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Template:Translation/da: Difference between revisions

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translated news and "in other languages"
added more translations
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<!-- Main Page translations -->
<!-- Main Page translations -->
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| #default = {{{1}}}
| #default = {{{1}}}

<!-- Other templates -->
| Main article = Hovedartikel
<!-- Infobox, mode tabs titles -->
| Edit = Rediger
<!-- Infobox category names -->
| Resource = Resurse
| Resources = Resurser
| Liquid = Væske
| Machinery = Maskineri
| Machine = Maskine
| Science pack = Videnskabspakke
| Technology = Teknologi
| Logic = Logik
| Item = Genstand
| Vehicle = Fartøj
| Tool = Værktøj
<!-- Infobox stats (in the same order as in Template:Infobox) -->
| Recipe = Opskrift
| Total raw = Totalt rå
| Map color = Kortfarve
| Map icon = Kortikon
| Added in = Tilføjet i
| Walking speed = Ganghastighed
| Storage size = Opbevaringsstørrelse
| Fluid storage volume = Væskeopbevaringsvolumen
| Health = Helbred
| Restores = Gendanner
| Resistances = Resistancer
| Lifespan = Levetid
| Inventory size bonus = Inventarstørrelsesbonus
| Grid size = Gitterstørrelse
| Stack size = Stakstørrelse
| Range = Rækkevidde
| Shooting speed = Skydehastighed
| Damage = Skade
| Damage bonus = Skadebonus
| Cluster size = Klyngestørrelse
| Area of effect size = Skadeområde
| Durability = Holdbarhed
| Ammunition = Ammunition
| Magazine size = Magasinstørrelse
| Efficiency = Effektivitet
| Dimensions = Dimensioner
| Energy consumption = Energiforbrug
| Transmission = Overførsel
| Robot recharge rate = Robotgenopladningshastighed
| Robot limit = Robotgrænse
| Repair speed = Reparationshastighed
| Shield = Skjold
| Speed = Hastighed
| Productivity = Produktivitet
| Mining speed = Udvindingshastighed
| Weight = Vægt
<!-- Infobox stats units & values -->
| health = helbred
| seconds = sek
| tiles = felter
| tiles/s = felter/s
| items/s = genstande/s
| /s = /s
| Input = Indtag
| Output = Udtag
<!-- Infobox, damage -->
| Physical | physical = Fysisk
| Fire | fire = Ild
| Acid | acid = Syre
| Poison | poison = Gift
| Explosion | explosion = Eksplosion
| Laser | laser = Laser
{{Category|Localisation templates|lang=none}}
{{Category|Localisation templates|lang=none}}

Latest revision as of 18:22, 29 July 2024