Mods: Difference between revisions

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Gangsir (talk | contribs)
Page merged into Modding, due to consolidation efforts, and redundant info with other parts of the wiki and official api.
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'''As of 5/5/2015 this page is *extremely* outdated: A more or less complete list of mods is in the [ Mods forum].'''
== How to use mods ==
''' See [[Installing Mods]]
== List of user made mods ==
You are invited to add other mods to this list! See down how.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!colspan="6"| Big Mods
!style="width: 15%"| Mod
!style="width: 10%"| Author
!style="width: 10%"| Latest Release
!style="width: 10%"| Factorio Version
!style="width: 15%"| Dependencies
!style="width: 40%"| Brief Description
| {{subpage|Bob's Mods}} ([ Forum])
| bobingabout || Multiple || Multiple || Multiple
| A set of modular mods to add something to pretty much every aspect of gameplay, works well in combination with DyTech.
| {{subpage|DyTech}} ([ Forum])
| Dysoch || Multiple || Multiple || Multiple
| A modular set of mods that add something to pretty much every aspect of gameplay, depending on the modules you choose.
| {{subpage|F-mod}} ([ Forum])
| ficolas || 1.10.5 || 0.10.x || ??
| Adds underground mining drills, extra machines and processing, planets and trading.
| {{subpage|Test Mode}} ([ Forum])
| rk84 || Multiple || Multiple || ??
| Provides various tools and scripts for testing purposes while in a game.
| {{subpage|Treefarm}} ([ Forum])
| drs9999 || 1.2.7 || 0.11.6 || base >= 0.11.0
| Adds treefarms, coal-processing and a production-chain for organic plastic.
| {{subpage|NARMod}} ([ Forum])
| DamienReave|| 0.3.4 || 0.11.x || base >= 0.11.0
| Standalone mod that adds an enormous amount of additional content
| {{subpage|MoMods}} ([ Forum])
| ludsoe || Multiple || 0.11.x+ || ??
| A variety of mods changing various gameplay elements.
| {{subpage|Cursed Exp}} ([ Forum])
| L0771 || 0.1.1 || 0.11.6+ || base >= 0.11.5, Treefarm-Mod >= 1.2.6
| Adds experience elements and upgradeable mines/turrets. You really just need to check out the post for more info, it's quite different.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!colspan="6"| Warfare Mods
!style="width: 15%"| Mod
!style="width: 10%"| Author
!style="width: 10%"| Latest Release
!style="width: 10%"| Factorio Version
!style="width: 15%"| Dependencies
!style="width: 40%"| Brief Description
| {{subpage|Supreme Warfare}} ([ Forum])
| SpeedyBrain || 1.0.2 || 0.11.16+ ||  base >= 0.11.16, ? MAIN-DyTech-War >= 1.0.2
| The current version adds four artillery cannons to the game.
| {{subpage|Hardcorio}} ([ Forum])
| Styx3 || 0.3.5 || 0.11.6+ || base
| A large revamp of warfare elements in Factorio.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!colspan="6"| Map and Spawning Changes
!style="width: 15%"| Mod
!style="width: 10%"| Author
!style="width: 10%"| Latest Release
!style="width: 10%"| Factorio Version
!style="width: 15%"| Dependencies
!style="width: 40%"| Brief Description
| {{subpage|Resource Spawner Overhaul}} ([ Forum])
| Dark || 1.0.2 || 0.10.2+ || ??
| Edits resource and biter spawning behavior, encourages longer-distance transportation with more spread out resources.
| {{subpage|Straight World}} ([ Forum])
| Xecutor || 1.0.1 || 0.10.x+ || ??
| Makes the world straight and rectangular.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!colspan="6"| Energy/Logistics/Fluid Handling
!style="width: 15%"| Mod
!style="width: 10%"| Author
!style="width: 10%"| Latest Release
!style="width: 10%"| Factorio Version
!style="width: 15%"| Dependencies
!style="width: 40%"| Brief Description
| {{subpage|Belt Blocker}} ([ Forum])
| JamesOFarell || 1.0.0 || 0.11.x || ??
| Adds an object that blocks a single lane on a belt.
| {{subpage|Belt Switchers}} ([ Forum])
| ThaPear || 0.0.1 || 0.11.5+ || ??
| Add belt switches, which swap the lane items are traveling on.
| {{subpage|Boxing}} ([ Forum])
| Xecutor || 0.5.0 || 0.10.x || base >= 0.10.0
| Adds a way to box up/condense some basic goods, such as plates and plastic.
| {{subpage|Liquid Void}} ([ Forum])
| Rseding91 || 1.0.0 || 0.11.x || ??
| Adds a pipe that erases fluids in it.
| {{subpage|Offshore Dump}} ([ Forum])
| Kirk || 0.0.1 || 0.11.x || ??
| Adds a pump to dump liquids into water, causing pollution but removing liquids.
| {{subpage|Rail Tanker - Liquid Transportation}} ([ Forum])
| JamesOFarrell || 0.0.7 || 0.11.x || ??
| Add a new tanker, holds liquids without having to barrel them first.
|{{subpage|Slipstream Chests}} ([ Forum])
| Degraine || 1.1.0 || 0.11.17 || None
| Adds chests that can pick up and put down items on belts.
| {{subpage|Uranium Power}} ([ Forum])
| Liquius || 0.3.0 || 0.11.x || ??
| Adds nuclear fission reactors along with a fairly realistic industrial process for gathering and processing uranium.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!colspan="6"| Uncategorized
!style="width: 15%"| Mod
!style="width: 10%"| Author
!style="width: 10%"| Latest Release
!style="width: 10%"| Factorio Version
!style="width: 15%"| Dependencies
!style="width: 40%"| Brief Description
| {{subpage|Record Your Stuff!}} ([ Forum])
| AlyxDeLunar || 1.0.0 || 0.11.x || base
| Provides a numerical count of pollution.
| {{subpage|Start Out Planning}} ([ Forum])
| AlyxDeLunar || 2.0.0 || 0.11.x || base, ?hardcorio
| Starts player with a blueprint, deconstruction planner, and automated construction enabled at map creation.
| {{subpage|Replicator}} ([ Forum])
| jamuspsi || 0.2.1 || 0.11.3+ || ??
| Big change in gameplay, create resources from energy. Lots of energy.
== Modpacks ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
!colspan="5"| Large Modpacks
!style="width: 25%"| Modpack
!style="width: 25%"| Author
!style="width: 16%"| Latest Release
!style="width: 16%"| Factorio Version
!style="width: 16%"| Included mods
| {{subpage|ShadowMegaModpack}} ([ Forum])
| darkshadow1809|| 7.1.4 || 0.11.xx || list
== Dependencies? ==
Dependencies are used to tell the game what order mods should be loaded. A mod that has dependency gets loaded after the mod it depends. The mod will not be active if it has dependency to a mod that is missing, disabled (by user) or invalid (by dependency of depended mod)
If a dependency is preceded by a question mark (as in: ?Example-Mod >= 1.0.0), then it is an optional dependency. The dependency will not be required to run the mod, but if it does exist, will be loaded before the mod. This usually means the mod will modify something about its dependency if it exists.
*'''base''' is the default game data that comes with Factorio.
== How to add my/another mod into this page? ==
Two possibilities:
#  become user of the wiki (get an account) and add it. You can use the {{subpage|ExampleMod}}, to see, how you can structure the information about your own mod!
# ask in the forum, if someone would add it
== Subpages ==

Latest revision as of 22:23, 17 June 2017

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