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Underground belts: Difference between revisions

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{{sublinks|Transport network}}
== Items ==

{| class="wikitable"
''Underground belt'' may refer to:
* {{imagelink|Underground belt}}
! scope="col" | belt-type
* {{imagelink|Fast underground belt}}
! scope="col" | factor speed
* {{imagelink|Express underground belt}}
! scope="col" | speed ([[Tile|tiles]]/[[Game-second|sec]])
* {{imagelink|Turbo underground belt|space-age=yes}}
* [[Belt transport system]]
| {{imagelink|basic-transport-belt-to-ground|Basic underground belt}} || 1 || 1.875
| {{imagelink|fast-transport-belt-to-ground|Fast underground belt}} || 2 || 3.75
| {{imagelink|express-transport-belt-to-ground|Express underground belt}} || 3 || 5.625
Related: [[Transport belts]], [[Splitters]] Nearby: [[Inserters]], [[Storages]]
== Basic ==
'''Task''': you need to cross another belt, pipe, or any other entity; not more than 5 tiles.
* select underground belt and make sure, it is in the right direction (press R until it is)
* place the to entry-section
* the underground belt keeps selected but it has changed into the exit section
* place it in the direction of the entry, not too far away.
== Advanced ==
=== Behavior ===
(If not yet done, please read [[Transport belts]], because we suppose some very basic belt behavior on this page.)
Underground belts can be used to cross different flows of items without interfering. They move items like a [[Transport belts|normal belt]].
[[File:Split-swap.png|thumb|256px|You can turn the order of the lanes or split the lanes completely with the underground belts trick]]
* You can cross any number of entities or
* other underground stuff (other underground belts or underground pipes). They wont be mixed or so. For the connection only the endpoints (entry-side and exit-side) are relevant.
* The maximum distance underground is 5 [[Tile|tiles]].
* An underground belt pair with a blocked output stores up to 20 items. (Per lane? Untested!)
* If you mine an underground belt, up to 20 items are recovered, the remaining items in the underground are placed into your inventory.
* If you look very near, then you can see, that an underground belt is like a belt, but only half length. The rest of the tile is used for bringing the items "under ground".
This last fact is important, because it can be used to do some tricks.
== Expert ==
=== Special behavior ===
* [[Underground belts/Splitting lanes trick]]
=== Other Usages ===
* [[Underground belts/Constructions]]: Examples of using.
== See also ==
* [[Transport network]]
** [[Transport belts]]
** [[Splitters]]
* [[Crafting network]]
[[Category: Items]] [[Category: Transport network]] [[Category: Moving ground]]

Revision as of 08:57, 23 October 2024

Multiple pages share the title or description of "Underground belts".
They are listed below.

Underground belt may refer to: