User talk:AnthonyQBachler

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Power production - positive/negative feedback loops

Hey, I wanted to remind you of rule 1 concerning editing which states that you should not edit war. Concerning the topic: The feedback loop when steam engines run out of coal is positive, since it reinforces itself, instead of correcting itself. Another way to describe it would be that the gap in demand and production widens (you produce less and less) instead of narrowing (you recover). This is positive feedback by the first definition here. I don't think we should consider the second definition on a wiki since it refers to emotional connotation. You can also find an explanation directly for factorio here. I hope you now understand why I reverted your first edit, and hope that we can come to an agreement on whether the feedback loop is positive or negative. -- Bilka (talk) - Admin 11:56, 17 May 2018 (UTC)

I discuss the edits on the pages talk page, btu my intention is not an edit war, rather that the page be technically correct. That is why I linked it to the more general wikipedia article on feedback, rather than positive or negative, since the feedback referenced is a special case which can be considered both negative because the system acts to reduce output rather than increase it, and positive with less than unity gain (gain < 1.0). As stated I explained the situation in more detail on the articles talk page. AnthonyQBachler (talk) 12:06, 17 May 2018 (UTC)