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From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 09:23, 26 July 2017 by Bilka (talk | contribs) (updated to 0.15)
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Key bindings
Key combination Effect
W Move up
D Move right
A Move left
S Move down
E Open character screen
T Open technology screen
E Close window
Right mouse button Mine
Left mouse button Build
SHIFT + Left mouse button Build ghost
SHIFT + Left mouse button Remove pole cables
SHIFT + Right mouse button Copy entity settings
SHIFT + Left mouse button Paste entity settings
Left mouse button Select for blueprint
SHIFT + Left mouse button Select for cancel deconstruction
Left mouse button Open object's GUI
ALT Show info
Tab Next weapon
Q Clear cursor
Q Pipette tool
Z Drop item
R Rotate
SHIFT + R Reverse rotate
F Pick up items on the ground
SPACE Shoot enemy
C Shoot selected
ENTER Enter/Leave vehicle
SHIFT + Mouse wheel up Blueprint book next
SHIFT + Mouse wheel down Blueprint book previous
Mouse wheel up Zoom in
Mouse wheel down Zoom out
Mouse wheel up Alternative zoom in
Mouse wheel down Alternative zoom out
ESC Toggle menu
P Production statistics
K Kill statistics
L Logistic networks
M Toggle world map
B Blueprint library
TAB Confirm message
G Connect train
V Disconnect train
SHIFT + SPACE Pause game
Numpad + Larger terrain building area
Numpad - Smaller terrain building area
CTRL + f Focus item search
BACKSPACE Select previuos technology
GRAVE Toggle Lua console
Left mouse button Drag map


Key bindings
Key combination Effect
Left mouse button Pick up item
SHIFT + Left mouse button Stack transfer
CTRL + Left mouse button Inventory transfer
CTRL + Left mouse button Fast entity transfer
Middle mouse button Toggle filter
1 Quickbar 1
2 Quickbar 2
3 Quickbar 3
4 Quickbar 4
5 Quickbar 5
SHIFT + 1 Quickbar 6
SHIFT + 2 Quickbar 7
SHIFT + 3 Quickbar 8
SHIFT + 4 Quickbar 9
SHIFT + 5 Quickbar 10
Right mouse button Cursor split
SHIFT + Right mouse button Stack split
CTRL + Right mouse button Inventory split
CTRL + Right mouse button Fast entity split
X Change active quickbar
Right mouse button Open item's GUI


Key bindings
Key combination Effect
Left mouse button Craft 1
Right mouse button Craft 5
SHIFT + Left mouse button Craft all
Left mouse button Cancel crafting 1
Right mouse button Cancel crafting 5
SHIFT + Left mouse button Cancel crafting all


Key bindings
Key combination Effect
Left mouse button Primary action
Right mouse button Secondary action
X Remove entity
T Edit entity details
F8 Show all difficulties
F9 Show easy difficulty
F10 Show normal difficulty
F11 Show hard difficulty


Key bindings
Key combination Effect
F3 Toggle atlas GUI
F4 Toggle debug settings GUI
F5 Toggle basic debug
F6 Toggle detailed debug
F7 Toggle full debug
F9 Reset zoom level
File:Keyboard bindings.png
Click on the image for a higher resolution.

Resetting your keybindings

To reset your keybindings, enter the control menu and find the reset keybinds button.

See also