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'''Nepřátelé''' jsou stvoření, která škodí hráči. Bežně jsou tvořeni v líhních. Vyskytují se tři druhy: Kousači, Plivači a Červi. Druhy se vyskytují ve čtyřech (v případě červů ve třech) stádiích růstu a síly.
== Úspěchy ==
Kousači jsou jednou z hlavních záporných entit hry. Jedná se o domorodé obyvatele mimozemského světa a žijí v souladu s ostatními druhy. Kousači jsou v podstatě členovci žijící v organických hnízdech. Vyskytují se jako malí, střední, velcí či obří. Na začátku hry se vyskytují jen malí a s navyšujícím se [[pollution/cs|znečištěním]] se zvětšují podle stádia [[#Evolution/cs|evoluce]].
Kousače znečištění přitahuje a pokusí se zničit jeho zdroj. Ke zdroji se přesouvají co nejbližší cestou od hnízda k cíli, kterou terén umožní a od této cesty se příliš neoddalují. Pokud je v jejich cestě nějaká stavba postavená hráčem a obejití by způsobilo moc velkou odchylku od vytyčené cesty, pokusí se ji zničit, ať už překážka tvoří znečištění či nikoliv. Na samotné délce cesty v tomto ohledu nezáleží, pouze na odchylce od ní. Dále ale upřednostňují jako cíl hráče, [[turret/cs|věže]] a [[radar/cs|radary]], uvidí-li je, zapomenou na okamžik pronásledovat znečištění a pokusí se zaútočit na ně. Kousači působí fyzické [[damage/cs|poškození]].
{| class="wikitable"
! Ilustrace !! Název !! Popis
| [[File:SmallBiter-anim.gif]] || Malý kousač
| Nejslabší, lze ho zabít pouhou pistolí.
* Životy: 15
* Poškození: 7
* Rychlost útoku: 1.7 /s
* Typ poškození: Fyzický
* Dosah: 0.5
| [[File:MediumBiter-anim.gif]] || Střední kousač
| Silnější a pomalejší. Může působit potíže a zabít méně vybaveného hráče.
* Životy: 75
* Poškození: 15
* Rychlost útoku: 1.7 /s
* Typ poškození: Fyzický
* Dosah: 1.0
*Výbušná: 0/10%
*Fyzická: 4/10%
| [[File:BigBiter-anim.gif]] || Velký kousač
| Nebezpečný a vysoce odolný vůči ručním zbraním. Může útočit přes zdi na objekty za nimi.
* Životy: 375
* Poškození: 30
* Rychlost útoku: 1.7 /s
* Typ poškození: Fyzický
* Dosah: 1.5
*Výbušná: 0/10%
*Fyzická: 8/10%
| [[File:BehemothBiter-anim.gif]] || Obří kousač
| Velice nebezpečný a imunní vůči ručním zbraním a odolný proti lehkým výbušninám. Může útočit přes zdi na objekty za nimi.
* Životy: 3000
* Poškození: 90
* Rychlost útoku: 1.2 /s
* Typ poškození: Fyzický
* Dosah: 1.5
*Výbušná: 12/10%
*Fyzická: 12/10%
The biter class enemy will likely be the most common threat to a player's factory. While any attack can catch an undefended factory off guard, most players will be able to handle attacks from small biters with relative ease. Medium biters often pose a much greater threat due to their heavy armor. Big biters are another step in this direction and can come as another nasty shock to any player not familiar with their world's evolution level. Behemoth biters are a big threat to any factory and serve as the Player's prime incentive to avoid excess pollution. However, Biters of any size can be managed by static defense, though some of the larger waves can be overwhelming.
Biters come fairly early to attack a factory that produces large amounts of pollution, as pollution will attract an attack. Once the pollution cloud reaches a nest, the player can expect biters to be showing up shortly. The attack group will be focused on destroying the source of the pollution, but will change targets as soon as one appears of higher priority, typically by level of pollution, though they target the player or static defense first and foremost. Biters also have the ability to find their way around a [[defense]], to a degree. This can be used to partially control the movement of the biters allowing turrets to damage them for a longer time, but requires the "bait" of this trap be left open. Biters aren't always willing to fall for the bait. Some biters will choose the most direct route and will attack the walls of the trap regardless making them less predictable and more dangerous.
'''Spitters''' are much like [[Enemies#Biters|Biters]]. The only difference, besides their appearance, is that they only have a ranged attack. They spit at any opponents (e.g. players) with an acid projectile that can neither be dodged nor deal damage to anything else than the original target. Commonly the acid resistance of buildings (like a [[turret]]) and [[armor]] is much lower than its physical resistance. Because of this Spitters deal more average damage than Biters. Their behavior and sizes are very similar to the Biters, except their health and resistances.
{| class="wikitable"
! Obrázek !! Název !! Popis
| [[File:SmallSpitter.png]] || Small Spitter
| Weakest of spitters. Easy to kill with any weapon, but attacks at range.
