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Fried biter (talk | contribs)
Fried biter (talk | contribs)
Line 180: Line 180:

== Inventory Manipulation ==
== インベントリ操作 ==

=== Refill resources (refill oil, iron etc.) ===
=== 資源の補充(油、鉄など) ===
While holding the cursor over a resource tile in-game
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
/c game.player.selected.amount=7500
/c game.player.selected.amount=7500

=== Add items to the player's inventory ===
=== プレイヤーのインベントリにアイテム追加 ===
Replace iron-plate with the internal name of the item desired.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
/c game.player.insert{name="iron-plate", count=100}
/c game.player.insert{name="iron-plate", count=100}

For instance, here's a god-mode energy system interface:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
/c game.player.insert{name="electric-energy-interface"}
/c game.player.insert{name="electric-energy-interface"}

Add a powerful armor with equipment:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
/c local player = game.player
/c local player = game.player
Line 219: Line 219:

=== Cheat mode ===
=== チートモード ===
Allows for infinite free crafting. Disable by replacing true with false.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
/c game.player.cheat_mode=true
/c game.player.cheat_mode=true

Revision as of 01:41, 20 March 2018

作業場/workspace 日本語話者の方、マサカリ投げてくださると助かります



ゲーム内コンソール(in-game console)は以下に用いられる。

  • 他プレイヤーとのチャット
  • コマンド/スクリプト/チートの実行
  • ときどきステータス更新


  • マルチプレイヤー(Multiplayer) - メッセージフィルタリング、ユーザBAN、などなど
  • 情報(Information) - ゲームに関する様々な情報を表示
  • スクリプト/チート(Scripting/Cheating) - Luaスクリプト片を実行 (そのセーブで実績が無効になる)



キー設定はOptions Menu -> Keyboard -> Toggle Lua consoleから設定可能。 コンソールが開いている間、スクリーン下部でカーソルが点滅する。メッセージやコマンドを入力してReturnを押すと送信(してコンソールも閉じる)。 メッセージやコマンドプレフィックスに関するドキュメントはこのページの更に下にある。

コンソールを閉じると最後のメッセージ/コマンドだけが表示されるが、徐々に消えていく(コンソールを開き直すと即座に直近のメッセージすべてが再表示される)。 デフォルトでは、全ての実行されたコマンドは全ユーザに見える。消える時間はOptions Menu -> Other Settings -> Message Delayから設定可能。

コンソールを即座に隠したい場合、コンソールを開いてEscape キーを押す(か、メッセージやコマンドを入力しないままReturn)。 これはコンソールを隠すだけでなく、直近のメッセージ/コマンドすべてを隠す。 コンソールは/clearコマンドでクリアできる。

コンソールはゲームコマンド(game command)同様、生Luaコードも受け付けることを覚えておこう。







特定のプレイヤーにプライベートメッセージを送るには/whisper (または/w):

/whisper <playerId> <message>

最後にプライベートメッセージを受け取ったプレイヤーに返信するには/reply (または/r):

/reply <message>


hello my team!
/s hello all players!
/shout same as /s



利用可能なコマンドのリストを見るには、コンソールで/help (または/h)を入力。 利用可能なコマンドはFactorioのバージョンとゲームセットアップに依る。


Factorio 0.14.4以降では、/helpコマンドは単にコマンドのリストを表示するだけである。コマンドの完全な詳細を得るにはコマンド名(スラッシュを除く)を/help (または/h)の後に加える。例えば、 /evolutionコマンドのヘルプは:

/h evolution


コンソールからLuaスクリプトを実行できる。 任意のコマンドラインインターフェースやブラウザのJavaScriptコンソールに類似した挙動をする。


スクリプトを実行するには、/command (または/c)を前置する。例えば:

/c game.player.print 'hello me!'


マルチプレイヤーのserver adminは(RCON/server consoleからのみ)/cの代わりに/silent-command を用いることで、他のプレイヤーにechoされるのを防ぐことができる。

/silent-command game.player.print 'only admins can use (and see) silent commands'

Mod製作者もまた、特別なコマンド/measured-commandを利用可能。これは/cに似ているが、実行時間を測定する。 スクリプトのパフォーマンスチューニングにとても便利。

/measured-command game.player.print 'how much time does this take to run?'

