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'''Fluids''' are non-solid items, such as [[water]] and [[oil]]. They can normally only exist inside entities for fluid handling (like [[pipe]]s), and buildings that have fluids as input ingredients or products (like an [[oil refinery]]).

O '''Sistema elétrico''' é usado para alimentar muitas máquinas diferentes; o jogo dificilmente pode ser jogado sem o uso de eletricidade. Cada máquina tem sua própria capacidade elétrica interna. Quando a energia é produzida, ela é distribuída igualmente em todas as máquinas da rede que precisam de eletricidade. A eletricidade é uma das duas maneiras pelas quais as máquinas podem ser alimentadas, outras sendo {{L|burner devices}} sem combustível {{L|fuel}}.
== Fluids ==
The following fluids are available in-game:
== Mecânicas da rede ==
=== Geradores ===
Existem quatro maneiras de produzir eletricidade. Mais detalhes sobre cada método estão disponíveis na página {{L|Power production}}.
# {{L|Steam engine}} - O mais comum, requer {{L|Boiler|aquecedores}} (que consomem {{L|Water}} e combustível).
# {{L|Solar panel}} - Energia livre, mas funciona apenas durante o dia. Geralmente usado com acumuladores.
# {{L|Accumulator}} - Armazenamento de energia, veja abaixo
# {{L|Steam turbine}} - Motores a vapor de alta potência. Usado para gerar energia a partir de um {{L|Nuclear reactor}}.
Se uma rede consumir menos energia do que é produzida, seus motores e turbinas a vapor diminuirão, de modo que nenhuma energia seja desperdiçada.

=== Armazenamento ===
: {{Imagelink|Water}} {{Imagelink|Crude oil}} {{Imagelink|Petroleum gas}} {{Imagelink|Light oil}} {{Imagelink|Heavy oil}} {{Imagelink|Lubricant}} {{Imagelink|Sulfuric acid}} {{Imagelink|Steam}}
[[File:electrical-network-example-2.png|thumb|256px|Conjunto de acumuladores composto por 48 acumuladores e uma subestação com capacidade de armazenamento de 240 MJ.]]

A energia pode ser armazenada em:
== Mechanics ==
* {{L|Fuel}}. Pode ser queimado para gerar energia.
* {{L|Accumulator}}. Os acumuladores carregam usando o excesso de energia gerada e descarregam quando a demanda excede a produção normal.
* {{L|Steam}}. Ele pode ser criado em {{L|Boiler}} se {{L|Heat exchanger}} se armazenado no {{L|Storage tank}}, permitindo que motores a vapor ou turbinas a vapor operem sob demanda.

==== Steam tanks as power storage ====
Liquids can be destroyed by removing buildings or pipes in which they are contained. Only one type of fluid can occupy a given pipe segment or [[storage tank|tank]] at a time; no two fluids will ever mix, as a pipe cannot be placed that would possibly mix two fluids. They cannot be carried by the player, moved using [[inserters]], dropped on the ground, nor stored in chests, unless the fluids are stored in [[barrel]]s. They cannot be spilled or even dumped in a lake, and are counted in continuous fractions, rather than discrete integers.
Um tanque de armazenamento cheio de vapor {{L|Heat exchanger}} a 500 °C armazena cerca de 2,4 GJ; um tanque de armazenamento cheio de {{L|Boiler}} 165 °C vapor armazena 750MJ.