* Životy: 10
* Poškození: 10
* Rychlost útoku: 0.46 /s
* Typ poškození: Kyselina
* Dosah: 13
| [[File:MediumSpitter.jpg|200x200px]] || Medium Spitter
| Stronger and slower than the smaller version. Can pose a problem for and even kill weaker players. Attacks at range, making it dangerous for [[turret]]s.
* Životy: 50
* Poškození: 20
* Rychlost útoku: 0.46 /s
* Typ poškození: Kyselina
* Dosah: 14
*Výbušná: 0/10%
| [[File:BigSpitter.png]] || Big Spitter
| An even bulkier spitter and so can take more damage. Attacks at range, making it dangerous for [[turret]]s and the player.
* Životy: 200
* Poškození: 30
* Rychlost útoku: 0.46 /s
* Typ poškození: Kyselina
* Dosah: 15
*Výbušná: 0/15%
| [[File:BehemothSpitter.jpg|200x200px]] || Behemoth Spitter
| The bulkiest of the spitters and so can take even more damage. Attacks at range, making it dangerous for [[turret]]s and the player.
* Životy: 1500
* Poškození: 50
* Rychlost útoku: 0.46 /s
* Typ poškození: Kyselina
* Dosah: 16
*Výbušná: 0/30%
The Worms are natural allies of Biters and Spitters and will attack the player if they get close enough. They act like static [[turret]]s and will not follow you, they will instead use their much greater range, in comparison to other enemies, to inflict damage without leaving the nest. However, their static nature does render them more vulnerable to certain attacks.
Like any other enemy, worms come in 3 sizes, their power increasing with size. Unlike Biters and Spitters, Big and Medium Worms can be created directly after start of a new game, and will not always spawn near [[Enemies#Spawners|spawners]]. Their appearance is not dependent on time, however their appearance frequency can be modified by distance from the initial player spawn point, with greater distance yielding bigger/more worms.
{| class="wikitable"
! Obrázek !! Název !! Popis
| [[File:SmallWorm.png]] || Small Worm
| A weak worm. Still not easy to kill though.
* Životy: 200
* Poškození: 25
* Rychlost útoku: 0.91 /s
* Typ poškození: Kyselina
* Dosah: 21
| [[File:MediumWorm.png]] || Medium Worm
| Medium worms are very dangerous to even more advanced players. They should be handled with care.
* Životy: 400
* Poškození: 40
* Rychlost útoku: 0.65 /s
* Typ poškození: Kyselina
* Dosah: 25
*Výbušná: 5/15%
*Fyzická: 5/0%
*Oheň: 2/50%
| [[File:BigWorm.png]] || Big Worm
| Big worms are the most powerful enemy in Factorio. They deal a high damage and are almost immune to common gunfire of any sort.
* Životy: 750
* Poškození: 50
* Rychlost útoku: 0.65 /s
* Typ poškození: Kyselina
* Dosah: 26
*Výbušná: 10/30%
*Fyzická: 10/0%
*Oheň: 3/70%
{| class="wikitable"
! Obrázek !! Název
| [[File:worm.gif]] || Worm's animation
[ Big Worms Now Show Up In Early Game]
The homes of biters and spitters. While spawners themselves are generally defenseless (Unless a worm is nearby), the enemies they release overtime effectively serve as a form of guards to distract the player and any nearby turrets. If a group of enemies of the same variety is given the opportunity, they will automatically combine into a new spawner, expanding enemy bases.
Spawners exposed to pollution will use it to evolve the enemies they spawn, which may also result in an attack.
Further away from the starting location the chances that stronger enemies spawn is higher. This is controlled by the <code>spawn_shift</code>; the higher the value of it, the higher the probability that stronger enemies spawn.
Spawners are effectively 'bullet sponges' capable of absorbing a large amount of damage. Explosives, shotguns, flamethrowers, and tanks are effective weapons against spawners.
Spawners are the only place to acquire alien artifacts, which are needed to create alien science packs, which in turn are needed to research late-game technologies. As of 0.15, alien artifacts were removed, meaning it is only beneficial to destroy spawners to clear out space or prevent incoming attacks.
{| class="wikitable"
! Obrázek !! Název
| [[File:Biternest-anim.gif]] || Biter's Nest
* Životy: 350
*Výbušná: 5/15%
*Fyzická: 2/0%
| [[File:Spitternest.gif]] || Spitter's Nest
* Životy: 350
*Výbušná: 5/15%
*Fyzická: 2/0%
Every 4-60 minutes, a group of 5-20 biters will leave their base to create a new base. This group will search for a suitable spot that's at least 3 chunks and at most 7 chunks away from existing biter bases.
Once they have found a suitable spot the group of biters dies and forms a new base. This new base will first be very small (about one spawner and a few worms) but will get some additional spawners within a small area as time passes.
[[File:Evolution Biters.png|thumb|right|400px|Spawn chances of biters from biter spawners by evolution factor. See the table below for exact values.]]
[[File:Evolution Spitters.png|thumb|right|400px|Spawn chances of spitters from spitter spawners by evolution factor. See the table below for exact values.]]