「スクリプトレット(scriptlets)」をコンソールにペーストする際、改行は無視される。 つまり、エディタではヒューマンリーダブルな形式で書いておいてコンソールにコピペできるので、理解と編集がちょっと楽になる。




ファイルはmodsフォルダ同様、application directory/jaの「script-output」と呼ばれるフォルダに置かれる。 画像はとても巨大になりうる。

/c game.take_screenshot{<parameter>=<value>,...}


  • showgui - Boolean値、 trueかfalse。 TrueならGUIがスクリーンショットに含まれる。
  • resolution - xとyを{x = <x-size>, y = <y-size>}の形式で取る。
  • show_entity_info - Boolean値、 Trueならalt infoがスクリーンショットに含まれる。
  • zoom - ズームレベル。1は通常、2はエリアの半分にズームイン、0.5は倍のエリアにズームアウト、など。


/c game.take_screenshot{resolution = {x = 1000, y = 1000}, zoom = 2, show_entity_info = true}


/c game.player.print(1234*5678)


/c game.player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier=1000


/c game.player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier=1000


/c game.player.force.research_all_technologies()




/c for _, tech in pairs(game.player.force.technologies) do 
	game.player.force.set_saved_technology_progress(tech, 0)



/c game.player.force.reset()



/c game.player.zoom=0.1







/c game.player.selected.amount=7500



/c game.player.insert{name="iron-plate", count=100}


/c game.player.insert{name="electric-energy-interface"}


/c	local player = game.player
player.insert{name="power-armor-mk2", count = 1}
local p_armor = player.get_inventory(5)[1].grid
	p_armor.put({name = "fusion-reactor-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "fusion-reactor-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "fusion-reactor-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "exoskeleton-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "exoskeleton-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "exoskeleton-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "exoskeleton-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "night-vision-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "battery-mk2-equipment"})
	p_armor.put({name = "battery-mk2-equipment"})



/c game.player.cheat_mode=true

World Manipulation

Reveal the map around the player

Reveals the map around the player, similar to a radar.

/c local radius=150
game.player.force.chart(game.player.surface, {{game.player.position.x-radius, game.player.position.y-radius}, {game.player.position.x+radius, game.player.position.y+radius}})

or from start position

/c game.forces.player.chart(game.player.surface, {{x = -2000, y = -2000}, {x = 2000, y = 2000}})

Change 150 to the desired radius, higher values take longer.

If much of the map is revealed, it increases the size of the save file. The following command cancels the generation of all chunks that are currently queued for generation and removes chunks outside a 32 chunks radius around 0,0. Note that this will remove player entities if there are any on these chunks.

/c local surface = game.player.surface;
local chunk_radius = 32;
for chunk in surface.get_chunks() do
  if (chunk.x < -chunk_radius or chunk.x > chunk_radius or chunk.y < -chunk_radius or chunk.y > chunk_radius) then

Turn off night

Enables eternal day.

/c game.player.surface.always_day=true

Change game speed

0.5 is half speed, 1 is default, 2 is double speed, etc. Minimum is 0.01. This can be used for a lot of things like when you know you will have to wait for long periods of time for something to complete. Increasing will decrease performance, be careful.

/c game.speed=X

Expensive (marathon) or normal mode

To change from normal to expensive mode preset (this changes the research cost and intermediate product cost):

/c game.difficulty_settings.recipe_difficulty=1

To change back to normal:

/c game.difficulty_settings.recipe_difficulty=0

Freeze Time Passage

Stops the advancement of the time if you replace "BOOL" with "true" or unfreezes it if you replace it with "false".

/c game.player.surface.freeze_daytime=BOOL

Remove all pollution

/c game.player.surface.clear_pollution()

Disable friendly fire for your force

/c game.player.force.friendly_fire = false

Add new resource patch

This creates a new 11x11 patch of resources, centered on the player character. The patch it creates is perfectly square but it randomizes the amount similar to natural generation, with fewer ore at the edges and more ore in the center. The default numbers result in a patch with 2500-3000 ore.

If you want a larger patch, change "local size = 5" to a larger number. A larger patch will have exponentially more ore. Entering a number above 30 is not recommended.

If you want a richer patch, change "local density = 10" to a larger number. Entering a very large number shouldn't hurt anything but you probably don't need to go above 100.

To choose which resource is spawned, change "stone" near the bottom to "iron-ore", "copper-ore", "coal", or "uranium-ore".