Existem várias vantagens em armazenar energia em tanques de armazenamento em comparação com armazená-la em um acumulador:
=== Storage ===
* A densidade de energia de uma telha de tanque de armazenamento é muito maior do que com acumuladores.
** Para vapor a 165 °C (produzido com {{L|Boiler}}), um único tanque de armazenamento armazena até 150 acumuladores: <code> 750MJ / 5MJ = 150 </code>
** Para vapor a 500 °C (produzido usando {{L|Heat exchanger}}), um único tanque de armazenamento armazena até 480 acumuladores: <code> 2400MJ / 5MJ = 480 </code>
* Um {{L|Nuclear reactor}} sempre queima completamente uma célula de combustível, liberando 8GJ (ou mais com o bônus de múltiplos reatores), mesmo que a demanda de energia seja menor. O excesso de energia pode ser armazenado como vapor.
* A taxa máxima de descarga de um único {{L|Accumulator}} é 300kW. Em uma carga muito pesada (por exemplo, disparo de torre a laser), um pequeno conjunto de acumuladores pode não descarregar rápido o suficiente, causando interrupções de energia. Um motor a vapor pode produzir 900kW de energia a partir do vapor armazenado (taxa de descarga 3 vezes mais rápida) e uma turbina pode produzir 5800kW (taxa de descarga 6,4 vezes mais rápida). Em outras palavras, várias turbinas ou motores a vapor com armazenamento a vapor podem lidar com rajadas muito mais altas do que o mesmo número de acumuladores.
* O vapor pode ser transferido através de trens e depois consumido remotamente através de turbinas ou motores a vapor. Isso é essencialmente "transportar eletricidade" usando trens.

=== Distribuição ===
In the game, fluid is held in entities that behave as vessels (fluid boxes) of a defined size (volume). The vessels automatically connect to each other if their inputs/outputs are adjacent (pipes connect to all directions) and allow fluids to flow between them.
[[File:Electric-network-1.png|thumb|256px|Um exemplo simples da uma pequena rede elétrica.]]
Power poles are used to transmit energy. There are 4 types of power pole, each having differently configured properties. The properties are coverage area (area in which machines are placed to be affected by the pole) and wire reach (the distance across which a pole can connect with another pole). If two poles of different wire reach are to be connected, the smallest of either applies.

Postes de energia são usados para transmitir energia. Existem 4 tipos de postes energia, cada um com propriedades configuradas de maneira diferente. As propriedades são a área de cobertura (área na qual as máquinas são colocadas para serem afetadas pelo poste) e o alcance do fio (a distância pela qual um poste pode se conectar a outro poste). Se for necessário conectar dois postes de alcance de fio diferente, o menor dos dois se aplica.
The '''volume''' of fluid contained in a fluid box is a value between 0 and the maximum volume. For instance, the pipe can hold 100 units of fluid, therefore the value in the pipe can be a number between 0 and 100. The '''level''' of fluid in a given entity is manifested by a percentage of the entity's maximum volume that is being occupied by a fluid. It can be observed in pipes and tanks; they have windows through which the fluid is seen at a certain level, or perhaps even as just a small trickle.

# {{L|Small electric pole}} - Segunda menor área de cobertura, menor comprimento de cabo, disponível sem pesquisa.
=== Flow ===
# {{L|Medium electric pole}} - Segunda maior área de cobertura, comprimento médio do cabo.
# {{L|Big electric pole}} - Menor área de cobertura, maior comprimento de cabo.
# {{L|Substation}} - Maior área de cobertura, o segundo maior comprimento do cabo, mas o mais caro de construir.

=== Consumo ===
All connected tanks and pipes are treated as a single vessel in that ''the level of fluid must be equal in all parts'', to even out pressure exacted by a higher fluid level on smaller ones. This is why level is also often referred to as ''pressure'', even though pressure is actually caused by a difference in level between two entities. All flow of fluid that happens between pipes is to achieve this balance (pumps practically ignore it and buildings disrupt it; more on that further below). The flow rate between pipes is dependent on pressure (the difference in level between the adjacent entities), it becomes slower as pipes even their levels out.

A maioria das máquinas no Factorio consomem eletricidade. Existem dois aspectos no uso de energia de uma máquina.
Coming back to how the 'level' is defined, this also means that all connected pipes and tanks attempt to even out to the same percentage of their respective volumes. For example, if 12&nbsp;550 units of fluid are left to flow into a storage tank of 25&nbsp;000-unit capacity with one pipe of 100-unit capacity connected, there will be 12&nbsp;500 units in the storage tank and 50 units in the pipe, both being filled to the same '''percentage''' (50%) of their capacities, even though the amounts themselves are obviously unequal.

