '''pipe-to-ground'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/PlayerPort]] '''player-port'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/PowerSwitch]] '''power-switch''' | |
| :*** [[Prototype/ProgrammableSpeaker]] '''programmable-speaker'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Pump]] '''pump'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Radar]] '''radar'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Rail]] <abstract>
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/CurvedRail]] '''curved-rail'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/StraightRail]] '''straight-rail'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/RailSignalBase]] <abstract>
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/RailChainSignal]] '''rail-chain-signal'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/RailSignal]] '''rail-signal'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Reactor]] '''reactor'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Roboport]] '''roboport'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/SimpleEntity]] '''simple-entity'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/SimpleEntityWithOwner]] '''simple-entity-with-owner'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/SimpleEntityWtihForce]] '''simple-entity-with-force'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/SolarPanel]] '''solar-panel'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/StorageTank]] '''storage-tank'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/TrainStop]] '''train-stop'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/TransportBeltConnectable]] <abstract>
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/Loader]] '''loader'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/Splitter]] '''splitter'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/TransportBelt]] '''transport-belt'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/UndergroundBelt]] '''underground-belt'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Tree]] '''tree'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Turret]] '''turret'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/AmmoTurret]] '''ammo-turret'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/ElectricTurret]] '''electric-turret'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/FluidTurret]] '''fluid-turret'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Unit]] '''unit'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Vehicle]] <abstract>
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/Car]] '''car'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/RollingStock]] <abstract>
| |
| :***** [[Prototype/ArtilleryWagon]] '''artillery-wagon'''
| |
| :***** [[Prototype/CargoWagon]] '''cargo-wagon'''
| |
| :***** [[Prototype/FluidWagon]] '''fluid-wagon'''
| |
| :***** [[Prototype/Locomotive]] '''locomotive'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Wall]] '''wall'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Explosion]] '''explosion'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/FlameThrowerExplosion]] '''flame-thrower-explosion'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/FireFlame]] '''fire'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/FluidStream]] '''stream'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/FlyingText]] '''flying-text'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ItemEntity]] '''item-entity'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ItemRequestProxy]] '''item-request-proxy'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/LegacyDecorative]] '''decorative''' probably exists for migration
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Particle]] '''particle'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/ArtilleryFlare]] '''artillery-flare'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/LeafParticle]] '''leaf-particle'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ParticleSource]] '''particle-source'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Projectile]] '''projectile'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ResourceEntity]] '''resource'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/RocketSiloRocket]] '''rocket-silo-rocket'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/RocketSiloRocketShadow]] '''rocket-silo-rocket-shadow'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Smoke]] <abstract>
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/SimpleSmoke]] '''smoke'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/SmokeWithTrigger]] '''smoke-with-trigger'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Sticker]] '''sticker'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/TileGhost]] '''tile-ghost'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/Equipment]] <abstract>
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ActiveDefenseEquipment]] '''active-defense-equipment'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/BatteryEquipment]] '''battery-equipment'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/BeltImmunityEquipment]] '''belt-immunity-equipment'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/EnergyShieldEquipment]] '''energy-shield-equipment'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/GeneratorEquipment]] '''generator-equipment'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/MovementBonusEquipment]] '''movement-bonus-equipment'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/NightVisionEquipment]] '''night-vision-equipment'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/RoboportEquipment]] '''roboport-equipment'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/SolarPanelEquipment]] '''solar-panel-equipment'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/EquipmentCategory]] '''equipment-category'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/EquipmentGrid]] '''equipment-grid'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/Fluid]] '''fluid'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/FuelCategory]] '''fuel-category'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/Item]] '''item'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/AmmoItem]] '''ammo'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Capsule]] '''capsule'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Gun]] '''gun'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ItemWithEntityData]] '''item-with-entity-data'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/ItemWithLabel]] '''item-with-label'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/ItemWithInventory]] '''item-with-inventory'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/BlueprintBook]] '''blueprint-book'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/ItemWithTags]] '''item-with-tags'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/SelectionTool]] '''selection-tool'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/BlueprintItem]] '''blueprint'''
| |
| :**** [[Prototype/DeconstructionItem]] '''deconstruction-item'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Module]] '''module'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/RailPlanner]] '''rail-planner'''
| |
| :** [[Prototype/Tool]] '''tool'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/Armor]] '''armor'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/MiningTool]] '''mining-tool'''
| |
| :*** [[Prototype/RepairTool]] '''repair-tool'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/ItemGroup]] '''item-group'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/ItemSubGroup]] '''item-subgroup'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/ModuleCategory]] '''module-category'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/NamedNoiseExpression]] '''noise-expression'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/NoiseLayer]] '''noise-layer'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/Decorative]] '''optimized-decorative'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/RailCategory]] '''rail-category'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/Recipe]] '''recipe'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/RecipeCategory]] '''recipe-category'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/ResourceCategory]] '''resource-category'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/Technology]] '''technology'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/Tile]] '''tile'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/TrivialSmoke]] '''trivial-smoke'''
| |
| :* [[Prototype/VirtualSignal]] '''virtual-signal'''
| |
| </div> | |