/c local surface=game.player.surface
local ore=nil
local size=5
local density=10
for y=-size, size do
	for x=-size, size do
		if a<b then
			ore=math.random(a*density-a*(density-8), a*density+a*(density-8))
		if b<a then
			ore=math.random(b*density-b*(density-8), b*density+b*(density-8))
		surface.create_entity({name="stone", amount=ore, position={game.player.position.x+x, game.player.position.y+y}})

Add new oil patch

This creates 9 crude oil patches in a 3x3 square.

/c for y=0,2 do
	for x=0,2 do
		game.player.surface.create_entity({name="crude-oil", amount=5000, position={game.player.position.x+x*7-7, game.player.position.y+y*7-7}})

or randomly without any collision:

/c local position=nil
for i=1,9 do
	position=game.player.surface.find_non_colliding_position("crude-oil", game.player.position, 0, i/2+1.5)
	if position then 
		game.player.surface.create_entity({name="crude-oil", amount=5000, position=position})

Count entities

Counts all entities whose name includes the string in local entity.

/c local entity="belt"
local surface=game.player.surface
local count=0
for key, ent in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force=game.player.force})) do
	if string.find(,entity) then

Emptying all pipes and underground pipes

Useful when pipes contain a fluid you dont want.

/c local surface = game.player.surface
local deleted=0
for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force=game.player.force})) do
	if string.find(, "pipe") then
		for i=1,#entity.fluidbox do
			deleted = deleted + 1
			entity.fluidbox[i] = nil;
game.player.print("Pipes emptied: "..deleted)


Check how far the biters have evolved

Note that commands that do not start with "/c" do not disable achievements.


Set evolution factor

Ranges from 0 (new game) to 1.

/c game.forces["enemy"].evolution_factor=X

Disable time-based evolution & increases pollution-based evolution

/c game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.time_factor=0
/c game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor=game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor*2

The "2" at the end of the last command will double the default pollution factor. You can substitute another number to increase (or decrease) the pollution factor further.

Kill all biters on the "enemy" force

Note that this will kill only mobile units and worms, spawners will not be killed.

/c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units()

Kill all enemies

This will kill all biters, bases and worms. Anything that is an enemy will be completely destroyed. This only affects enemies in the explored world, so any unexplored parts of the map which still need to be generated will still have enemies.

/c local surface=game.player.surface
for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force="enemy"})) do

Enable peaceful mode

Peaceful mode prevents biter attacks until provoked. Substitute false for true to disable.

/c game.player.surface.peaceful_mode=true

Disable biter expansion

This prevents biters from creating new spawners.

/c game.map_settings.enemy_expansion.enabled=false

Player Character

Commands concerning the player directly.

Get Player Position

Prints coordinates of your current position.

/c game.player.print(game.player.position.x .. ", " .. game.player.position.y)

Teleport player

Moves the player to the specified location. You should be able to teleport to a specific player if you obtain their coordinates via them executing the previous command and giving them to you.

/c game.player.teleport({X, Y})

To teleport to the world's origin, use 0,0.

Change Player color

Note that commands that do not start with "/c" do not disable achievements. Replace COLOR with the name of a color. Available names are: Black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, acid and yellow. The color can also be set to an RGBA value.

/color COLOR
/color r g b a

Enable god mode

God mode removes your player character allowing you to fly over obstacles and take no damage.

Disassociate your controls from the player:

/c game.player.character=nil

Then, hover the mouse over the useless player and destroy it by typing:

/c game.player.selected.destroy()

To undo, spawn a player character. This will spawn a new player at the spawn point of the world, and connect your controls to it.

/c game.player.create_character()


Enable faster research

/c game.player.force.laboratory_speed_modifier=1

1 is normal speed, 2 is double speed 3 is triple etc. I think it goes up to 100.

Researching specific technologies

The internal technology names can be found in the infoboxes on their respective pages, click on the little arrow to show them.

/c game.player.force.technologies['electric-energy-distribution-1'].researched=true
/c game.player.force.technologies['steel-processing'].researched=true

Unresearching specific technologies

The internal technology names can be found in the infoboxes on their respective pages, click on the little arrow to show them.

/c game.player.force.technologies['electric-energy-distribution-1'].researched=false; game.player.force.set_saved_technology_progress('electric-energy-distribution-1', 0)
/c game.player.force.technologies['steel-processing'].researched=false; game.player.force.set_saved_technology_progress('steel-processing', 0)

Enabling specific recipes

The internal recipe/item names can be found in the infoboxes on their respective pages, click on the little arrow to show them.