* Consumo de energia - A energia consumida pela máquina durante a execução ativa de um processo (criação de um item, movimentação de um item, etc.). Se uma rede elétrica não tiver geração de energia suficiente para fornecer todas as máquinas nela, a eletricidade será distribuída igualmente em todas as máquinas da rede (com base na demanda de cada máquina) e todas as máquinas diminuirão proporcionalmente à energia disponível.
Machines that produce fluids put them in their output slots, which are related to a specifically labeled output pipe socket somewhere on the machine (pressing Alt reveals the labels). The slot will attempt to empty itself into the entity connected to the machine's socket, unless it is full, or contains a non-matching fluid. Machines that consume fluids also have an accordingly labeled pipe input socket. If an entity containing the correct fluid is connected to it, the machine will start behaving like a pipe that can never be filled, meaning the fluid from connected pipes and tanks drains into the machine at a fixed rate, until the machine's input slot is full. There may be machines that have pipe sockets for both input and output (like a [[electric mining drill|drill]] placed over [[uranium ore]]). They then drain the fluid for themselves first, and once full, behave as a regular pipe that attempts to even out its level with adjacent entitites. If there are multiple output/input sockets for one fluid on a machine, their activity is distributed to them equally unless some of them are blocked/full.
** Por exemplo: Se uma {{L|Assembling machine 3}} (210kW) e uma {{L|Electric mining drill }} (90kW) estão em uma rede (90 + 210 = 300kW), mas a rede possui apenas 3 {{L|Solar panel}} (3×60kW = 180kW) para alimentá-los, a máquina de montagem e a broca de mineração serão executadas a 60% da velocidade (180/300 = 0,6).
* Drenagem - A energia consumida pela máquina, ativa ou não. A maioria das máquinas consome uma pequena quantidade de energia apenas sendo conectada a uma rede. Isso geralmente é insignificante, mas pode se tornar notável em pequenas fábricas onde a energia é limitada. O dreno é cumulativo com o consumo de energia - por exemplo, uma {{L|Assembling machine 2}} ativa consumirá 155 kW (consumo de energia de 150kW + dreno de 5kW).

=== Conexão ===
=== Temperature ===
{{L|File:Disconnect power pole.gif|frame|right|Uma conexão individual é removida refazendo a conexão com fío de cobre.}}
Temperature is currently only relevant in heating water as a medium for power generation. Even though all fluids in the game have a temperature value, it is generally the default 15°C.

Uma rede é criada colocando geradores elétricos (como {{L|Steam engine}} ou {{L|Solar panel}}) e consumidores elétricos, garantindo assim que uma conexão entre o gerador e o consumidor exista usando distribuidores (como {{L|Small electric pole}}). Postes elétricos cobrem áreas de tamanhos diferentes, dependendo do tipo. A área de cobertura aparece como uma sobreposição azul ao redor do poste. Se dois pólos forem colocados perto o suficiente, eles se conectam automaticamente. Um edifício é conectado se um bloco do edifício estiver em uma área coberta. Passar o cursor sobre um polo relata a satisfação atual das demandas de energia na rede desse polo, e clicar em um polo fornecerá uma interface detalhada sobre a rede elétrica desse polo. (Ver abaixo)
Energy, whether harnessed from [[fuel]] in [[boiler]]s, or from [[Nuclear power (research)|nuclear power]] through [[heat exchanger]]s, can be used to turn [[water]] to [[steam]], being a [[Energy and work|liquid form of work]]. Steam holds energy at a ratio of 0.2 kJ per °C per unit. In other words: 0.2 kJ of work is necessary to heat a unit of steam by one °C. Since steam/water is set to have a maximum temperature of 1000°C and minimum of 15°C, the most work that can be done on one unit is 197 kJ.