The evolution factor is a global variable that determines what kind of biters will be spawned. You can check the variable in the dev console via the following command:
It goes from 0 (not evolved at all) to 1 (maximal evolution). At the moment the evolution factor can only increase. The evolution factor is increased by three kinds of events:
=== Methods of increasing ===
* The passage of time very slightly increases the evolution factor.
* The global [[Pollution|pollution production]] increases the evolution factor.
* Destroying [[Enemies#Spawners|enemy spawners]] significantly increases the evolution factor.
All these values are set in <code>game.map_settings.enemy_evolution</code>. From there they can be changed or modded.
The default settings are:
{| class="wikitable"
!Source per
!Variable in <code>enemy_evolution</code>
!Percent increase
| [[Game-second|Second]] || <code>time_factor</code> || 0.0004%
| 1000 Pollution Units || <code>pollution_factor</code> || 0.0015%
| Destroyed enemy spawner || <code>destroy_factor</code> || 0.2%
Pollution production is the total pollution produced by [[Pollution#Polluters|buildings]] per tick, not the pollution spreading on the map, so it is not reduced by trees or other absorbers.
e.g. : 15 burner mining drills produce 150 pollution per second, raising the evolution factor by 0,00000225 per tick.
The percentages are applied on the base of <code>1 - current_evolution_factor</code>. So for instance destroying enemy spawners in the beginning of the game results in increase of evolution factor by 0.005 (half a percent) while doing this when the evolution factor is 0.5 the increase is only 0.0025 (quarter a percent).
Besides choosing what kind of biter will be spawned the evolution also influences the spawning interval. This interval (<code>spawning_cooldown</code> in the <code>enemy-spawner</code> definition) is interpolated between 360 (0 evolution) and 150 (1 evolution) ticks.
=== Spawn chances by evolution factor ===
{| class="wikitable" style="float:left; margin-right:1em; width:15em"
! !!colspan="4"| Biter's Nest
! Factor
! Small Biter
! Medium Biter
! Big Biter
! Behemoth Biter
|0%||100%|| || ||
|5%||100%|| || ||
|10%||100%|| || ||
|15%||100%|| || ||
|20%||100%|| || ||
|25%||82%||18%|| ||
|30%||67%||33%|| ||
|35%||53%||47%|| ||
|40%||40%||60%|| ||
|45%||29%||71%|| ||
|50%||18%||82%|| ||
|60%|| ||79%||21%||
|65%|| ||63%||37%||
|70%|| ||38%||62%||
|75%|| ||33%||67%||
|80%|| ||29%||71%||
|85%|| ||26%||74%||
|90%|| ||24%||76%||
|95%|| ||16%||59%||25%
|100%|| ||13%||50%||37%
{| class="wikitable" style="width:20em"
! !!colspan="5"| Spitter's Nest
! Factor
! Small Biter
! Small Spitter
! Medium Spitter
! Big Spitter
! Behemoth Spitter
|0%||100%|| || || ||
|5%||100%|| || || ||
|10%||100%|| || || ||
|15%||100%|| || || ||
|20%||100%|| || || ||
|25%||100%|| || || ||
|30%||42%||58%|| || ||
|35%|| ||100%|| || ||
|40%|| ||100%|| || ||
|45%|| ||83%||17%|| ||
|50%|| ||75%||25%|| ||
|55%|| ||54%||36%||10%||
|60%|| ||35%||47%||19%||
|65%|| ||17%||56%||27%||
|70%|| || ||65%||35%||
|75%|| || ||56%||44%||
|80%|| || ||45%||55%||
|85%|| || ||35%||65%||
|90%|| || ||24%||76%||
|95%|| || ||16%||59%||25%
|100%|| || ||13%||50%||37%
== History ==
* Increased the damage, range, and health of worms.
* Decreased health and resist of Behemoth biters.}}
* Biters and other units won't become aggressive as a result of friendly-fire.}}
* Big and behemoth enemies now spawn 50% slower.}}
* Running biters over with a vehicle will now anger them in peaceful mode.}}
* Updated sounds for enemies.}}
* Items dropped by enemies([[alien artifact|*]]) are now collected automatically and from longer distances.}}
* Dosah of spitters is now 15, less than turrets.}}
* Spitters added.
* Drawing of enemies optimised, so adding new colors does not impact VRAM.
* Blood splashes on death are now procedural.}}
* Turrets no longer search for enemies when none are near.
* Biters can no longer destroy the shipwreck in the 3rd new hope campaign.}}
* Further improvement to enemy AI.}}
* Biter AI improved.}}
* Peaceful mode added for freeplay.}}
* Enemy creepers were replaced by small, medium and big biters.
* Enemy turrets were replaced by small, medium and big shooting worms.
* Enemies move and attack in groups.
* Enemies wander around their base when they have nothing to do.
* Enemies call for help when attacked.
* Enemies can create new bases.
* Enemies can now destroy all player creations they find.}}
* Introduced, called 'creepers'}}
== See also ==
* [[Poškození]]
* [[Pollution]]

Latest revision as of 15:45, 15 January 2018