Enable all recipes

/c for name, recipe in pairs( do recipe.enabled = true end

Finish research immediately

/c for name,technology in pairs(game.player.force.technologies) do technology.researched=technology.enabled end

Command Line Parameters

As of Game Version 0.15.13

Command line parameters can be used to set settings in the command line before the game launches, this is useful mainly for advanced users or server hosts.

General options:

 -h [ --help ]                      display help
 --version                          show version information
 -v [ --verbose ]                   enable verbose logging
 -c [ --config ] PATH               config file to use
 --no-log-rotation                  don't rotate log file
 --mod-directory PATH               Mod directory to use
 --check-unused-prototype-data      Print a warning for all prototype values that were not accessed

Running options:

 -s [ --map2scenario ] arg          map to scenario conversion
 -m [ --scenario2map ] arg          scenario to map conversion
 --apply-update arg                 immediately apply update package
 --create FILE                      create a new map
 --map-gen-settings FILE            Map generation settings for use with --create. See data/map-gen-settings.example.json
 --map-settings FILE                Map settings for use with --create. See data/base/prototypes/map-settings.lua
 --preset arg                       Name of the map generation preset to be used.
 --generate-map-preview FILE        Generate preview images of the map
 --map-preview-size SCALE (=1,024)  Size (in pixels) of map preview
 --map-preview-scale SCALE (=1)     Scale (meters per pixel) of map preview
 --map-preview-offset X,Y (=0,0)    Offset of the center of the map, in meters
 --start-server FILE                start a multiplayer server
 --start-server-load-scenario FILE  start a multiplayer server and load the specified scenario
 --start-server-load-latest         start a multiplayer server and load the latest available save
 --until-tick TICK                  run a save until given map tick
 --mp-connect ADDRESS               start factorio and connect to address
 --load-game FILE                   start Factorio and load a game in singleplayer
 --benchmark FILE                   load save and run benchmark
 --benchmark-ticks N (=1,000)       number of ticks for benchmarking. Default is 1000
 --force-opengl                     use OpenGL for rendering
 --force-d3d                        use Direct3D for rendering
 --fullscreen BOOL                  start game in windowed mode (saved to configuration)
 --max-texture-size N               maximal size of texture that the game can use (saved to configuration). Should be power of two greater than 2048
 --graphics-quality arg             accepted values: normal, low, very-low
 --video-memory-usage arg           accepted values: all, high, medium, low
 --gfx-safe-mode                    resets some graphics settings to values that should work on most configurations
 --shader arg                       enable/disable shader postprocessing (saved to configuration)
 --disable-audio                    Disable audio. Mainly for faster startup during development.

Server options:

 --port N                           network port to use
 --bind ADDRESS[:PORT]              IP address (and optionally port) to bind to
 --rcon-port N                      Port to use for RCON
 --rcon-password PASSWORD           Password for RCON
 --server-settings FILE             Path to file with server settings. See data/server-settings.example.json
 --server-whitelist FILE            Path to file with server whitelist.
 --server-banlist FILE              Path to file with server banlist.
 --console-log FILE                 Path to file where a copy of the server's log will be stored
 --server-id FILE                   Path where server ID will be stored or read from


 --start-server SAVE

Will start a Headless (Dedicated) server, with no GUI.

 --mp-connect ADDRESS

ADDRESS is the IP:port of the remote host. Port is optional. Examples:

 ./factorio --mp-connect
 ./factorio --mp-connect

As above, port can be specified by placing the port number after a colon in the address.

 --map2scenario SAVE

Converts a save game to a User Scenario, allows saved game state to be loaded into map editor. Assuming that save game name is "", executing './factorio --map2scenario s1' will result in Factorio loading, opening the save file, and saving the scenario into the scenario folder.

Modding tools

A list of the internal names of most things in the vanilla game can also be found on data.raw.

Write all researched technologies to file

/c local list = {}
for _, tech in pairs(game.player.force.technologies) do 
	if tech.researched then
    list[#list+1] =
game.write_file("techs.lua", serpent.block(list) .. "\n", true)

Write all enabled recipes to file

/c local list = {}
for _, recipe in pairs( do 
	if recipe.enabled then
    list[#list+1] =
game.write_file("recipes.lua", serpent.block(list) .. "\n", true)

See also