* Clique com a tecla Shift pressionada em um poste existente para remover todas as suas conexões com outros polos.
In practice, this is barely utilized in a great variety: Boilers only output steam of 165°C temperature, and heat exchangers only output 500°C hot steam, never hotter, never colder; if insufficient energy is supplied, the heaters do not output steam altogether. The steam also does not grow colder over time. Using the 165°C steam in a [[steam engine]] has the same effect as using it in a [[steam turbine]], although it is impractical, since turbines are made to consume 500°C (superheated) steam, generating proportionally more power. All of this makes for no need of exact calculations.
* Postes desconectados podem ser conectados com um único {{L|Copper cable}} arrastando de poste em poste (clique esquerdo na ''parte inferior'' do poste com o cabo na mão.)
* As conexões individuais podem ser removidas "conectando-as" com um cabo de cobre. Isso não consumirá o cabo.
* Você pode usar a ''tecla de lugar'' (o padrão é o mouse esquerdo) enquanto corre/dirige para colocar automaticamente os pólos na maior distância conectável, enquanto cobre todas as entidades não energizadas no caminho. Isso permite eficiência total ao conectar longas distâncias. Se conectar a longas distâncias, recomenda-se o uso de {{L|Big electric pole}}.

Um poste elétrico recém-colocado será conectado automaticamente a postes próximos, de acordo com as seguintes regras:
== Transport ==
# Ele será conectado a outros postes disponíveis, começando pelo mais próximo.
Fluids can be transported through pipelines, barrels, or railway. It is generally practical to use piping for short-distance distribution to machines (or barrelling, if there is need to use belts), and railway transportation for longer distances.
# Não será conectado a 2 postes conectados um ao outro (não formará um triângulo de 3 postes).
# Não será conectado a mais de 5 outros postes.

== Tela de informação da rede elétrica ==
=== Pipelines ===
[[File:Electric network info screen.png|thumb|400x400px|Interface de informação da Rede Elétrica]]
[[File:pipes_carrying_fluids.png|thumb|200px|Six pipelines, each carrying a different fluid.]]

A interface de informações da Rede Elétrica pode ser acessada clicando com o botão esquerdo em qualquer poste elétrico próximo.
'''[[Pipe|Pipes]]''' are the most basic way to channel fluids from A to B. They automatically connect to any adjacent pipe and can do so to all four cardinal directions simultaneously. [[Pipe to ground|Underground pipes]] only work in two opposite directions, linking to another underground pipe on one side, and to another entity on the other. If a pipe section becomes too long without using pumps, all fluid inside it will be "spread thin", resulting in very slow flow and preventing machines to use its contents effectively. '''[[Storage tank|Tanks]]''' behave the same as pipes, except their volume is much greater, which can cause this inconvenience over a much smaller distance if multiple tanks are used. Underground pipes can help alleviate this issue; although they can connect a distance of up to 10 tiles, their volume is always equivalent to two pipes.

'''Você só verá as informações da rede elétrica à qual esse poste estiver conectado!''' Diferente das informações de produção (pressione P), as informações da rede elétrica não são medidas globalmente, mas pela rede.
'''[[Pump]]s''' use electrical power to transfer fluids in one direction very quickly. They also block any back-flow, which means they can pressurize a section of piping, filling it as much as possible. This is very useful to counteract the "thin spread" outlined above, among other things. They can also be disabled using the [[circuit network]] which stops fluid flow through the pump.

