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Ssilk (talk | contribs)
Reworked the whole belt tables
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== Basic ==
#REDIRECT [[Belt transport system]]
Transport belts are a core element in Factorio. They are used for transporting items in your factory. You put items at one place and take them down at another. In the simple setup below the transport belt is used to transport the iron ore from [[Mining drill]]s to the right where an [[Inserter]] picks it up and puts it into the [[furnace]].
In most of the cases inserters must be used to put / pick things from the transport belts. However [[Mining drill]]s place items they produce (mine) directly on the transport belt - as you can see above.
Transport networks contains the following entities:
* [[Transport belts]]
* [[Splitters]]
* [[Underground belts]]
* [[Inserters]]
* [[Storages]]
=== Transport belts ===
The [[Transport belts]] where the first elements of this class of entities, so the whole class is called so, even if the [[Underground belts]] and [[Splitters]] work quite differently. ("moving ground" might hit the meaning better, but is too long compared with "belt".)
{| class="wikitable"
! [[Transport belts]] !!  [[Underground belts]] !!  [[Splitters]] !! Speed ([[tile]]s/[[Game-second|second]]) !! Needed research
| {{imagelink|basic-transport-belt|Basic transport belt}}
| {{imagelink|basic-transport-belt-to-ground|Basic underground belt}}
| {{imagelink|basic-splitter|Basic splitter}} || ~1.8 || none
| {{imagelink|fast-transport-belt|Fast transport belt}}
| {{imagelink|fast-transport-belt-to-ground|Fast underground belt}}
| {{imagelink|fast-splitter|Fast splitter}} || ~3.6 || [[Logistics 2]]
| {{imagelink|express-transport-belt|Express transport belt}}
| {{imagelink|express-transport-belt-to-ground|Express underground belt}}
| {{imagelink|express-splitter|Express splitter}} || ~5.6 || [[Logistics 3]]
Underground belts can be used to cross different flows of items without interfering.
Its maximum reach distance is 5 tiles.
An underground belt pair with a blocked output stores up to 20 items.
=== [[Inserters]] ===
It is assured that inserters always put the items on the more distant part of the transport belt. Inserters also prefer taking items from the closer part of the belt.
{| class="wikitable"
! Item !! Max power !! Description
| {{imagelink|burner-inserter|Burner inserter}} || 180 W (burner) || Most basic inserter, needs burning fuel.
| {{imagelink|inserter|Inserter}} || 13 W || Basic electric inserter.
| {{imagelink|long-handed-inserter|Long handed inserter}} || 18 W || Basic inserter able to grab [[Items]] from 2 tiles distance.
| {{imagelink|fast-inserter|Fast inserter}} || 30 W || Inserter working at double speed.
| {{imagelink|filter-inserter|Filter inserter}} || 40 W || '''Deprecated since v0.7.x! Use smart inserter instead!'''
| {{imagelink|smart-inserter|Smart inserter}} || 40 W || Inserter able to connect to [[Circuit network]] and specify work conditions.
=== [[Storages]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Item !! Total raw !! Max stacks !! Description
| {{imagelink|wooden-chest|Wooden chest}} || {{icon|wood|4|Wood}} || 16 || Basic storage chest.
| {{imagelink|iron-chest|Iron chest}} || {{icon|iron-plate|8|Iron Plate}} || 32 || Larger basic chest.
| {{imagelink|steel-chest|Steel chest}} || {{icon|steel-bar|8|Steel bar}} || 48 || Basic chest with maximum capacity of 48 stacks.
| {{imagelink|smart-chest|Smart chest}} || {{icon|copper-plate|5|Copper plate}} {{icon|iron-plate|3|Iron plate}} {{icon|steel-bar|8|Steel bar}} || 48 || Large chest connectable to [[Circuit network]].
| {{imagelink|provider-chest|Provider chest}} || {{icon|copper-plate|15|Copper plate}} {{icon|iron-plate|8|Iron plate}} {{icon|steel-bar|8|Steel bar}} || 48 || Chest with connection to [[Logistic network]].<br />Connectable to [[Circuit network]].
| {{imagelink|storage-chest|Storage chest}} || {{icon|copper-plate|15|Copper plate}} {{icon|iron-plate|8|Iron plate}} {{icon|steel-bar|8|Steel bar}} || 48 || Chest with connection to [[Logistic network]].<br />Connectable to [[Circuit network]].
| {{imagelink|requester-chest|Requester chest}} || {{icon|copper-plate|15|Copper plate}} {{icon|iron-plate|8|Iron plate}} {{icon|steel-bar|8|Steel bar}} || 48 || Chest with connection to [[Logistic network]].<br />Connectable to [[Circuit network]].
== Advanced ==
=== Using two sides ===
Items can fit in onto the transport belt in two separate lines. This is particularly useful when feeding two different items for further processing to avoid overcrowding. Let's have a look at the example. In here we have both coal and iron ore on the same transport belt in two separate lines. The advantage of this setup is that it cannot happen to us that we will have too much of one resource and thus no space on the belt for the other. The inserter can take items from both lines and insert them into the furnace behind it.
=== Turns ===
It is guaranteed, that that turns keep the alignment of items. Inner side of the turn moves items at half the speed, meaning turns are likely to be bottlenecks. Using faster belts at the turns is recommended.
=== Crossings ===
When belts are crossing, items stay on the side of the belt it came from.
== Expert ==
For more information about transport show into [[Transport network for Experts]].
[[Category: Items]] [[Category: Transport network]] [[Category: Networks]]

Latest revision as of 23:34, 15 March 2016