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| created_at || String(datetime)
| created_at || String(datetime)
| The datetime the mod was uploaded to the mod portal, in the full ISO 8601 format, with a space separator instead of 'T'.
| The datetime the mod was uploaded to the mod portal, in the full ISO 8601 format, with a space separator instead of 'T'.
| license_flags || Integer
| id || Integer
| summary || String
| ratings_count || Integer
| first_media_file || Object
| game_versions || String[]
| license_name || String
| name || String
| The mod's machine-readable ID string.
| visits_count || Integer
| current_user_rating ||
| homepage || String(URL)
| tags || Object[]
| title || String
| The mod's human-readable name.
| owner || String
| updated_at || String(datetime)
| The datetime the mod was last updated, in the full ISO 8601 format, with a space separator instead of 'T'.
| license_url || String(URL)
| latest_release || Object
| github_path ||
| downloads_count || Integer


Revision as of 19:23, 25 January 2017

The Mod Portal API is used to both browse and download all mods available on the official Factorio mod portal. Using the API does not require any kind of authentication or account information.

API endpoint:

Object Types

Result Entry

Key Type Description
created_at String(datetime) The datetime the mod was uploaded to the mod portal, in the full ISO 8601 format, with a space separator instead of 'T'.
license_flags Integer
id Integer
summary String
ratings_count Integer
first_media_file Object
game_versions String[]
license_name String
name String The mod's machine-readable ID string.
visits_count Integer
homepage String(URL)
tags Object[]
title String The mod's human-readable name.
owner String
updated_at String(datetime) The datetime the mod was last updated, in the full ISO 8601 format, with a space separator instead of 'T'.
license_url String(URL)
latest_release Object
downloads_count Integer