# '''Satisfação''' - A quantidade atual de energia consumida pela rede. Essa barra deve estar cheia. Se não estiver cheio, significa que as máquinas conectadas à rede estão consumindo mais energia do que é produzido e a barra muda de cor para amarelo (&gt; 50%) ou vermelho (&lt;50%).
The table below shows how fast will fluid flow in a pipeline with a certain frequency of pumps. If a higher flow rate is desired, pumps should be placed more frequently. Because underground pipes only count as 2 regular pipes in terms of volume, a full-length section only counts as two pipes in this table, if a pump is placed between each underground section. Placing a filled storage tank before a pump ensures maximum possible flow rate and is therefore a suitable start of any pipeline.
# '''Produção''' - A energia atual produzida pela rede. Essa barra nunca deve estar cheia. Se estiver cheio, significa que as máquinas conectadas à rede estão consumindo toda a energia disponível. Quanto menos cheia esta barra, mais energia excedente estará disponível.
# '''Capacidade do {{L|Accumulator}}''' - Quanta energia é atualmente mantida dentro dos acumuladores conectados à sua rede. Medido em {{L|Units|joule}}s; 1 Joule = 1 Watt * 1 segundo (veja também {{L|wikipedia:Joule}}). Essa barra deve poder preencher completamente antes de esvaziar novamente.
# '''Intervalo de tempo''' - Defina o intervalo {{L|Time|tempo}} para os gráficos abaixo. "5s" significa nos últimos 5 segundos.
# '''Consumo detalhado''' - Uma lista de consumidores do maior consumo de energia para o menor. No figura, 210 {{L|Electric mining drill}} consomem a maioria da energia com 2,2 MW.
# '''Produção detalhada''' - Uma lista de produtores da maior produção de energia para a menor. No exemplo da figura, 26 {{L|Steam engine}} produzem toda a eletricidade da fábrica.
# '''Gráfico de consumo''' - mostra o consumo das diferentes partes da rede ao longo do tempo.
# '''Gráfico de produção''' - mostra a produção dos diferentes produtores da rede ao longo do tempo.

Observe que o período influencia a produção/consumo detalhados mostrados: os watts exibidos são a produção ou o consumo médio total de energia em período integral. Definir prazos mais longos também permite ver a produção ou o consumo passado das máquinas, mesmo que elas não estejam atualmente conectadas à rede.
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Number of pipes<br>between two pumps !! Maximum flow<br>(u/sec)
| 0 (pump to pump) || 12000
| 0 (tank to pump) || 12000
| 0 (pump to tank) || 12000
| 0 (pump to boiler to pump) || 12000
| 0 (pump to 2 boilers to pump) || 6000
| 1 || 6000
| 2 || 3000
| 3 || 2250
| 7 || 1500
| 12 || 1285
| 17 || 1200
| 20 || 1169
| 30 || 1112
| 50 || 1067
| 100 || 1033
| 150 || 1022
| 200 || 1004
| 261 || 800
| 300 || 707
| 400 || 546
| 500 || 445
| 600 || 375
| 800 || 286
| 1000 || 230

== Propriedades da rede ==
=== Barrels ===
'''[[Barrel]]s''' are used by [[Assembling machine]]s to effectively "bottle" fluids into an item that can be handled like any other item; carried in an inventory, placed in chests and handled by [[Inserters]]. This allows the player to transport fluids via the [[belt transport system]] and the [[logistic network]]. Assembling machines are also used to empty the barrels, depositing their contents to pipes and leaving an empty barrel for another use.

A eletricidade é fornecida com prioridade. A demanda por energia é atendida pelos geradores na seguinte ordem:
=== Railway ===

* {{L|Solar panel}} - Prioridade máxima; eles sempre trabalham com o desempenho máximo disponível, a menos que possam cobrir toda a demanda da rede; nesse caso, eles correspondem à demanda.
'''[[Railway]]''' is another method of transporting fluids, and can be conducted in two ways: Either the fluids are directly pumped into a [[fluid wagon]], or they are poured into barrels and loaded into [[cargo wagon]]s. Both methods have their distinct differences: The cargo wagon can hold different types of fluid barrels, however the fluid wagon can hold more fluid (25k versus 20k) and can be emptied and filled in mere seconds, at speeds inserters with barrels require an inadequate expenditure of resources to match; while [[Stack inserter]]s can transfer barrels quickly, machines for barreling fluids are slow.[] On the other hand, the fluids can be barreled/unbarreled while trains are en route.
* {{L|Steam engine}} and {{L|Steam turbine}} - Eles correspondem à demanda que os painéis solares não podem satisfazer; observe que os motores e as turbinas têm a mesma prioridade; a demanda restante é igualmente dividida entre os dois.
* {{L|Accumulator}} - Último recurso. Eles são descarregados apenas quando a demanda não pode ser atendida por outros meios. Eles também são carregados apenas quando toda a demanda é atendida e há ainda mais energia disponível.

Pode haver situações em que comportamentos diferentes sejam desejados (como painéis solares combinados com acumuladores para entrega noturna), caso em que o uso inteligente de um {{L|Power switch}} e a {{L|Network network}} pode ajudar.
==See also==

== Ver também ==
* [[Oil processing]]
* {{L|Tutorial:Producing power from oil|Produção de energia por petróleo}}
* [[Power production]]
* {{L|Power production}}
* [ In-depth post about fluid mechanics]
* {{L|Fluid system}}
* [ Another in-depth examination of fluid mechanics]
* {{L|Units}}
* [ How many pumps after how many pipes for how much throughput]

Revision as of 12:23, 15 June 2020

Fluids are non-solid items, such as water and oil. They can normally only exist inside entities for fluid handling (like pipes), and buildings that have fluids as input ingredients or products (like an oil refinery).


The following fluids are available in-game:

Crude oil.png
Crude oil
Petroleum gas.png
Petroleum gas
Light oil.png
Light oil
Heavy oil.png
Heavy oil
Sulfuric acid.png
Sulfuric acid


Liquids can be destroyed by removing buildings or pipes in which they are contained. Only one type of fluid can occupy a given pipe segment or tank at a time; no two fluids will ever mix, as a pipe cannot be placed that would possibly mix two fluids. They cannot be carried by the player, moved using inserters, dropped on the ground, nor stored in chests, unless the fluids are stored in barrels. They cannot be spilled or even dumped in a lake, and are counted in continuous fractions, rather than discrete integers.


In the game, fluid is held in entities that behave as vessels (fluid boxes) of a defined size (volume). The vessels automatically connect to each other if their inputs/outputs are adjacent (pipes connect to all directions) and allow fluids to flow between them.

The volume of fluid contained in a fluid box is a value between 0 and the maximum volume. For instance, the pipe can hold 100 units of fluid, therefore the value in the pipe can be a number between 0 and 100. The level of fluid in a given entity is manifested by a percentage of the entity's maximum volume that is being occupied by a fluid. It can be observed in pipes and tanks; they have windows through which the fluid is seen at a certain level, or perhaps even as just a small trickle.


All connected tanks and pipes are treated as a single vessel in that the level of fluid must be equal in all parts, to even out pressure exacted by a higher fluid level on smaller ones. This is why level is also often referred to as pressure, even though pressure is actually caused by a difference in level between two entities. All flow of fluid that happens between pipes is to achieve this balance (pumps practically ignore it and buildings disrupt it; more on that further below). The flow rate between pipes is dependent on pressure (the difference in level between the adjacent entities), it becomes slower as pipes even their levels out.

Coming back to how the 'level' is defined, this also means that all connected pipes and tanks attempt to even out to the same percentage of their respective volumes. For example, if 12 550 units of fluid are left to flow into a storage tank of 25 000-unit capacity with one pipe of 100-unit capacity connected, there will be 12 500 units in the storage tank and 50 units in the pipe, both being filled to the same percentage (50%) of their capacities, even though the amounts themselves are obviously unequal.

Machines that produce fluids put them in their output slots, which are related to a specifically labeled output pipe socket somewhere on the machine (pressing Alt reveals the labels). The slot will attempt to empty itself into the entity connected to the machine's socket, unless it is full, or contains a non-matching fluid. Machines that consume fluids also have an accordingly labeled pipe input socket. If an entity containing the correct fluid is connected to it, the machine will start behaving like a pipe that can never be filled, meaning the fluid from connected pipes and tanks drains into the machine at a fixed rate, until the machine's input slot is full. There may be machines that have pipe sockets for both input and output (like a drill placed over uranium ore). They then drain the fluid for themselves first, and once full, behave as a regular pipe that attempts to even out its level with adjacent entitites. If there are multiple output/input sockets for one fluid on a machine, their activity is distributed to them equally unless some of them are blocked/full.


Temperature is currently only relevant in heating water as a medium for power generation. Even though all fluids in the game have a temperature value, it is generally the default 15°C.

Energy, whether harnessed from fuel in boilers, or from nuclear power through heat exchangers, can be used to turn water to steam, being a liquid form of work. Steam holds energy at a ratio of 0.2 kJ per °C per unit. In other words: 0.2 kJ of work is necessary to heat a unit of steam by one °C. Since steam/water is set to have a maximum temperature of 1000°C and minimum of 15°C, the most work that can be done on one unit is 197 kJ.

In practice, this is barely utilized in a great variety: Boilers only output steam of 165°C temperature, and heat exchangers only output 500°C hot steam, never hotter, never colder; if insufficient energy is supplied, the heaters do not output steam altogether. The steam also does not grow colder over time. Using the 165°C steam in a steam engine has the same effect as using it in a steam turbine, although it is impractical, since turbines are made to consume 500°C (superheated) steam, generating proportionally more power. All of this makes for no need of exact calculations.


Fluids can be transported through pipelines, barrels, or railway. It is generally practical to use piping for short-distance distribution to machines (or barrelling, if there is need to use belts), and railway transportation for longer distances.


Six pipelines, each carrying a different fluid.

Pipes are the most basic way to channel fluids from A to B. They automatically connect to any adjacent pipe and can do so to all four cardinal directions simultaneously. Underground pipes only work in two opposite directions, linking to another underground pipe on one side, and to another entity on the other. If a pipe section becomes too long without using pumps, all fluid inside it will be "spread thin", resulting in very slow flow and preventing machines to use its contents effectively. Tanks behave the same as pipes, except their volume is much greater, which can cause this inconvenience over a much smaller distance if multiple tanks are used. Underground pipes can help alleviate this issue; although they can connect a distance of up to 10 tiles, their volume is always equivalent to two pipes.

Pumps use electrical power to transfer fluids in one direction very quickly. They also block any back-flow, which means they can pressurize a section of piping, filling it as much as possible. This is very useful to counteract the "thin spread" outlined above, among other things. They can also be disabled using the circuit network which stops fluid flow through the pump.

The table below shows how fast will fluid flow in a pipeline with a certain frequency of pumps. If a higher flow rate is desired, pumps should be placed more frequently. Because underground pipes only count as 2 regular pipes in terms of volume, a full-length section only counts as two pipes in this table, if a pump is placed between each underground section. Placing a filled storage tank before a pump ensures maximum possible flow rate and is therefore a suitable start of any pipeline.

Number of pipes
between two pumps
Maximum flow
0 (pump to pump) 12000
0 (tank to pump) 12000
0 (pump to tank) 12000
0 (pump to boiler to pump) 12000
0 (pump to 2 boilers to pump) 6000
1 6000
2 3000
3 2250
7 1500
12 1285
17 1200
20 1169
30 1112
50 1067
100 1033
150 1022
200 1004
261 800
300 707
400 546
500 445
600 375
800 286
1000 230


Barrels are used by Assembling machines to effectively "bottle" fluids into an item that can be handled like any other item; carried in an inventory, placed in chests and handled by Inserters. This allows the player to transport fluids via the belt transport system and the logistic network. Assembling machines are also used to empty the barrels, depositing their contents to pipes and leaving an empty barrel for another use.


Railway is another method of transporting fluids, and can be conducted in two ways: Either the fluids are directly pumped into a fluid wagon, or they are poured into barrels and loaded into cargo wagons. Both methods have their distinct differences: The cargo wagon can hold different types of fluid barrels, however the fluid wagon can hold more fluid (25k versus 20k) and can be emptied and filled in mere seconds, at speeds inserters with barrels require an inadequate expenditure of resources to match; while Stack inserters can transfer barrels quickly, machines for barreling fluids are slow.[1] On the other hand, the fluids can be barreled/unbarreled while trains are en route.

See also